Monday, July 19, 2010

Smiling Flower

Last nite was blog hopping,came to one 65 years old man blog..quite teruja,he was experssing his feeling and how he lost the feeling of being "a real father",being  wanted, and longed all the time by his kids.This 65 bukanlah helpless old man,he travels around the world with his wife,got good life but when he looked at a 6 years old girl,swinging,clinging,hugging,kissing his dad,he felt "wahhh how i missed those days..when my girl hugs,kisses,clings around me...the love was pure..being wanting is what he missed terribly".That is so true,at the tender age they really wanting you purely and sesungguh hati,at nite in bed my girls will hug me from left and right,when they open their eyes they want to see me first,they like to run their fingers through my hair,smell and kiss my face,eyes,play with hand,tickle my ears..everything is " mama".Another 7 years down the road we will not have that same "treatment" anymore..that is for sure,you don't have to  look far,just look at the way it happened between you and your mom and dad..bukan you tak sayang them,you stilled love them very much but the "cling,wanting" will not be same anymore and when you grow older you will miss that tremendously.Well that is life,you have to deal with at now just enjoy the golden moments that you have with them..kiss,hug and love them as pure kiss and love will last eternally in their hearts.

Yellow rose from my tiny garden..i found miracle fertilizer,your roses,orchids will bloom throughout the years..selling at my office RM10 per packet only:)

White Orchids..pokok tua..dah 3 years tak tukar pasu..kesian..but bubuh baja bila ingat:)

Last nite mama was penat and exhausted since batuk tak berenti lagi,so papa kesian kat mama,supaya the two active girls tak kacau mama mandi and maghrib,he ajak the girls turun bagi ikan makan kat luar,kita ada sekor ikan laga jer..jangan tak der pet jer..bila mama dah siap turun tengok..cashew nut penuh the girls bagi makan kat ikan..aduihhhh...

My smiling Flower 1.

My Smiling Flower 2.

Keep smiling and singing ya flower:)


  1. yes, auntie is smiling looking at adorable tia and mia pun ada orkid putih tu tapi ala-ala malas nak berbunga..ker tuan dia yang malas nak jaga..hihihihi..baru nie kat pesta flora ada beli baja untuk orkid malas nanti ada hasil nya me share yer..:-)..hope it works.hiks

  2. You are soo right dear. Dah tua nanti lain love treatment towards the parents. Danial pun dah tak nak cium peluk mama dia kat depan sekolah, dia malu ya amat kalau kawan2 dia nampak. So kenalah cium dia jauh jauh, itupun tengok2 kiri kanan takut kawan dia nampak.Tinggal Noah je lah yang masih nak beriya2 nak peluk cium kita..Sigh.. how they grow up so fast kan? Gotta enjoy all that wet kisses now before they understand to be malu kan. Take care dear! Kisses to TIaMia!!

  3. ya best sekali kecik2 sungguh meriah menunjukkan gembira dan syg pada kita. i suka skali bila yg kecik say, saaayang mak. yg besar mana cakap gitu lagi. mak dah tak no1 infact mak ni dah tak understanding, semua tak kena..treasuring the moments, soon to past :)

  4. salmi..tu lahh..bila dah beli orchid malas taruk baja pulak kan..nanti dah bunga tunjuk hasil ye:)

  5. lahh nanti one day tia mia tak nak i kiss2 lagi camana..warghhhh:) best bila dia sayang2 kita kan..bila dah besar banyak lah akal..yang kadang2 dia orang tak sedar boleh hurt us:(

  6. Betul Azue.. sementara mereka boleh di hug2.. di kiss2... tunjukkanlah kasih sayang sepenuh hati.. anak2 bila kita didik dia untuk tidak malu menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada org tua, insyaAllah sampai besar dia akan buat mcm tu... dan lepas dia ada anak pulak.. dia akan ajar anak2 dia buat camtu gak.. i think semua ni about generation.. ada 1 day tu irfan refuse to hold my hands when jalan2 dalam mall.. dia nak nampak cam budak boy dah besar lah kan jln tak moh pimpin tangan.. i said to him.. takpelah sekarang mama nak pegang dan hug irfan puas2.. nanti bila dah besar.. takut irfan segan taknak kawan2 irfan nampak irfan hug and kiss2 mama macamana?terus dia datang kat i.. and hug me.. jln sama2 then he said.. "kita geng.. geng kena hug". i think he feel touched by my words.. Lagi satu kena selalu ckp i love u or i miss u to them.. or even said i love you to their father in front of them.. insyaAllah they will appreciate the love sampai derang besar :-)

  7. zubye...yeap so true kena drum banyak kali kat telinga dia orang kan,disamping doa yang baik:)
