Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday Pie&Saturday Nite Lentil Dip.
Sejuk2 macam masa sekarang ni makan pie panas2 sedapkan,dapat selimut kaki kat atas sofa,buat hot drink,makan pie masa berasap..sampai bila bukak mulut pun berasap..haaa..haa..kat atas tu mushroom chicken pie mama bakar pagi tadi la..sedap dalam dia tak kering..traditional old style pie..sejuk2 sedap layan apa lagi..
sedap layan cerita hantu jugak..ha..haa..mama nak cerita hantu kat sini..kisah twilight zone ni susah nak masuk akal kan..mama pun susah nak percaya,tapi benda2 ni kadang berlaku..mahkluk tuhan bukan manusia saja..suatu masa tu masa mama kecik,uwan bawak mama pergi kenduri hari malam kat kampung,jauh sikit dari rumah tapi jalan kaki jer,nak balik dari kenduri rumah uwan tu kena lalu satu kawasn gelap sikit banyak2 pokok,kalau hari siang tempat tu okay jer..kadang2 orang buat tempat sembelih lembu,letak kereta etc..malam tu kata masa balik kenduri dalam gelap tu nak sampai tempat tu uwan nampak terang benderang macam ada pesta,nampak banyak lampu warna warni.penuh kain2 tergantung macam sutera,hijau,kuning,biru..dan suara orang ketawa,riang dengan kanak2 sungguh meriah..seketika uwan terlupa tempat tu sepatutnya tak de apa sebab tempat lapang..uwan ingat ada orang buat set up pesta kat situ..tiba2 uwan teringat kenapa pulak ada pesta kat situ..the moment uwan teringat tempat tu terus jadi gelap gelita dan sunyi sepi..so spookyyyy..uwan pegang tangan mama erat2 dia cakap,langkah laju2 dan terus menuju rumah..susah nak imagine kan..eee mama tak nak rasa that experience..thank you..
Apa lagi yang ditunggu nak hujung minggu ni..mama hari tu beli 2 bijik bar chairs untuk our new house..susah betul nak cari yang berkenan,nak something yang country,tak lapuk dik hujan tak,tak hilang dik zaman macam kat atas ni tak adalah pulak..keluar sana,sini dari harvey norman,fella...akhirnya mama dah pilih 2 kat kedai yang sama beli dining set dulu..cantik di mata mama,ahad ni baru sampai together dengan extra chairs for dining and 2 new arm chairs ganti dua bijik beli yang tak muat tu..hmm harap2 oklah..susah betul lah nak beli set pun..dah beli nampak yang lain really cantik rasa nak hantuk2 kapla pulak..
bar chair kat atas ni cantik kan..mama suka..senang nak match boleh jadi classic,french,english,traditional..tapi tak ada la macam ni kat sini..mama suka deco yang "free and easy"..simple but elegant..hmm macam2 betul idea ni..masalahnya simple but elegant semua mahal jerr..
Mama sekarang is very much into this antique pine finish look..mama rasa cukup versatile boleh match with white furniture,country or french look..unfortunately this type tak ada here,kena import..macam mana nak semua yang tak ado..
cantik kan leleh..leleh air liur letak apa pun nampak nice..books ke,ceramic ke,plant ke..so evergreen
To complete the look in any house add this distinctive Country Pine Finish sidebar table...it will enhance the feeling of warmth and comfort of any kitchen or dining room..cewahhhh
Papa pulak suka this type of set..dia cakap nice and trendy,nyaris nak beli..kalau dia dah suka tu..mahal pun tak per..tapi kalau dia kurang berkenan mulalah cakap..mahal ler,mama jangan ikut perasan lerr..hishhh..mama bukan tak nak ikut cakap dia tapi rasa set tinggi macam ni sesuai untuk dry kitchen buat concept macam island jer..kalau main dining table..nak makan macam2..nak walk around the table,nak lepak lama2 mesti nak duduk kerusi yang kaki cecah lantai..tergantung tak best la..tak boleh relaxxx..
