Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I ve Got You Under My Skin...

I ve got you under my skin, I ve got you deep in the heart of me,so deep in my heart,that you re really part of me..when you both sick,mama is sakit too:) Hmmm nothing much to update..we all sakit,Tia was sick since Saturday,Mia got it on Tuesday,both are recovering now but mama is actively sneezing with hard hard and dry that it shattered all bones everytime mama tired,body is aching all over.When you have small kids at home,Mc offered by doctor is no longer attractive..when you were single and young when the doctor offers you Mc it was like winning  a lottery,simple heaven on earth..sitting in the quiet room with good book,dozzing off with no one to disturb you..tak makan pun tak pe.Right now,Mc has no means..if mama stays at home,try to stay in the room and sleep for 5,no it is impossible..close you eyes for 5 mins you will feel octopus hands all over your body,parrot voice drumming to your ears and monkey feets jumping and thundering on the bed!So when the good lady doctor at mama's office offered MC on Tuesday mama turned it down..mama said that mama will take "rain cheque",if in the near future mama managed to book into a hotel..then only mama will go and collect Mc from her:) May all of us be fully recovered soon..hmmm mama has to start all over again with you at the kindy since you had long break....mama is so looking forward for our long leave and holiday..time flies so fast, now is half of Jun already,come August we will start our puasa in the second week,may we have bless happy that this year we would be able to buka puasa with uwan in our house again..Syukur Allah,syukur with all Your pemberian..

No new pictures here except some old pictures that reflects mama's mood for holiday..those pictures made me ponder and think..young days were sweet but the days ahead  is sweeter..insyAllah.. I ve got you under my skin:)

Raining in Paris..

With payung terbalik outside villa in Paris..sweet old days:)

When shall we meet again Mr Eiffel?

Wet,wet London..till we meet again...


  1. Alhamdulillah...tia mia dah sihat.

    Ikin really pray 4 maksu,so that u get well soon and and get your strength back :). Amin

  2. Miqdad doakan semoga MamaTiaMia cepat sembuh ye...

  3. thanks ikin.harap2 semua sembuh cepat..maksu lalok makan ubat ni.

  4. terima kasih banyak2 miqdad..mama,tia,mia love miqdad:)

  5. insyaAllah mama cepat sembuh :) tengok2 gambar2 holidays dulu2 dan kenangan2 tentu boleh help mama recover faster esp thinking of the coming holidays with tia mia :)
