Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Unsung Art Work. is not easy to deal with children when they made mistakes,especially if it is quite a huge one and they are only 3 years old.These two girls have been sick for nearly 5 days,mama was worried and prayed non stop,yesterday mama came back tengok both dah fully recovered..wahh so happy so syukur.After hugs and kisses, stayed at our garden and run around mama asked both to go up to our bedroom as it was nearly maghrib.Before going up Heni told mama "puan dinding bilik di conteng Tia,dia kunci dari dalam,setelah heni nangis baru dia buka,heni tak sempat bersihkan lagi"...hmm mama ingat lukis kecik jer..masuk bilik ..haaaa tu dia sebesar alam, a scary mural as big as at National Art Gallery piece..Tia's unsung "spider" drawing..which is her favourite "Spider with hundred legs"...

What would you do? if you come back from work,tired,dizzy from the hard and cold cough and presented with this marker pen drawing at your bedroom wall...Mama took a deep breath...yeap memang kesian dia orang baru baik dari demam..but mesti kena is not an excuse,mama told them that what they had done is wrong, they cannot write on the wall,it makes our wall look ugly,our room looks like a zoo and only animals live in the zoo. Mama said : bukan mama tak bagi lukis,Tia has talent,Mia too..mama is very happy and proud, mama bought  many drawing books, big papers,crayon,pencil colours,water colours,kak ikin bought wipe clean books,they have water doodles map..they can use all that to draw but they cannot draw on the wall..we must sayang our house,we must take care of our property..with that mama took out small ruler and "pap,pap on the little hand"..mama said : this is the last okay,cannot draw on the wall or any where else in this house,mama told you many times,if you want to draw there are papers and colouring book everywhere in the our wall is dirty,you must clean it now" mama took out the wet wipes and asked both to clean..if the wall is not next to bed mama mesti dah keluarkan air sabun so that they can really clean it so that they know it is not easy to clean.So both sob,sob..mama said " you cannot do it anymore okay,you must remember,tonite no VCD,no TV,no play,no manja2..don;t stop cleaning, until mama say so"..

Tia trying her best to wipe away the drawing with the wet wipes..of course it won't go away,mama knows that but mama just want her to use her energy trying to wipe it off so that she knows it is not easy,it is hard and she won't do again in the future.Mia pun kena tolong jugak as she is the accomplice in this undertaking,so she got to stay with Tia and no smiling or laughing.

Then papa came back..mama told him " don't pujuk,don't smile,show them that we are serious" Papa pun tak lah senyum or say anything but i think deep in his heart dia kesian lah tengok Tia wipe tak bersih2 tu..dia pun ambik air sabun..bukak baju office and terus clean the wall ,mama bebel lagi " you see, now papa got to clean it,papa is very tired ,he just got back from work since morning,now he cannot sit down,rest or eat,he got to clean your drawing,you must say sorry, now stay there until your papa finish"..Soo ceritanya papa pun bersihkan lah habis malam tadi..and the girls kena berdiri situ accompany papa and try to wipe sikit2..after that mama keep the serious situation,no vcd,no toy, they jut get to sit down and talk to each other after they said sorry, mama told them that mama loves them both very much but bila buat salah mesti kena denda, that is for their own good and everbody else,at 10.00 mama asked both to go to sleep.That is the story,the challenge,hope they learned their lesson..This morning they woke up with good mood,mama thought it is going to be tough going to kindy today as we had long break due to demam,Alhamdulillah..they were okay this morning,singing in the car while eating their bread and drink vitagen..mama left them at kindy after hugging and telling them " mama loves youb very much and going to office now for 5 mins"..both said goodbye and rushed to drawing draw lah as much as you like there:) mama will come and pick up at 1.00..oh yaa mama packed pasta with bolognese sauce enough for everbody at the kindy today..hope they enjoy it:) See you at 1.00 good.


  1. betul azu kita kena be firm in disciplining, biar blaja dari kecik abt rules n cnsequences of actions. they will also learn to respect us as the guide, to show them wats right n wats wrong.
    tia mia, ur mama loves u and wana teach u be responsible n u'll love her for that :)
    ur papa so sweet, the hero who'll always save his girls :)

    psst actually mcm cute jugak tapi kena maintain serius ah, nak jadi kan lesson :)

  2. haaa sama la ngan pica..menconteng dinding mcm cikgu, uwais lak jd murid duduk jer memerhati....mesti kene marah....suruh padam balik tp tambah comot murah katakan...mmg kene babab tangan...lps tu tak buat lg...

    kesian mmg kelakar pon ada...tgk jer tia n mia tu muka dah bersalah..hehee

  3. alahai..rmh lama i pon penah berlaku kejadian mcm ni..anak bujang i lukis gamba elmo sebesar alam..lagi haru dia lukis kat dinding ruang tamu :(

    rasanye mmg bdk2 suka buat mural..nak ekspresi seni katanya ;)

  4. wonder what are the two girls talk after kena marah and denda with their mama and then kena cuci balik..must be menasihati each other :-) my 2nd DD when she was 10, doc bagi 2 weeks mc after her appendics operation, everyday she called her friends tup2 bill melambung2 almost to RM500 in a month. Mcm nak pengsan tengok bill hahaha..imagine bayar benda yang tak nampak..which is talking..3 bulan me lecture dia...saja jer cakap semua perbelanjaan kena potong sebab ibu and baba dah takde duit nak bayar bil knows how to berjimat and keep the bill as low as possible..:-).

  5. ann..yeap kena displin kan..tough pun tough my mak said biar lah nangis sekarang kan,

  6. idida..hee..hee so sweet yg akak cikgi adik goram kan.

    aqish- congrats dah bersalin kan dengar dari zubye..kejap lagi pi melawat blog baby baru okay:)

    salmi..hmmm susah nak displin anak2 ni kan..kecik cerita lain,besar pandai macam2 pulak:)

  7. Oh dearrr hehehe what a big spider you have in the room. Kelakar pun ada, cute pun satu,geraamm jangan cakap hehe tapi memang waktu2 cemtu kena serious, I know exactly how u feel sebab Danial & Noah pun pernah buat macam tu hehhe. Memang rasa menyirapkan tapi, tu lah budak kecik, tapi kena tunjuk yang apa diorang buat tu salah.. Takpe Tia and Mia will remember this and a lesson to be learned. Oh seronok tengok TiaMia dah masuk Kindi and hope they will like it there.Happy Weekends dear!
