Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rock Song is like Sardine Goreng!

Firstly,thank you very much to these two not puasa girls for being so patient this morning .The traffic was really bad..bergerak macam kura2,sian the two tergolek2 kat belakang tunggu nak reach The Club.The cute dialogue between mama and Mia: Mama put on the rock song, Mia :" What song is this mama?" Mama "It's a rock song" Mia : "Mama i want it to be loud mama!"..he.heee.Petang semalam sebelum buka while duduk kat garden and they were munching on their satay,Tia said " mama you cannot eat yet, you must wait until still got sun,you puasa"..She went in then ran out and said "mama can eat now:)"

Pasar Ramadhan was really mengeciwakan,tak der yang sedap,mama made few rounds,try to look for food that looks delicious..tak ada yang menarik,tak tau samada ada mama fussy sangatAda Stall yang really mean,jual sup tulang,nampak dalam tray tulang penuh daging,dia tanya "nak sup daging or tulang" ,bila kita cakap "sup tulang",dia ambik tulang tu yang dikikis tak der daging langsung..rasa macam nak cakap "bagi saya tulang yang ada daging tu berapa pun saya bayar"..Pergi pasar ramadhan pun perlu kesabaran yang tinggiiii.Kalau ada masa masak kat rumah lah yang terbaik,akhirnya semalam dah beli lauk sikit2,beli kueh uwan dan papa and satay for the girls,mama balik masak hidangan ni jugak paling best;

Haaaa..sardin mama yang digoreng hingga garing,cukup cili,bawang and asam..lagi sodapppp.Sahur mama "perbetulkan semua lauk dan recycle semula,kari daging mama cuci daging tu,tumbuk bawang putihmerah,kunyit,cili goreng garing jadi daging kunyit selera papa and uwan makan.

Apa pun dengan tekak yang masih tak berapa pulih ni..bersahur dengan segelas lemongrass tea,roti,cheese,olive and grape pun dah memadai.

Tengok2 list banyak benda nak di buat nak dibeli, ada niat dalam hati esok nak pontengkan the girls dari kindy dapat lah mama pi beli2 barang waktu lunch but Mia sejak semalam asyik tanya "mama,today what day?" When is Tae Kwan Do?" ,mama tanya" Do you like Tae Kwan Do?, it is tomorrow,your Tae Kwan Do is on Friday.." So she is so looking forward to it..tak sampai hati pulak nak pontengkan tomorrow,maybe mama should leave a camera with the Teacher tomorrow and see whether these girls really bersilat-silat ke masa Tae Kwan Do:) ke action jer lebih adik ni:)Hmm dah masuk kindy selain cakap macam2 kadang2 mama rasa nakal lebih..i think both of them are more confident now,they understand many thing,so funny one night both told mama " Mama my berak is black because i ate seaweed soup at the Club" " Mama i dont like the vegetable at the Club,it is salty"..haaa..haaa..she is referring to "kimchi"..kadang2 the Club ada jugak served kimchi kat the kids siapa suka boleh try,so both dah try tak suka but they love the seaweed and fishball soup made by the club.Now memang sangat active,banyaknya akalllll..tak boleh duduk diam seminit pun..mama kena jadi polis garang sebab semua yang lain tak pernah marah..kadang2 menyesal jugak bila dah kena tu..tengok muka sedih,mata berkilat-kilat..but mama kena lah strict jugak,itu untuk kebaikan.Okay lah selamat menjalani ibadah puasa untuk semua.


  1. terliur betul tgk sardine goreng tu.. :P semakin cerdik tia n mia.. makin seronok mama n papa.. life become very interesting everyday.. :) flight kami malam tu.. sah tk dpt jumpa.. anyway, harap semunya brjalan lancar.. :)

  2. i pun ambek pangkat bad guy, biar mak yg marah sebelum org lain marah. i believe they'll understand that org yg banyak marah ni sayang sbb tu nak betulkan mana2 yg tak betul.

    sardin goreng namapak cantik. tentu sedap.
    kalau i dekat dapat rasa2 dan blaja2, i really bad at cooking :(

  3. Hello Mama TiaMia, you really have adorable daughters.
    Love their chats with you and their concern re your buka puasa, ha ha. They're cute.

    Well, one of these days, won't be long before one or both will say, "mama, when I grow bigger I want to be beautiful like you".
    Habis cherita....ha ha.

    Hey...noticed that 'Heel' mag. My wife doesn't read nor buy any other mags, except this one....but only maybe two or three times a year, especially cannot miss is when after the Hollywood Academy Awards presentations.

    Here's wishing you and hubby a pleasant bulan puasa, best regards, Lee.

  4. hi nashwa..alhamdulillah life is always inetersting now with the two girls around.

    hi ann..biar lah kita jadi bad guy kan..was talking to tia mia's teacher this morning she said some parents called her middle of the night when they can't handle their children,hmm that is not the right way,dicipline shud start at home,school is a bonus to follow through the process.Ann, i suka ajar orang masak tau..if any of the menu you would like to try just drop me an email,sardine is simple anybody can cook,the secret lies in cara,that's why setiap rumah kita pergi lain rasanya.happy ramadhan.
