Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beach Babes:),exhausted body but happy mind:) We went to PD on Friday,couldnt get the usual Thistle,as it was a last minutes thing,Avillion and Legends Water Chalets were fulled as well,so no five star accomodation girls:( We managed to book 2 bedrooms aparment at Bayu Beach Resort,we took uwan along.

Nothing much at the apartment,very basic but it is clean and quite spacious.The bathroom and bedroom are clean too that is the most important,not too bad for a 3 star rated apartment, accomodation choosen by the International website never fail mama most of the time.This two bedroom cost us RM430 with breakfast for 4.

No ASTRO for papa,TV reception pun tak lah bagus the plus thing here is the white sandy beaches infront of the apartment..Thistle pun beach jauh sikit,this one really outside your balcony.

See..tengok kat balcony,pantai dah melambai-lambai for you and that day the weather was great at PD..tak panas..suam2 kuku jer.

The girls pulak tak sabar,long bath kat bathroom pun jadi lah dulu..janji dapat main air and sabun.

Dah makan,dah mandi,dah buat yang wajib,the girls and papa waited for the sun to hide before going down.This time since uwan ada,mama bawak bekal boleh dia ulang2 makan,bawak mee goreng,nasi,kari ikan masin dengan terung,ayam goreng masak kicap,telur rebus..haaa..haaa banyak kan.

Ishhh this girls can't wait to shake her bon bon at the beach..whose's bon bon is this? Anybody can guess will get a free ticket to French Riviera..haaa..haaa

The two happy girls and and a chasing uwan at the back.

Yeahhhh this is the ultimate place for them..main pasir sampai tergolek..the weather was so kind to us..windy,breezy,walking and tucking your feets in the white and fine sands was paradise..walaupun kat PD:)

Duduk lah main pasir dari pukul berapa tah..papa cakap biar lah dia orang main puas2.

Took a dip in the water too..the water was nice.

Penat lah uwan menunggu bebudak ni main pasir,buat sand castles, tanam kaki dalam pasir,tukang layan papa lah..bila sampai bab macam ni papa memang number one,tukang pi ambik air,buat macam2.

Sorang cakap good sorang cakap bad..swimming suits baru tu papa belikan kat Midvalley hari tu:) Uwan pulak fikiran dah melayang sampai Kolo Pilah.

Enough of sands both jumped into the swimming pool.

Happy budak Tia ni.

Uwan kena lah tunggu kat atas..tak pe uwan after this we beli satay haji samuri for dinner okay. haaa style tidur angkat tilam turun..wahhhh heaven betul..syokk lah tidur semua orang tak sedar sampai pagi...dua orang tu layan Pingu dulu.

Uwan tersandar kenyang after dinner dengan Satay Hj Samuri..duduk bergaya dengan jubah Heni beli kat dia kat Indonesia.

Hari kedua bangun..everytime tengok pantai pagi2 dengan berkabut macam ni..mama nosltagia..tapi tak tahu apa..macam rindu,macam teringat sesuatu..tak tahu lah masa bujang and baru khawin dengan papa dulu memang banyak pergi beach..

Yeahhhh,second day ready to rambaaaa lagiii..on the way to breakfast.

This two girls..sepanjang2 jalan nak ke Cafe tu kat luar apartment banyaklah unit airconds kat luar mostly they are 'York" brand. Dua2 tanya " What is that called?' mama jawab "York', apart from York they have a few of "Pensonic',"National","Sanyo",Acson"..sebab banyak berpuluh and both asyik tanya mama malas lah nak tengok brand tu semua..mama jawab"York" ajer..tapi Tia marah dia tahu tak betul "no mama the brown one..not York" bila mama tengok "Ohh that is Pensonic"...jalan lagi bila tanya mama jawab ajer "Pensonic"..Tia marah lagi "no mama the white one".."ohhh that is sanyo'..tahu dah baca dua orang ni..cuma tak boleh pronounce properly jer.

After breakfast..pergi beach lagi..breakfast at Bayu tak sedap mana,tapi makanan cukup walaupun orang ramai,ada nasi lemak,kueytiow for uwan and the girls pulak ada scramble eggs,yee mee etc.

cewahh happy cik kak...

Took five for lolly ice under the coconut tree.

Before heading back to KL we took our lunch at the usual place,cafe by the sea at Tanjung Tuan...sedap selera uwan makan kat sini.

We had a wonderful time:)

The girls really bring joy to wherever they go..they know how to enjoy themselves:)


  1. salam kakak...first time here...anyway, love this blog coz its so sweet..yes, sweet as u & ur tiamia...will follow u :)

  2. salam mamarissa,thanks singgah,your chubby cub is so sweet as well.

  3. uhhh..tengok beach pd rasa lama sangat dah tak kesana..bizi betul lately..since eldest doter study kat pilah..almost every weekend ke sana..mbe bila dia dah biasa duk hostel..baru boleh santai2 kat thistle..

  4. hi salmi..oh your girl belajar kap Pilah yer,town kecik jer pilah tu but i love it very lah Thistle is the best choice kat PD tu.

  5. Wah bestnya bersantai di tepi pantai! Mama yang tak berapa tahan beach ni, bila pasir lekat kat kaki, pas tu bawak masuk bilik... eeeeyewww....

    Pic shake the bon bon tu paling cute! Hehehe...
