Sunday, April 20, 2014

Quick Makeover for Tijah and Esah study area.

Tijah (Tia Khadeja) and Esah (Mia Ayesha) need new study tables!

First i thought of revamping the whole family area but then it will cost a lot of money like installing built in cabinet,taking out old furnitures etc. This week i thought lets do it with budget less than RM100.00 and use the existing furnitures:) I like challenges when it comes to make over :);) (psttt duit pun tak berapa nak banyak hujung2 bulan ni:):)

So kita pun alih2 barang2 and bought new study tables priced at RM59.90 each- total RM120.00- okay lah:) The biggest challenge is to move the bulky TV cabinet that took 1/4 of the space- then comes the arm chair yang boleh tahan besarnya- bila nak create new space ni inilah masalah besar nak dispose the old furnitures. I moved the bulky arm chair to uwan's room and bagai nak rak kena bawak turun the bulky TV cabinet- my husband potong sini boleh jadi tempat letak golfset belakang pintu bawah;) So ada lah tempat nak letak new study tables for Tijah and Esah! and it's quite spacious too:):)

After we took out the bulky TV cabinet, we have space for the study tables.

Belajar rajin2 now okay:) 

Apart from the study tables lain semua barang yang ada di rumah termasuklah the antique TV set:):)

Happy girl:) walaupun bukan barang baru semua tapi setengah tu dah lama simpan dalam box atau store jadi bila bawak keluar balik suka lah macam baru:)

Later we can put the pull-out bed set there for both of you but don't ask me for a pink set okay.

  Semua the book now simpan kat sini,meja pink ni pun kena ada kat sini sebab pagi2 uwan minum kat atas- colouring or other art activities boleh buat sini.

I bought this fabric notice board from Ikea for RM49.90- dah lama and simpan dalam store- now boleh guna- they boleh tukar2 apa picture yang dia orang suka.

For the time being this is their favourite picture.

Quick Make over with RM120.00 budget for this week:) 

Minggu ni bawak hayun2 kayu golf.

Boleh tahan dua orang ni the papa ambik 600 balls- habis di pukul dua orang ni- melopong ajer papa tak rasa pukul:)

Yeayyy we ve done a good job today!

Food story pulak_

Sana sini makan- balik rumah yang terbaik tetap ni:)

This morning i cooked simple nasik lemak- homemade is still the best- at least that's what my family said;);) my nasik lemak i letak a lot of serai,daun pandan,halia dan bawang putih merah.

Today mengemas sana sini- lunch beli dari Hassan Nasi Ayam Kampung only- sedapnya banyak ulam hari ni-so tapau daun kemagi- i gila daun kemagi betul now, bunga kunyit,pucuk gajus etc:);)

Petang my brother brought all the delicious food from Kuala Pilah. Yeayyyy! Rojak berahim, udang galah segar dari pasar Pilah..i miss Kolo Pilah:(;(

Rojak Berahim bubuh udang galah sodappp

And these are belimbing buluh dari halaman uwan- lagi lah rinduuuuu kampung kuuu..nanti nak try buat sambal belimbing hitam:)

Berita terkini!! - Stevie dah jadi papa! Mati ko Stevie- 5 anak dah- satu mati- tinggal lah 4.

Mati lah akuuuuuu…:);)

Till then..night night.



sinuha said...

Comel je kecil2 dah ada study area. ^_^

Anonymous said...

love this entry! especially the awesome nasi lemak (used to be my favourite) and the ulam-ulaman, I used to enjoy eating them especially at my grandma's! take care ok Zu, your twins are growing up fast kan...same here with my children, time does fly ever so swiftly!

nerry nerry strawbery said...

cosy la study place tiamia .... mai sini tolong buat :)))

dhr said...

Salam Kak Zu... Pandai betul akak menghias rumah. Kami pun nak balik Malaysia dah tak lame lagi. Excited nak deco2 ni... Restoren Ayam kampung Hassan tu memang tempat fav kami dari dulu. I miss kolo pilah too! But it's ok, I'm coming home soon. :)

Mak lagenda said...

Hi kak zu..:). Mesti seronok ati bila tgk ruang yg dah dimake over tu digunakan sepenuhnya oleh si tijah dan si esah kan..

err kak zu..itu daun kemangi kan, adakah sama ngan daun selasih? berbau wangi rite?

Kat tanah depan rumah sy yg sekangkang kucing tu ada saya tanam pokok selasih. Senang gila jaga..

Anonymous said...

sis, boleh share mana beli study table tu? tengah cari utk my doter jugak sebab size tu mcm just nice utk letak dlm bedroom dia yg kecik tu..thanks ye =)

anyway, nice deco sis

IeRA said...

salam perkenalan...

mesti anak2 suka ...

Tiha Azmi said...

Their study area looked way cozy than mine .. T.T

Unknown said...

Mee Braim...ermmm sedap nyer...rindu kt kolo pilah...nice deco..♡♡♡

mamaliza said...

sekampong rupo eh kito ;)

ShaqzsPixca (^___^)v said...

singgah sini (^___^)v...

~Inni Osman~ said...

sukanya tgk u buat makeover within certain budget....:)