Okay lah panjang lebar cerita mama..selamat berhujung minggu semua..mari kita masak2 hujung minggu ni..buat pie,pizza for tea..kalau dah pandai buat scones,makan dengan cream and homemade strawberry jamm lagi lah best kan...
Tapi jangan makan macam budak 2 orang ni haaa...tak tau katup mulut lah anak mama..lapar ke..malam ni mama nak masak Roti Nan,lentil curry with tandoori chicken..tadi puas mama round dalam supermarket carik tandoori paste nak lumur ayam..hmm sedapnya nan kalau panas2,letak butter cube kat atas melt jerr..dah tu dip into lentil/dhall curry..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chai Tea Latte & Pesto,Sundried Tomatoes with pasta and Grilled Seafood.
Pagi ni mama jalan kaki from office pergi Maybank nextdoor,5 mins from office jer,nak buat foreign transfer untuk heni..dia nak hantar kat anak dia kat kolej.Sampai maybank dah submit girl tu cakap Forex tak start lagi transaction so kena tunggu 15 mins nasib baik dalam bank ada "Gloria Jeans cafe" so duduk order Chai Tea latte,mama memang tak berapa suka coffee..chai tea latte ni..macam milk tea biasa tapi dia taruk spices and cardamon seed tu...kalau kita pergi makan fine indian cuisine especially the nothern one..ada lah tea ni dalam menu.Start suka tea ni bila travel2 dulu..especially in Europe..bila sejuk nyaman jer minum tea ni.Duduk minum tea fikiran pun menerawang macam2 fikir..sampai teringatt cerita Tamar Jalis..haa..haaa..
Tengahari mama macam lapar sangat tak sabar nak pi lunch..tadi berangan macam nak makan nothern indian bila dah minum chai tea lattee tu..tapi kat this area susah sikit nak makan fine indian cuisine kalau mamaks banyak ler.So lunch keluar dengan auntie Su,dia cakap nak makan rojak buah mama kata okay lah..we nak pergi Penang delights,tiba2 menyimpang kat "Pick N Brew" terus datang semangat italian balik..so order Ceaser salad and Pesto and sundried tomatoes & pasta with grilled seafood. Not bad..the salad is nice and pasta is yummy too..makan grilled salmon kat atas pasta teringat twins mama,hari tu both makan salmon macam tak puas..pagi tadi mama dah buat carrot and potato soup suruh heni tambah goreng kan Dhori Fish Fillet untuk lunch dia orang..but still teringat bila makan ni..tak pe nanti mama singgah supermarket beli salmon okay.
mama pun pergi beli Salmon for tia mia..beli kat jusco japanese section,mahal sikit tapi good quality,ikan kat japanese section semua fresh dan cantik..nanti nak grill dalam oven jerr..malam ni boleh makan puas2.
Salmon bone and head memang sedap kalau kita grill...isi jer jadi muak kalau banyak..so bone and head ni after dah cuci,sapu garam, letak dalam oven,grill sampai crispy sikit..wah sedap betul..tia mia suka sangat.Harga dia murah sikit,kalau isi Salmon satu slice tu harga RM15 to RM18,the bone and the head ni satu packet is RM10 to RM 15
Mama bought this for you? beautiful crayon ke..
Nampak macam crayon betul kan..japanese is so creative and good at this..dalam dia milky chocolate..tia mia sukalah makan 'crayon' ni..satu lagi yang mama suka beli chocolate gambar girl..hari ni dah habis..siapa yang berminat boleh beli kat japanese section kat jusco..choco dia orang sedap but a bit pricey.
Auntie linda sent this latest photo of her triplets: mila,mika and kyra,cute kan,half irish and chinese parentage..mama pregnant dulu, bila cakap kat dia " i am pregnant with twins",she said "my gosh zu,i don't know how you going to cope"..ha,ha,ha 3 months after that she came with white face and told mama " i am pregant with triplets!"...so kelakar,she already got one son,so it is triplets plus one.
