Monday, August 16, 2010

ZARA,Peter and Jane.

After the Iftar Entry, we go shopping2 pulak Tia Mia punya pasal lah ni:) Papa mama issued cheque from your account ya,sikit saja tau:)

These boots are made for kejar kangaroo on the 4th Raya:) mama keeps high and deep inside the wardrobe otherwise Tia Mia will use this for gardening:)

See papa,these are all for Tia Mia..tak de for mama pun:)

Very sweet shirt from ZARA for the girls.

Mama likes this T shirt too,quite cool.

Sunday we went bookstore to buy Peter and Jane series.The Club used Peter and Jane for reading and writing so it is useful to have collection at home for revision and practice.

Amboi you are too happy girl..with the heart shape on chest:)What are you are up to?

Opps Mia..what is that?

Hmm so serious sampai panjat papa lagi:)

Yeap i got what i want..lovee this book.

Now time to read it seriously.."peter" "jane".."peter and jane" is peter,here is jane..

Found something more interesting lah...

Ada beribu buku,stilled nak berebut yang ini...

Mama bought one useful book for our trip,mama always like the "Insight Guide" series,compared to Lonely Planet etc, mama thinks this is the best and mama has the collection of Insight Guide of all places that mama and papa had been too.So salah satu tempat yang mesti Tia Mia visit at Swan Valley is Nougat and Chocolate Factory:) Okay that's it for today,may our puasa diberkati.Amin.
Bagi kawan2 yang ditimpa musibah di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini moga dipermudahkan Allah sbt kesusahan mereka,moga mereka lebih tabah menghadapi situasi yang pedih dan perit,doa kami moga kebahagiaan datang juga suatu hari nanti.InsyAllah.


  1. nampak tia mia suka baca. Gd. next will come wrting ur own stories :)
    cantik boots kejar kangaroo :)

  2. hi ann,hopefully you have good puasa today,masak ke atau pi bazaar ramadhan.
    They suka baca buka tapi tak lah lama2 sangat,dah tu suka dengar kita baca jugak,nanti dia tokok tambah macam2:)

  3. cantik boot..nnt tlg tangkap bwk blk kangaroo utk aunt ya..hehe..
    Haah la..t-shirt lah..!!

  4. bestnya nak gi holiday raya ke-4! wah dah baca peter and jane eh! i ada dulu2 kitorang punya masa kecik tapi still belum start on this little guy. malasnyaaaa! hiks

  5. tokok tambah tu lah yg kreatif :)
    i masak mcm hari2 biasa je, n bila ada peluang beli kat bazaar mcm hujung minggu :)

  6. auntie zeta..kalau dapat tangkap we bawak balik:)

    hi drama mama,untung little guy mama ada rumah boleh ajar anytime,tak pe slow2..tia mia pun 5 mins jer pas tu lesap.

  7. ann..masak simple macam hari biasa tu lah yang best..kat sini bazaar ramdahan pun dah mahal melampau..dulu kalau Rm5 tu dapat banyak macam harga RM3 dulu:(

  8. Tia Mia nak pegi Perth ke?? waaahhh bst nyer...bila nak dtg nottingham lawat2 eriem plak...ehehehe...IbuEriem ada bestfriend duk study kat perth, klu nak minta tolongor info, bgth frien tu baik...insyaAllah...

  9. salam eriem and ibu lama tak dengar khabar,selamat meyambut ramadhan di nottingham:) mesti lah teringin nak jumpa eriem yang cute di sana,tapi duit belum cukup lagi ibu:)thanks atas offer tu ya.

  10. ingat masa nina baca peter and jane dulu... bila dah bosan, asyik2 peter dgn jane ni je punye cerita orang lain punye cerita x de kerrr he hee... yess semoga yg ditimpa musibah menjadi lebih kuat... dan ingat apa2 pun PI adoooo....

  11. Hi Mama, I have mentioned before and will say again. You sure got great looking daughters....they're really adorable!
    And you sure going to have fun when they 16, and boys start calling...
    hopefully none bringing any iguanas, ha ha.

    By the way, I love your hubby's dash of grey hair, looks very nice and suave too. That pic of your daughter climbing from father's leg is priceless. Should enlarge and frame it up.

    You have fun and keep well, Lee.

  12. Azu,
    itu boots zara ye... Nice :)
    Patutla si kenit nak juga... good taste.

    Seronoknya panjat Papa cari buku. Padahal buku yang same level with her kan banyak. hehee...

    Seronok nak gi Perth...

    Happy days...

  13. nerry selamat menjadi duta,my doas for everybody

    uncle lee,uhhh tia mia likes compliments you know:)papa likes it too:)

    ita..itu gambar boots yang i dah pujuk beli yang dia nak colour dark brown,hard leather:)
