Monday, September 27, 2010

Splendid Perth - Chapter 2- Groceries and Kings Park

It was a beautiful day on 2nd day at The Urban Owl,East Victoria Park,mama opened eyes at 5.30 am and it was already bright:) As agreed with papa second day went out to buy groceries at the nearest mall.The place yang we stay memang very convinient,10 mins from house jumpa restaurant strips,kedai melayu pun ada,satay mahsuri,makan2 cafe,nasi kandar puteri dan izlyn restaurant,tapi we all tak pernah masuk,penat jugak makan makanan malaysia as mama cooked and if we dine out we eat seafood or pasta.

Happy nak pergi beli groceries pun:) permulaan shopping namanya.

Dua orang ni apatah lagi..macam2 buat sementara tu..both very good sejuk macam mana pun mesti berendam mandi dalam bath tub..dah tu mama keringkan dengan hair dryer..hee..hee..

We went to Target to buy few socks etc and did our groceries at Coles.

 Ini the girls yang nak..colourful suka lah dia orang..

So happy kitchen dah lengkap barang2 nak masak..kawan mama cakap 'pergi holiday pun kau masak zu" lah seronok tengok their fresh produce,mama bought big prawn,marinara seafood,fish egg,curry powder etc.

 One of the dish for lunch..sedap fish ni grilled dengan garlic.

 Papa menikmati his first lunch at the backyard..dia mesti terfikir-fikir tu..actually his big boss pun ada datang bercuti kat Perth,kat Burswood..mama nampak sms big boss dia ajak jumpa..tapi malam tadi dah jumpa uncle dia..cukup lah tu papa..this is our holiday okay.

Lepas kenyang we went to Kings park..masuk jer park rasa tambah sejuk,sebab pokok banyak and sun tak sampai sangat.Park ni lebih kurang Hyde park lah,cuma Hyde Park atas tanah rata and lebih luas...sangat cantik permandangan dari atas..nampak seluruh bandar perth.

 The Girls pergi mana2 pun bawak chips dia..sejuk lapar agaknya..

 Both were excited asking questions non was a very good botanical lesson for them..walaupun dapat answer dari dua teacher tak bertauliah:)
 Seronok bila dia orang seronok..semua benda dia nak tengok and tanya..jalan2 kat park pun jadi interesting..nak tahu setiap nama benda dan tumbuhan..nak tahu apa yang berlaku,kenapa..and they will ask"do we have this in msia?'

 Syok peluk Mia masa sejuk..

 Mama,Mia and the chips..

 Girls and violet petunias.


 Hello Perth..

 As it gets dark..lagi sejuk.. Tia..

 The girls and papa.

 Beautiful wildflowers..

 Blooms everywhere..

 Sisters-one of mama's favourite picture.

 We left Kings park bila dah nak malam..we had great time there,on the way back we stopped at the be chapter "Tarik Telinga Kangaroo"..till then nite, nite sleep tight.


  1. cute..lps mandi dlm bathtub mama keringkan guna dryer..hihihi..
    Cepat..cepat mama..cerita psl tarik telinga kangaroo..aunt ngan little kangaroo kat cni dah xsabar nk dgr ceritanya.. :)

  2. gambar sisters tu mmg cantek. 1st time go holiday dgn budak2 ni best kena layan soal jawab. chips provide energy!

  3. Salam
    Saya suka tgk pic2 akak...bright...jalan2 la ke araluen botanic park utk tgk tulips...cantik2.

    Dari Perth juga

  4. Azu,
    u are so pretty :)
    cantik u pakai jacket/cardi & boots.. matching2 dgn Tia&mia..

    Cantiknye bunga... scenery pun cantik.

  5. lagi lagi lagi... :)
    rambut kenits cantik sangat kat sana...

  6. hi ann..selamat hari raya lagi..yeap penat menjawab soalan but they belajar banyak benda.
