Sunday, September 19, 2010

My perut buncit like abang boboy!

Ha,ha this morning when we woke up,Mia teringat at abang boboy,she said 'my tummy big like abang boboy,i kentut like abang boboy'...haa.haaaa..mama tengah kemas-kemas now we nak go farmstay hope to stop at the Lavender farm today to see the beautiful Lavender.

Happy dengar kak ayan kata uwan okay:)

p/s auntie ita sini broadband lembab lah tak dapat upload banyak.Kak ikin dah puas makan kueh raya ke?

Dua orang ni banyak makan sini,especially the fresh milk,bangun tidur terus makan.

See sudah gomok ini budak..minum fresh milk banyak betul..sedap kot Australia punya.

then bersiap nak pi jalan..

At Hillary Boat Harbour..yummylicious seafood pizza:)

Until then bye bye...


  1. wahh!! tia mia still in Australia! kami semua dah balik.. back to work today :) cuaca sgt bagus, kan?!! we love australia.. rasa nak pegi lagi.. enjoy your stay there, dear.. :)

  2. wahh wahh mamatiamia sila carik jalan pulang segera... kami semua sudah mula kerja... untie nerry jeles guling2 ni....

  3. eehh..nak pizza..sedap nyerrrrrrrrr....! gugirls stylo..

  4. Bagus TiaMia kuat mkn..Mama dia xkuat mkn ke kat sana..seronok betul diorg ye..
    Susu kat sana mmg sedap kot..ramai yg ckp susu kat Aussie ngan UK sedap..i wonder how it taste.. :)

  5. Fresh milk mgm sedap.. patutlah perut Tia&MIa dah buncit. hehee.. comel :)

    Auntie sukalah boots tu.. Yg Mama beli from Zara ye... It's so nice on u.
    Sedap je nampak pizza seafood tu.

    Balik nnt qada upload pic byk2. internet lembab mmg tension nak uplod pic.

    bestnye gi lavender form.. mesti wangi ;)

    *Bila nak balik ni? hehee.. or Tia&Mia taknak balik?

  6. Very nice twins;]
    Greetings from Polish cordially!We Hope that you will visit our blog and add any comments:).

  7. Hi Mama, love these pics. By the way, not easy tell them apart. Both look the same, ha ha.
    You have fun and keep well, Lee.