Ini lah bebudak "macam mana nak cope tu"..alhamdulillah semua okay now dah 2 years,4 montsh, ni picture amongst mama's favourite,masa umur 6 or 7 months..girls in jeans..so cute
Suka jugak gambar ni..kat depan restaurant Bubba Gump..masa ni tak banyak hal lagi kena pegang tak boleh lari:)andddddd rambut tak curly murly lagi lahhhh...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Do Not Postpone...
Last week was listening to Wanita hari Ini-talking about 'the dilemma of errmmmm husband'.They talked about husband yang tak suka cakap banyak 'ermmm ' most of the time,they asked the professional..why? The pro said the main reason is because men normally talk much to those "yang bukan jadi hak dia lagi"..kalau dah jadi "hak" no need to talk much because dia kena focus banyak benda2 lebih penting like tanggungjawab menyara keluarga etc. Well i am not a pro and i have a long way to go in my life but one thing for sure that shouldn't be the way.Some women admitted that this "ermmm syndrome" can lead to many negative things..if you can't talk to your spouse anymore,it will be difficult..it can lead to problem,separation etc.Marriage is never easy...it can be a bliss to fortunate people and it can be torture as well.Both parties i,e the husband and wife must make it work..it is about "what do you want with your marriage..you want to make it work? if yes..work for it..if you can be a best friend to the people outside,you can be more than best friend to your husband or wife, if you can compromise with your boss,your staff,for sure you can compromise with the person you chose to be your husband or wife..so apart from doa or "apa yang dah tertulis" you yourself must make it work..your choice.
Myself i have many weaknesses,many perangai.. i am not perfect,degil,hilang sabar cepat,emotional but i learnt to mend,learnt to adjust,learnt to listen and willing to be wiser. My otherhalf..for sure not perfect too..but he is my choice,..so i learnt to accept,to forgive and forget..too apperciate his patient,be thankful for his humbleness.Kalau dah hilang sabar tu fikir lah sikit..banyak kesabaran my otherhalf yang terpaksa tolerate his banyak kerenah wife : 1. i tak suka roti kalau dah penyet willing to campak masuk bakul sampah, i hate kalau nasik bungkus tersenget,ikan tenggelam dalam nasik..rela tak makan, i tak suka orang potong sayur tak sama,potong kueh senget2, letak bantal tak betul,tersepak carpet tak betulkan,bukak aircond tak tutup tingkap,tak susun kasut,menguap tak tutup mulut...dan beratus lagi:)Because of all the kelemahan yang we ada,we try to enjoy the things that we have.
I think one of the key to happiness is not to postpone to enjoy things : happiness is today and is what infront of your eyes : if you live in a flat do not postphone to decorate it until you live in a landed property, if you rounder do not wait to dress up until you are slim,if you want to go somewhere do not wait for perfect time,perfect money,perfect company, just do it, if you want to cook do not wait until weekend, if you want to invite people for makan2 don't wait until you have bungalow,talk to you spouse everyday,everytime,not during the weekend,hug your children everytime,do special cooking everyday and not during their birthday only,decorate your house as if its raya, cook as if its your anniversary and dress up as if you going out for a first date - because, if you wait,tomorrow might not come,the money might not enough,the time might not be there and the health might not permit.
Last week also tried to trace some old pictures for printing, somehow couldn't find it,it might be in the old and rosak computer..some good memories might be gone to be seen but still in my heart..with that I post some old pictures here (yang dah pernah post at the rosak fotopages)..i will print good pictures..will no more postponement .May all of us be bless with happiness.
Heidelberg,Germany,February 2008.
Lovely Heidelberg,Germany..bila nak datang lagi?
Travelling with spouse can be fun,romantic or the other way round..long flights,rushing for trains,food..it can be lovely or ugly..the choice is yours..alhamdulillah for us since the other half is very penyabar,realistic many argument was avoided...so we managed to bring back good memories.
It is so lovely when you are in Switzerland and it was a Valentines Day..you didn't appreciate the history and story behind Valentines day but you do appreciate it very much when you husband made an effort to bring you to a local jewellery shop in Zurich to buy something for you.Even a tiny stone pun so bermakna...
Luzern or Lucerne in Switzerland is one of the most beautiful place,the town is surrounded by lake,swans,boat..at nite lights from the restaurants and cafes along the lake,the pond was breathtakingly gorgeous...
