Monday, June 14, 2010

Shallow and Vain.

My House front area is in a mess now. It is nothing big, a very small budget works, we have asked our old contractor to help construct a small area for bbq and instal an outdoor basin.Some of the tiles were brought from the house form Monterez, we used it here,at least we can have some memories. Tia Mia are getting bigger and we need more activities together.Building a new house will take sometimes especially if you don't have big money ever ready in your account..So we are going to stay at Sepah Puteri for long,where ever we stay i want us to be cosy and  have an place outdoor  where we can gather and have fun. I always love the idea of eating under the moon:) since terrace house area is restricted i ve got to be creative, with a very tight budget i ve got to think how to teach the contractor to do it my way so that there will less work,less complication but at the same time a cosy place to hang out.But .ada orang tak senang hati,showed her "Penicilin" face to me,I thought i never want to talk bad about people, i don't fancy it, it is a total waste of time but some people is so good at driving your blood to the moon and bring eclispe to your summer day. It is not that i am scared of her or do not know the word "sarcastic"..i can be a fighter cock too, i can be sarcastic, i can a bitch...i can be very good at all those "qualities" if want too..but again that is not the way i was brought up and i don't want to waste my time,.life is too short i want to live in harmony. You may flash your gold bracelet as big as  the log,you may show your collection of plates, you may brag about your living in US.. sorry ..i will not have the perasaan dengki, i so bersyukur with watever i have. If you are gorgoues as Miss Universe(which is not in this case), if you wear Prada to do gardening, carry Gucci to market, use Royal Doulton as your kitten bowl..i will say you are so fortunate.I love to see fellow ladies look beautiful,take care of themselves, their homes,up todate in social life, educated and live a good life. Sometimes susah nak predict hati orang ni..mulut manis,hati tak manisWell those are cabaran kecik2 that we have..kalau tak life tak colourful pulak, tak der lah bahan gossip nak bual dengan ikin,kak nur maklang bila dia orang datang.

This is our messy area..buat sikit pun bersepah banyak.
Tutup sikit jer this area nak letak portable bbq stove kat sini..Tiles kat dinding tu from Monterez..hopefully bila dah siap it will look nice.

Ni lah tempat nak letak outdoor basin, tak kacau area sesiapa pun....hmm cepat2 lah siap kan Alvin,boleh bersihkan semua..tak sabar nak buat bbq ni.Hai hati jangan lah kau berdengki..kalau kita rasa aman dalam hati,wajah pun jadi cerah dan ceria...


  1. Geramnya bila baca. Tapi , ye la perangai manusia ni macam-macam. Tak boleh agak apa dalam hati diorang.Tak guna jadi 'Gold pants , black heart'.

    Paksu mesti saspen je, takut maksu meletusss. hehe

  2. haa..haaa maksu dah delete sikit ni kan macam2 org yg singgah..biarlah dia macam tu..tak kuasa pulak nak mengaibkan..nanti kita bakar2 macam2 kat situ yer.paksu ko memang cool jer lah kerja dia.

  3. haaa terasa macam nak join BBQ ngn tia mia kat situ! sure seronok kan diorang nanti..hehe

    usah di layan orang yang dengki. nanti dia sendiri makan hati. hehehehe

  4. haaa terasa macam nak join BBQ ngn tia mia kat situ! sure seronok kan diorang nanti..hehe

    usah di layan orang yang dengki. nanti dia sendiri makan hati. hehehehe

  5. cant wait to see the result! :-). Orang hati tak baik n suka bersangka buruk mana2 pun ader..yang dekat..yang jauh..sentiasa ader..mari kita sama2 doakan agar allah bagi dia petunjuk..sbb dosa dia dengan kita..kita jer yang ampunkan..:-)

  6. Drama mama, mai alh join bawak budak cute tu sekali.

    salmi..moga hati kita ikhlas selalu kan.

  7. ye lah tutup sikit je..tak kacau sesiapa pun. betul, betul, betul. entah2 nanti tengok dah siap, mama's idea jadi ikutan :D
    but really ur idea is very creative, evn when gvn a small space u cn work on it n turn it to an "eye-opener":D
    asal kita tau kita tak kacau org and org yg dlm rumah kita happy, biarlah yg mata hijau terus menhijau dan makan anggur masam ( sour grapes ) :D
