Sunday, June 20, 2010

Papa it is your Day!

Happy Father's Day to our Papa,You are the best,we give you loves,loves and loves-signed Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha.

No fancy restaurant celebration,just a warm note with love aroma filling the kitchen:)Hmm mama got too many things in her kitchen:)

No steak at the expansive restaurant for our papa but a healthy "Mee Suah Soup" cooked by our mama using all the best ingredients for our breakfast.
No big cake at the happening karaoke for our papa but a yummylicious tiramisu papa's all time favourite picked by our mama.
With no make up,no gucci earing we celebrated Papa's Day with our curly hairs and heart fulled with loves- We love you papa,may Allah Sbt bless all of us.Amin.

We took papa to the Hills for lunch and fun.

Mama entertained us so that papa can eat in peace.

We then took papa for an adventure at the outdoor theme park-don't be scared with the rides papa,we will hold your hands.

After the long rides,mama treats us for ice lollies.

It was fun eating ice lollies under the tree.

The lolly was really good, once the ice is gone, we ve got to eat the jelly inside:)

Happy Father's Day papa, we give today to you,we hope you have enjoyed this day like us- signed yours truly- The two curly girls who love you forever and ever.


  1. sure papa tia mia happy3 with
    3 cute girls layan him :)

    we dah beli aqua doodle tapi sini mahal $24++

    this holiday we tak jalan KL cos anak2 besar nak belajar 4 exams, adek2 sedeh je, if not dah shop2 kat KLCC, pavillion.

    tapi i heran sikit bila org sana suka pulak shop at orchard. semalam i go after so many years...nothing exciting :)

  2. happy father's day to hubby:)hmm mahal aqua doodle kat sana tu ann but so convinient to bring anywhere.He,he macam tu lah ann..msians sibuk nak ke singapore,you all syok nak dtg sini..baru lah tourism industry boleh hidup:)

  3. tia mia nmpk makin dewasa dh...manakan tidak...tiap2 hari mamanya masak syedap2...jeles sgt tau..hrni acik bg kakak pica makan dia bole ckp "ummi masak tak sedap" adussss anak akuuuuu...soba jo lahh dennn...kalau dh mmg jns payah nk makan mcm2 la dia ckp..hahaha

  4. ye la idida i pun dpt komen dari anak gitu, mcmana tak hilang semangat? nasib mama tia mia ada naikkan balek semangat :)

  5. ha,ha,ha nakal lah itu budak..itu memang jenis tak nak makan lah tu..tia mia suka membodek..kalau makan cakap "deliciousssss yumm..yummm..i lurveeeee it.." dengan expression muka yang "hmm ngada bonar anak den" cam tu..jangan give up ummi..terus masak,ajal dia participate,tunjuk tumbuk2,potong2..dah tu bila tengok cartoon favourite dia mana character yg dia paling suka cakap character tu makan food yang kita masak "wahhh pingu makan breakfast macam mama sedap..tomorow mama cook for you okay so that you can eat like pingu"..haaa ponek den buek cerito nak bagi semangat makan haa..

  6. bahahaha...budak2 jaman sekarang...mama tia mia ni buat kita jeles jer..hehehe...

  7. ann..don't give too..draw food and aqua doodles and tell them " wahhhh this looks so yummy,you wanna eat this tmrw?you wanna help mama to cook it tmrw? its gonna be so are a big girl now,you can help mama cooking.. i love you":)

  8. thanks mama! so it's nt just abt cooking, but kena buek cerito jugak and draw2 n kata2 manis. ye lah baru tahu kena pakai psychology jugak. pandai lah mama. thanks again :)