You are fortunate bila tengah2 hutan nak naik ke "the peak of Zurich" tu you suruh your loved one ambik gambar kat celah pokok,dalam mengigil sejuk,dengan air kat hujung rumput dah start jadi ice..he stilled happy to take foto for you..
It is meaningful when you can sip a mug of hot coffee at the peak of Zurich with him.. a place once you thought would only be a dream..
It is more meaningful when you can be there with someone you love,someone that share interest with you (walaupun kena paksa..ha..haaa,someone yang carry your 30 kilos luggage crossing Frankfurt to Zurich,someone yang sudi genggam your hand browsing all the trendy shops at Luzern dalam kesejukan 5 degree.
She likes to pose and he like to click,click the camera..walaupun "yer..dari angle ni lah..macam tu nampak i gemuk..muka tak elok..apa lah "..he still obliged:)
We stayed at this old hotel in Luzern,Switzerland..the decos are marvelleous..the dining setting is like in the old palace.After a few years together we shared the same interest (he..he..mostly, he shared my interest la..).. we love old&romantic hotel,decos..we are not into the the modern things..we are not so old people but love anything classic&nostalgic:)
When you have many passion you will have many interest..i have passion for pasta,pesto..i love reading everything about them..a shop like the above is good enough to make my day..i can spend hours inside looking at the items..bought few bottles but lupa to check in with the luggage, it was hand carried and of course be turned down by the officer at frankfurt airport even dah buat muka kesian.... not so bad because he turned down with muka kesian too..
The lady in funny tutup kepala loved the hotel behind her..the time was short there..she wished theyc could book into the hotel behind to see the decosthe room..
He heard and he promised..if we ever come here again,he will take the above lady in funny tutup kepala to stay at this antique&romantic hotel...hmmmm..doesn't mine the postponement..the promise is good enough:)
The happiness.Of course you do not want to postpone anything like this:)-Tia and Mia 3 months old.
Myself i have many weaknesses,many perangai.. i am not perfect,degil,hilang sabar cepat,emotional but i learnt to mend,learnt to adjust,learnt to listen and willing to be wiser. My otherhalf..for sure not perfect too..but he is my choice,..so i learnt to accept,to forgive and forget..too apperciate his patient,be thankful for his humbleness.Kalau dah hilang sabar tu fikir lah sikit..banyak kesabaran my otherhalf yang terpaksa tolerate his banyak kerenah wife : 1. i tak suka roti kalau dah penyet willing to campak masuk bakul sampah, i hate kalau nasik bungkus tersenget,ikan tenggelam dalam nasik..rela tak makan, i tak suka orang potong sayur tak sama,potong kueh senget2, letak bantal tak betul,tersepak carpet tak betulkan,bukak aircond tak tutup tingkap,tak susun kasut,menguap tak tutup mulut...dan beratus lagi:)Because of all the kelemahan yang we ada,we try to enjoy the things that we have.
I think one of the key to happiness is not to postpone to enjoy things : happiness is today and is what infront of your eyes : if you live in a flat do not postphone to decorate it until you live in a landed property, if you rounder do not wait to dress up until you are slim,if you want to go somewhere do not wait for perfect time,perfect money,perfect company, just do it, if you want to cook do not wait until weekend, if you want to invite people for makan2 don't wait until you have bungalow,talk to you spouse everyday,everytime,not during the weekend,hug your children everytime,do special cooking everyday and not during their birthday only,decorate your house as if its raya, cook as if its your anniversary and dress up as if you going out for a first date - because, if you wait,tomorrow might not come,the money might not enough,the time might not be there and the health might not permit.
Last week also tried to trace some old pictures for printing, somehow couldn't find it,it might be in the old and rosak computer..some good memories might be gone to be seen but still in my heart..with that I post some old pictures here (yang dah pernah post at the rosak fotopages)..i will print good pictures..will no more postponement .May all of us be bless with happiness.
Heidelberg,Germany,February 2008.
Lovely Heidelberg,Germany..bila nak datang lagi?
