Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Frontyardigans - Patio and Garden Makeover

How to have BBQ area at the front yard? exclaimed Maklang over the phone to mama. Yeap, normally people have their BBQ area at the backyard but we have a small backyard  ,mama has to take advantage of our long front yard as our terrace house is 22 x 100.It is not impossible to have BBQ at the terrace house and it is okay to have it at the front yard as long as you do it properly.Mama has seen many in the magazines especially houses in Europe as Americans, they are pure backyardigans:)With a small budget and a little bit of creativity and research you can have a cosy patio with nice BBQ area, plan you project properly and try to recycle as much possible.It is always nice to have makeover at your house but when it involves renovation especially if there is painting works the mess is horrible! Your birthday is coming up tomorrow and this year mama decided to have a very small and close celebration at home only(jimat mode actually..haaa..haaa). Since the workers completed their work yesterday only, mama had to clean the messy area last nite until 12.30 am, it was a pure buruh work,had to dig the ground to take out pebbles,angkat the batu,cabut the rumput,move all the big old pots etc.Having said that, it always worth it when you see the result and satisfaction is maximum when you do it with your own hands.Okay girls peek a boo at the makeover,let's see before and after.
The patio and garden before.The pergola sitting got to go off as it had been hit by termites, once taken down we have more space there and we recycled the lattice screens from the pergola.

The maximum mess shown yesterday, the overall area is worst than this view actually,the maid didn't know where to start,so last nite mama took a plate of big bukhari rice,singsing lengan and cleaned the area,papa upon reaching home at 8.00 pm with his neck tie stilled on,put down his bag and helped mama too.

The Result!- Yeaahhh after spending two hours papa managed to put together this "Out Back Bounty Gas BBQ",it is quite cool because you have a hot plate next to the grill,you can do you omellete,sunny side up etc there:) The white peek a boo lattice is  from our pergola,mama asked the worker to paint it white and used it  as a feature and also screen.

We ve got licence to grill now:) The feature tiles on the wall are leftover from the Monterez house.

The Patio furnitures are the old ones ,the original colour was dark brown and mama painted it white to match the lattice.

Mama got the floor tiled,before this it was soil with pebbles but once you have small kids,the pebbles become bullet and kite. Now we have shaded area to sit and gossip.

Mama rearranged the garden bench under the tree..boleh main dam ular kat situ:) When we have extra money mama will fix white picket fences to the existing pagar besi.

Kena tanam rumput baru..ni rumput 6 years ago,masa mula2 duduk,kena ganti bunga2..banyak kerja lagi..tapi at least mama dah kemas malam tadi..nampak bersih kan..no more horrific view.Nanti balik kemas2 lagi,esok mama cuti, we tunggu Kak Ayan bawak Pingu cake and kak ikin datang pagi nak tolong2 mama:) Mesti syok kan.


  1. Hi, looks like your hard work pays off.I think your patio makeover turned out great! Good job. :-)


  2. Hi suffia,thanks,stilled sakit badan though:)

  3. Maksu...nice sangat2. Suka2. Dah buat macam2 pun still nampak luas.The Gas BBQ set nampak macam built in together with the area.

    Esok kita sampai pagi2 tau. Kena ingat bawak camera ni...

  4. haaa copek datang tolong cucuk udang gomok2..he,he, i bought few sweet dangling things,we can hang it together:)the girls will be ballerinas that nite:)

  5. thumbs up for the great jobs! tk sangka begitu hasilnye!! u r very creative.. selamat berBBQ.. :)

  6. salaam mamatiamia, loves the ideas, have a wonderful alfresco dining.

    Happy besday to gegirl tia and mia , auntie doakan both of you sihat2 selalu, be smart and good girl. May Allah blessed both of you and your family :-)

  7. Azu..
    Cantik la.. Makeover yg comot2 tu, dah siap! A good result..
    Boleh le cinonet 2 roang tu busy body masa Mama BBQ ye..

  8. very cantik. u really creative. small area pun u pandai maximise space n cn squeeze in so many nice details. rasa mcm pindah rumah baru ye when ada new changes to the house. rumah u ni nanti bila dijual tentu worth lots :) happy bbq birthday tia mia! so very the special :)

  9. very nicely done! creative sgt. i like the way u "recycle" tht patio. so nice. (i suka white) hehe

  10. ni mmg layak dpt anugerah rumahku syurgaku...cantik dan kreatif...kemain semangat mama nya mengemas smp pagi....esok pg2 nk masak sedap2 lg....aduiihhh kalu kita blk2 keje dh pancit dh...kdg2 ngelat ajak husband mkn luar jer...mkn apa ni smp energetic sungguh...hahaha... tp kalu penuh bersemangat tentunya kudrat tu ada jer kn...untung la papa nya...

  11. bestnyerr..ada bbq set mcm yg kat dlm afc licence to grill tu eh..my son lov the prog ;)

    btw..u mmg park keta kat luar la yer..to make tht beautiful garden ;)

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