Morningggg..we have early breakfast today with Australian crumpet,butter and maple syrup at home.We will be driving far today to Southern Highlands to see once a year Tulip Festival.Seronok berjalan dan memasak here,yesterday i cooked big prawn masak lemak cilipadi and the day before that terung goreng ikan bilis cilipadi..huishhh sedap betul makan..unfortunatlely this blog bila nak upload ada problem sikit.."not supported by blogger etc" so satu gambar ajer yang lepas..tak apa lah nanti balik we do proper entry.Taa taa:)
Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sydney Opera House
The two getting ready to take ferry to Sydney Opera House,the weather was good,sunny but not hot.
One picture infront of Balmain famous fencing.
Waiting for ferry.
Sydney Opera House,view from our ferry..finally we are here;)
Getting closer to the famous opera house.
It is so happening here,fulled with people basking in the sun while listening to the music.
We had great time much to tell..but i am tired today we had fulled timetable,we made one good round in town..tomorrow we are planning to go to countryside to Yarramalong to see the lavender field..the driver already asleep,this cook better go to sleep too..oh ya i cooked curry seafood marinara and fried cabbage with anchovies sedap makan dgn nasi panas:):)the girls requested for fried buat pulak sikit..jadi memang penat..nite2 everybody.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Hello from The Pacific,Balmain,Sydney.
Alhamdulillah,we have arrived safely in Sydney,we are now staying at the vacation rental home called The Pacific at Balmain,it is a 3 stories house and there is too much space in this beautiful house.
This is the living area on the second floor,the wall is made from the original sandstone and this building is a 19th century building.The house belongs to a designer and his painter husband,we rented the whole house for 7 nights before we move to a farm house in Mudgee.
The modern kitchen with Bosch appliances is on the second floor,while you cook you can look at the outside view.
I love the pantry very much:)
The pantry has all the basic need for cooking so that you dont have to spend much and can fix a simple meal on the first day of arrival..people would ask,,who want to cook on first day of arrival???..haa..haa..yeap i cooked on the first day and it was fun.
The beautifiul balcony on the second floor.
This is my first cooking here..sundried tomota&mushroom pasta.
Our first lunch in Sydney at our balcony:)
I love their big and fresh veggies here.
A nice house opposite the Pacific.
Nice waterfront near our house.
A picture taken by Tia Khadeja.
There are three bedrooms in this house but this one is Tia's favourite,it is on the attic and it has access to the roof garden where you can see Sydney Harbour Bridge clearly.
Okay lahh..enough for today,the two girls are ready to go out to Balmain Saturday market,it is just a walking distance from our house but before that we will stop for the famous pancakes at the Viva Cafe on the way:):) till then take care:):)Our loves to everybody ya.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
1001 Malam
Hari Raya celebration at MPB is always meriah..let see what they have been up too this time:)
All Arab thingy.
Our in Baghdad.
Kambing everywhere.. i don't really fancy it:):)
Table decor.
All nicely decorated.
"Arab" girl everywhere too.
Ahlan Wasahlan Cik Sharifah;)
Glamour tent.
Semua bergaya sedaya upaya.
Cleopatra pun ada.
Gelek2 time.
Macam2 rupa..sampai tak kenal:)
They said my style is more to hippies..hee..heee..anyway..have a nice day everybody..see ya in October and helloooo Sydneysiders:)..Moga semuanya selamat and if i have time will try to post some pictures:)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
For quite sometimes i didn't have chance to snap photos using my camera..quite busy lately,thanks to instagram on the iphone i can still record some pictures.No matter how busy cooking is like a compulsory subject in a class,you can't skip it..this morning i cooked nasi goreng udang kering belacan for uwan,hotdog and bread for the girl,gulai lemak timun cina dan gulai ikan masin dgn mangga tonite i just have to add another dish to complete our dinner.
And i have some beautiful photos taken from my niece's album,she went to Melbourne during winter,the photos look fabulous.
Gorgeous picture of Kak Nur and her friend.. i like the relection of the tree in the water:)
Kak Nur in Melbourne.
Cute and sweet.