Travelling with spouse can be fun,romantic or the other way round..long flights,rushing for trains,food..it can be lovely or ugly..the choice is yours..alhamdulillah for us since the other half is very penyabar,realistic many argument was avoided...so we managed to bring back good memories.
It is so lovely when you are in Switzerland and it was a Valentines Day..you didn't appreciate the history and story behind Valentines day but you do appreciate it very much when you husband made an effort to bring you to a local jewellery shop in Zurich to buy something for you.Even a tiny stone pun so bermakna...
Luzern or Lucerne in Switzerland is one of the most beautiful place,the town is surrounded by lake,swans,boat..at nite lights from the restaurants and cafes along the lake,the pond was breathtakingly gorgeous...
You are fortunate bila tengah2 hutan nak naik ke "the peak of Zurich" tu you suruh your loved one ambik gambar kat celah pokok,dalam mengigil sejuk,dengan air kat hujung rumput dah start jadi ice..he stilled happy to take foto for you..
It is meaningful when you can sip a mug of hot coffee at the peak of Zurich with him.. a place once you thought would only be a dream..
It is more meaningful when you can be there with someone you love,someone that share interest with you (walaupun kena paksa..ha..haaa,someone yang carry your 30 kilos luggage crossing Frankfurt to Zurich,someone yang sudi genggam your hand browsing all the trendy shops at Luzern dalam kesejukan 5 degree.
She likes to pose and he like to click,click the camera..walaupun "yer..dari angle ni lah..macam tu nampak i gemuk..muka tak elok..apa lah "..he still obliged:)
We stayed at this old hotel in Luzern,Switzerland..the decos are marvelleous..the dining setting is like in the old palace.After a few years together we shared the same interest (he..he..mostly, he shared my interest la..).. we love old&romantic hotel,decos..we are not into the the modern things..we are not so old people but love anything classic&nostalgic:)
When you have many passion you will have many interest..i have passion for pasta,pesto..i love reading everything about them..a shop like the above is good enough to make my day..i can spend hours inside looking at the items..bought few bottles but lupa to check in with the luggage, it was hand carried and of course be turned down by the officer at frankfurt airport even dah buat muka kesian.... not so bad because he turned down with muka kesian too..
The lady in funny tutup kepala loved the hotel behind her..the time was short there..she wished theyc could book into the hotel behind to see the decosthe room..
He heard and he promised..if we ever come here again,he will take the above lady in funny tutup kepala to stay at this antique&romantic hotel...hmmmm..doesn't mine the postponement..the promise is good enough:)
The happiness.Of course you do not want to postpone anything like this:)-Tia and Mia 3 months old.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Seronok weekend ni..hari sabtu mama papa bawak the girls and uwan pergi rumah baru..papa ada urusan somewhere near..so we duduk kat rumah tu tunggu..stayed there until 1.00 before balik rumah and get ready for Shichida Class.Mama tengok bowling complex pun dah nak siap next to our club nanti adalah activity boleh buat.seronok jugak kalau dapat main bowling yang hanya a walking distance dari rumah.Banyak banglo baru dah nak siap..macam2 design..masing2 berduit buat macam2 tapi semua nak maximise the house sampai sacrifice their garden..rumah really besar sampai kat pagar..kalau mama mesti nak garden besar kan...Hari Ahad papa kerja mama ingat nak keluar sorang2 nak jamu mata tengok2 furniture,massage,facial etc..tapi tak sampai hati nak tinggal the girls..always like that..hmm macam mana setengah kawan mama boleh pergi cuti2 without thier kids..mama kesian lah.Tia pulak dah mentioned few times.."nak pergi ashik"..so mama pack our things and of we go to Ashik's house in Cheras,seronoknya dua2 orang..main ngan kak ikin,makan2,pergi park,jumpa kak intan..terinagt nak pergi rumah maklang,tapi pack lah semalam..nanti kena pergi satu hari khas untuk rumah maklang..aNd CONGRATS to Kak Ayan dia dah convo hari sabtu.It was a lovely weekend and mama tak regret sacrifice masa mama outing mama nak facial,cuci mata..biarlah the girls,uwan so seronok..that's more than enough.Mama ada banyak gambar ni..lets see our photos during the weekend.
