Thursday, May 6, 2010


Early Wish:)

This once upon a time a little girl would like to wish her mother "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY",I LOVE YOU EMAK.

She never ask for things but always giving.. I am not sure whether i can do the same like her. Today when i go back i must give her small body a warm hug,stroke her old hands tenderly and massage her tired legs day i will be like her.

Early HAPPY MOTHER's day wish to all mothers out there,without you we won't be here and we won't know what love is. Thank You is not enough but it is a good start.
P.s three ladies at the back row are not mommies yet..hopefully oneday they will be wonderful mothers just like thier mothers.


  1. best kan jadi mummy, baru knal cinta sejati, berkorban utk anak2. nikmat!

  2. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU DEAR!!! HOpe your lovely princesses & your dearest hubby spoils you rotten!

    Cantek sangat your living room so homely and sereneee!!

    Take care dear!

  3. Happy Mother's Day k.zue...

    Semoga Allah membalas jasa2 ibu kita dgn segala kebaikan..

    dan smoga kita menjadi ibu yg terbaik buat anak2 kita