Raya picture of my niece Nur and my cucu sedara Tira ..they are all bigger than long couldn't gather with all these girls..hope to see all of them oneday:)
On another office is so busy preparing for Hari Celebration tomorrow..the theme is Arabian Night..that is the best part of working in Broadcasting company..everything must be meriah and full of glamour and joy:) all of them put their effort together to bring 1001 night i got myself these 3 for RM10 earings:):)
They work hard polishing brass until semua blink,blink..i didn't contribute anything this year..i have nothing of Arabic theme from my house:(
The girls happily doing their my department today is like kenduri kahwin..seronok:)
Some of them are really good in doing craft work..they can make tempayan emas from polystrene,treasure box from plastic..yeahhh that's the way to go girls:):)
Hope to post some great picture from tomorrow's 1001 nights:):)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Miss you laundry corner:):)
Well my maid has come back and i miss this laundry corner..when Heni was away, i kemas the whole laundry area..Heni suka letak entah apa2 barang kat belakang..tempat memang dah sempit..jadi bertambah sempit i kemaskan semua benda..creat this small sitting area..when husabnd buat laundry me and the girls duduk2 sini..i lipat baju,the girls main games:) Syukur Alhamdulillah actually dia balik..kuranglah beban sikit.. macam mana pun kekurangan dia tak di nafikan dia banyak membantu and alhamdulillah dia masih suka bekerja rumah we all..kalau orang lain tunggu maid di airport tak muncul2 atau terima call kata tak nak kerja lagi..myself pulak terlupa yg dia sampai malam ahad..tiba2 pukul satu malam dia dah sampai dgn teksi depan rumah..di Indonesia macam2 dia orang buat peraturan nak susahkan maid datang sini termasuk additional insurance.etc..etc..Heni merayu2 bayar insurance di sana supaya dapat datang balik kerja..she bawak macam2 pulak buah tangan untuk kita orang..anak dara dia siap bungkus cantik2 utk me and husband and Tia kita terima dengan tangan terbuka...sampai ajer dia tak berenti2 buat kerja sangat happy dgn senyuman di muka:):)
" Buat Tuan dan Puan"..bungkusan hadiah dari anak Heni buat kami..bila di buka tengok batik bedroom set..sangat bermakna bagi mereka dapat beri hadiah pada kita orang..nanti saya suruh Heni salinkan utk bilik tidur kita orang biar dapat feeling Hetty Koes Endang sikit..dulu anak dara Heni yg di panggil Puteri tu tulis surat pada saya ucapkan terima kasih kerna menjaga ibunya dgn baik..saya tak lah sebaik mana..cuma saya layan orang sebagai mana kita nak diri kita di layan..kalau buat salah saya tetap marah dan bersungut macam petir..tahan telinga ajelah...oh ye Heni bawak sebakul buah belinjau yang boleh buat keropok tu..katanya sedap di gulai dgn ikan asin dan bermacam lah makanan indonesia..tak tau macam mana dia boleh lepas bawak naik KLM.
So this morning i went to office with my new baju kurung..bergaya-gaya sedikit..dah ada orang kemas2 rumah boleh lah melaram sikit..saya suka baju kurung ni..raya hari tu tak pakai..hari ni budak2 office buatkan makan2 belated birthday..nasi briyani gam,cheese cake..sedap sungguh tergolek-golek daging dalam briyani gam..siap tapau bawak balik lagi..balik ni sepak penimbang bawah katil lah jawabnya...Alhamdulillah untuk minggu ni..hari rabu ni ada sambutan raya di office..tema 1001 malam nak kena mencari jubah Arab pulak..carik dalam almari uwan lah jawabnya..sibuk2 ni saya dah buat packing sikit..excited jugak menanti Thursady nanti:):)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Little Story.
Cuaca sejuk2 ajer kat luar..nampak teruk betul lah haze..risau saya baca dalam paper..tapi sejuk2 ni ingat makanan:) pagi tadi sebelum pergi kerja saya dah masak lauk utk uwan..gulai yang tak pernah cuba lagi sebelum ni..masak lemak cilipadi new zealand mussel dgn kacang panjang..tu lah ingat balik ni tambah telur dadar bertomato ni sedap agaknya.Dah seminggu uwan tinggal sorang waktu siang..Heni belum balik lagi,Tia Mia duduk kindy sampai petang..pagi2 memang macam lipas kudung saya..kena ingat segala benda..takut terlupa letak nasi dalam rice cooker utk uwan kesian dia nanti..dah siap menggulai,menggoreng saya atur kat sebelah rice cooker bekas lauk tu..supaya uwan tak lupa,lunch time kena call tanya dah makan and dah jumpa semua lauk tak:):) Kesian dah tua2 kan..kita esok tak tahu macam mana.
Yang ini pulak malam tadi tak balik..kita bagi freedom entah mana pulak merayau..buat uwan susah hati lah tu..uwan dah sayang kat si Ribbon ni..mana pulak dia pergi..kalau ada rezki nanti balik lah tu:)
Dalam pada sibuk2 segala benda ni..saya rindu pulak class cake dulu..teringat setiap minggu mesti ada cake..bila agaknya nak buat cake dgn Tia Mia ni.
Teringat daging dalam freezer jugak..kalau di salai buat gulai sedap jugak ..mangga muda msih banyak dalam fridge.
Uwan doa lah biar si Ribbon balik ya..kalau tak jugak nanti kita cariklah Rabbit baru kat uwan ya.
Sejak maid tak ada ni..jauh panggang dari api kuku saya macam ni dah..hee..hee..hmmm bilalah nak menjenguk kedai kuku ni..memang sejak puasa until today belum dapat memanjakan diri dalam apa bentuk sekali pun..tapi penat pun hati senang jugak..malam2 dah habis mencuci berkemas bagai..panggil tiamia massage badan..boleh tahan jugak budak kenit tu..especially tia..di picit badan saya hingga hilang letih..dia pesan "mama wheverever you go i want to follow because i love you"..alaaaaa siannya nya..okaly lah mama nak datang ambik kat kindy dah ni..asyik terinagt ajer dari tadi.waaaaaaaaaa:(;(