Bila agaknya nak pindah rumah Tia Mia ni..kalau tanya.."whose house is this?".."Tia/Mia house.."dia orang jawab..
Ini second living room kita..kosong jer tak der apa selain lampu..mama dah suruh papa letak the arm chairs dari dining set kita sebab arm chaisr tu lengan dia tak leh masuk bawah meja so makan space yang besar..nanti ganti dengan yang lain..
Since dua Arm Chairs untuk dining mama dah suruh papa angkat turun..so kerusi dining tak cukup lagi..nanti tambah lagi..masih kosong jer..tak duduk lagi mama malas nak letak hiasan2 nanti berabuk..
Kalau duduk kat luar boleh jugak nampak Tv..kita dah fixed tempat Tv adjustable kat dinding..
Dah banyak pokok hijau kat rumah jiran..dulu kosong jer..kita pun tumpang segar jugak..
Berendam tak ingat tu..main air seronok..mama ada plan nak buat deck kat situ..nanti kalau ada rezki nak buat embedded bath tub..letak garden chair..tia mia mandi mama papa boleh supervise duduk2 sambil minum..yey berangan..banyak betul..sekarang dah ada pokok redup kat situ..nyaman jer duduk..
ini kat dry kitchen..dah berendam lama lapar lah pulak dia orang..nasib baik dalam fridge ada drummet ayamas,mama pun goreng..buat ribena ice..wahh laju lah 3 beranak makan..uwan ambik angin kat luar..tu ala2 picnic dalam rumah..tak payah mama kemas meja..kih..kihh..trick tu..
Sedapnyer dua beranak makan..duduk bawah pun tak pe la..ha,ha..kejam mama kan..
Duduk kat outdoor dining main masak2 dengan uwan..
Aduhh berangan nyer Tia duduk rumah pakcik..seronok ke..happy dapat jumpa ashik..
kak ikin dan kak intan masa kecik..tomel kan..kak ikin kuat berdukung masa kecik..dah la nomok..penat orang nak mengheret dia..kuat ketawa dan mulut lebar..hee..hee..
Gambar yang sungguh bermakna buat pakcik dan makcik..kawin dulu2..both handsome and gorgeous..he..hee..mama kecik lagi masa pergi wedding ni..ingat lagi dulu2..
Ready nak makan..nyumm.nyumm ikan bakar,fresh ulam,sup tulang,siput sedut..wahh semua sedaplah..
Ulam dan sambal belacan mangga yang sungguh kaw kat rumah pakcik..
Lepak2 time after lunch..
Macam2 having fun kat rumah pakcik..main torchlight lah..
Siap sedia nak pergi Park..Pakcik bagi pakai hat takut nanti hujan..
Seronok baru sampai..
Amboi cik Mia bergaya betul la..grrr Tiger hat pakcik tu..
Amboi kak ikin,badin..terror betul tu..
Macam ni Tia..mari kak ikin ajar..
Posing time..'click..click..
ewahhhh..main badminton dulu ye..nanti switch to squash or tennis pulak..baru banyak duit..haa..haa
Seronok dengan kak ikin..
"Wind,wind ..banyaknya wind..."
The two girls..
Tia bergaya lah tu..tapi serious ni..
Busy betul cik kak dua orang ni..nak bergambar macam model..nak main badminton
Mama Tia nak gaya jap okay..macam ni haaa..
Jalan2 nampak bride and groom jalan2 shooting kat park..
The couple so happy to pose for us..congrats!
Ice cream time..bagi treat sikit after dah penat main badminton..
Mia..so leka menjilat ice cream..habis jatuh semua kat skirt...
Seronoknya makan ice cream..after this hujan and Tia bising kat kak ikin "cepat-cepat nanti demam"
Bye Bye Park.. You look a bit like Hyde Park from this angle..so we dah berangan go London..He..heee and thank you kak ikin and badin bawak we all pergi park.Both seronok dapat badminton racket dari badin and kak ikin pagi2 lagi dah sibuk main..it was a very good and happy day for both yesterday.
