Friday, May 14, 2010

Red Velvet Rose &Naga Mulut Berapi!!

It is a very nice gesture from the Brand Management Group (Women) of the company when they hand delivered all ladies in the company with stalks of roses today,irregardless they are mothers or not..all women are indeed special..clap,clap to ourselves .Very sweet and Thank You very much!
Second Strory: It was an affair with smoke and fire during the lunch was like i huff and i puff the fire will come out:)

Yeap mama had lunch at this "Mas,Mas pinggang ikat kain pelikat" Restaurant Bumbu Desa at The Curve,they serve Sundanese food,high end compared to "Ayam Penyet",more like "Sari Ratu" but with different menu..slighty pricey but the food are good...fresh with right bumbus is the secret.Dont get jealous girls, you won't fancy ask why?

This mean and powerful items ruled the menu..yeap fire every where:) Note : pictures are all courtesy of googles as mama didn't have time to snap pictures, too busy wiping nose and mouth,but what you see here is what you get over there,the real food is just the same as the picture.

Don't eat this sambal cabe merah if you don't have at least two glasses of drinks! Buttt..they are like drug and will want more and more..a simple fried chicken becomes heaven went you dollop this sambal cabe on it.

Look!! green cabe you dare to eat? But looks can be deceiving:) they are not as hot as the cabe merah,the chicken is tender with a tinge of sweetness.

The Talapia are all gemok and fresh too..when you dip into sambal cabe merah..many other colours will come too you eyes and sum up..this is the "merembes ayaq mata and idung dish".

They serve rice in this "kampung sunda style" container,dont hold the bottom as it can be hot..

The daging empel looks good..but mama didn't try it.

And they have all this "tusuk menusuk" menu..the real food looks as good as the picture.
After dah bakar mulut and tekak,go to paradise with this wonderful coconut with syrup. Finally on the way out the girls at the cashier asked : "Gimana dengan makanan nya ibukk? mama jawab " ohhh enak dan bagus sekali sehingga enggak putus air hidung dan mata saya merembes keluar"

And for you girls mama tak lupa okay..mama got you these wonderful creatures that can jump straight into your mouth and melts..they are mister froggy from Chocolate cafe.

Yeap got this wonderful candle from LQ..once light up the nice smell will fill the room..what so special about it?

It is pretty cool.. tak guna mancis nak pasang..nak is battery hit the top and it will on automatically,you hit again it will turn off,so tak yah risau bila nak keluar rumah,paling teruk pun battery worry, it is replaceable..what else do you need from a candle:):):)..
Have a wonderful weekend everybody!


  1. Dear, you buat I nak balik Malaysia sekarang jugak tau!! Kalau dah hantu segala cabe, memang harus I cuba restoran ni kat Curve tu. Sodap!! Kelakar u cerita pasal sume your kucings yang dibela dulu suka berak2. Garden your Maklang memang CANTEK!! And u punya description pasal pompuan hot tu memang kelass, tak tahan bab yang akhir tu, kansellll, dia tak reti cover!! Mesti one of the TV3 personalities ni hehehe I main agaknya ni!! take care dear!

  2. the candle nice! i want! the rose too! :D

    i dnt eat cili i don know why cos every1 in my family does.
    they say if takde cili tak boleh makan!

    i dnt understand why so hot, must drink lots water n nose n eyes watery, but still people like :D
    tia mia pandai makan pedas tak?