Bila agaknya nak pindah rumah Tia Mia ni..kalau tanya.."whose house is this?".."Tia/Mia house.."dia orang jawab..
Ini second living room kita..kosong jer tak der apa selain lampu..mama dah suruh papa letak the arm chairs dari dining set kita sebab arm chaisr tu lengan dia tak leh masuk bawah meja so makan space yang besar..nanti ganti dengan yang lain..
Since dua Arm Chairs untuk dining mama dah suruh papa angkat turun..so kerusi dining tak cukup lagi..nanti tambah lagi..masih kosong jer..tak duduk lagi mama malas nak letak hiasan2 nanti berabuk..
Kalau duduk kat luar boleh jugak nampak Tv..kita dah fixed tempat Tv adjustable kat dinding..
Dah banyak pokok hijau kat rumah jiran..dulu kosong jer..kita pun tumpang segar jugak..
Berendam tak ingat tu..main air seronok..mama ada plan nak buat deck kat situ..nanti kalau ada rezki nak buat embedded bath tub..letak garden chair..tia mia mandi mama papa boleh supervise duduk2 sambil minum..yey berangan..banyak betul..sekarang dah ada pokok redup kat situ..nyaman jer duduk..
ini kat dry kitchen..dah berendam lama lapar lah pulak dia orang..nasib baik dalam fridge ada drummet ayamas,mama pun goreng..buat ribena ice..wahh laju lah 3 beranak makan..uwan ambik angin kat luar..tu ala2 picnic dalam rumah..tak payah mama kemas meja..kih..kihh..trick tu..
Sedapnyer dua beranak makan..duduk bawah pun tak pe la..ha,ha..kejam mama kan..
Duduk kat outdoor dining main masak2 dengan uwan..
Aduhh berangan nyer Tia duduk rumah pakcik..seronok ke..happy dapat jumpa ashik..
kak ikin dan kak intan masa kecik..tomel kan..kak ikin kuat berdukung masa kecik..dah la nomok..penat orang nak mengheret dia..kuat ketawa dan mulut lebar..hee..hee..
Gambar yang sungguh bermakna buat pakcik dan makcik..kawin dulu2..both handsome and gorgeous..he..hee..mama kecik lagi masa pergi wedding ni..ingat lagi dulu2..
Ready nak makan..nyumm.nyumm ikan bakar,fresh ulam,sup tulang,siput sedut..wahh semua sedaplah..
Ulam dan sambal belacan mangga yang sungguh kaw kat rumah pakcik..
Lepak2 time after lunch..
Macam2 having fun kat rumah pakcik..main torchlight lah..
Siap sedia nak pergi Park..Pakcik bagi pakai hat takut nanti hujan..
Seronok baru sampai..
Amboi cik Mia bergaya betul la..grrr Tiger hat pakcik tu..
Amboi kak ikin,badin..terror betul tu..
Macam ni Tia..mari kak ikin ajar..
Posing time..'click..click..
ewahhhh..main badminton dulu ye..nanti switch to squash or tennis pulak..baru banyak duit..haa..haa
Seronok dengan kak ikin..
"Wind,wind ..banyaknya wind..."
The two girls..
Tia bergaya lah tu..tapi serious ni..
Busy betul cik kak dua orang ni..nak bergambar macam model..nak main badminton
Mama Tia nak gaya jap okay..macam ni haaa..
Jalan2 nampak bride and groom jalan2 shooting kat park..
The couple so happy to pose for us..congrats!
Ice cream time..bagi treat sikit after dah penat main badminton..
Mia..so leka menjilat ice cream..habis jatuh semua kat skirt...
Seronoknya makan ice cream..after this hujan and Tia bising kat kak ikin "cepat-cepat nanti demam"
Bye Bye Park.. You look a bit like Hyde Park from this angle..so we dah berangan go London..He..heee and thank you kak ikin and badin bawak we all pergi park.Both seronok dapat badminton racket dari badin and kak ikin pagi2 lagi dah sibuk main..it was a very good and happy day for both yesterday.