Sunday, October 3, 2010

Splendid Perth - Chapter 10 - Little House on The Prairie Dream Comes True -FarmStay at Settlers Rest Swan Valley

Today supposed to update about our jalan raya yesterday at maklang and pakcik's place,it was a special one,we met another twins in our family which are second cousin of TiaMia i.e Kak Nur nephews (Kak Idah sons) at maklang house.Unfortunately mama left the USB at home,The Twins Hanif and Hakim are two dashing handsome boys now,they are 16 years old,masa kecik dulu mama jumpa,pertalian darah so beautiful,dah besar they come and look for their saudara mara here,they were excited to see Tia Mia too and we had beautiful pictures yesterday,mama will upload tomorrow,today we continue with our trip to the Farm.

On the 8th day we left Anabel house and went to the farm at Swan Valley,the girls were really excited and mama dressed them up macam gadis ladang lah:)Swan Valley was a very beautiful country site,fulled with vineyard,flowers,ada chocolate factory and many many Tea rooms .Mama fell in love with Tea room,they have small cottage at the vineyard,when you go in they  gallery selling all the english things like teaset,clock,plates,they were gorgeous and you can order english tea with scones or ice chocolate with carrot cake or any savoury pies and sit at the gazeebo outside or the beaitiful tea room inside..they were awesome and mama really loved it.

Stay at the Farm is like "Little House On The Prairie Dream Comes True"..

 The two farm girls:)...Ingat tak girls memula masuk Swan Valley..papa susah nak cari the farm kan..we round banyak kali kat Guilford town..but never mind it was avery lovely town. tummy is grumbling..saya sudah lapar..
 Then kita jumpa satu lovely Italian Restaurant..apa lagi the pasta lovers suka sangat..

 Tempat ni fine dining..mat salleh duduk makan diam2..the girls tak tau diam..but thye were loved by the people there..they said both have very lovely dress...

Papa serah kat mama untuk order..mama pun order Seafood Chowder soup..super duper yummy..

 yang paling popular sini and mesti makan..chilli mussel..wahhh memang sangat sedap..

 For the girls mama mintak the restaurant prepared seafood olio linguine..walaupun tak ada olio dalam menu but they obliged..very nice..and it was really good..seafood penuh..

 Bila the food datang the girls cakap "wahhh yunmmy yummy"...the owner was really deligthed and she clapped her hand.

 Pasta girl..

 Papa cakap memang semua sedap..

 Masa food tak datang lagi...

 Mr Kappy we love your restaurant..

 Girls and wisteria...

 Mama too..

 Road yang lengang tapi just the kind mama likes..

 Dah tanya direction kat Kappy,kita pun sampai lah the cottage..wahhh memula risau jugak tengok dari luar maklumlah dah spoil at Anabel house..this is the original restored 18th Century Cottage..alamak ada bilik air tak...nampak luar semua old ni..camana..

 Betul2 Little House On the Prairie..jangan2 kena tidur atas haystack tak girls..belakang ladang ni ada sungai..dulu cottage ni seberang sungai..diindahkan seberang sini naik boat..dah 8 owner sejak 18 kurun dulu..wahh tak sabar nak tengok dalam ni..

 Keliling memang amat aman damai..

 Joom tengok kat dalam..

Papa mengangkut barang..

 The master bedroom..woishhhh leganya..nasib baik..sangat nice and cosy with fire place,mosquito net and all original shiny,bling2 brass bed,lampu etc..

 Second room was equally nice..

 Terus rasa macam orang dulu2 lah..

 Mia mengintai something kat luar..dia dah terjerit2 nampak something menarik dah..

 Mama suka the details macam rail katil ni..beautiful porcelain..zaman dulu punya..

 Lace bedspread pun cantik..nanti mama nak beli sebelum balik lace ni..

 Living room pun cosy..

 Happy budak ladang ni..

 Jom tengok kitchen..macam2 idea dapat ni..

 Shabby chick lover mesti suka..very antique..ada guni tepung atas lantai pun..

 Original piece..kena pakai baju macam zaman dulu lah mama..

 It was a very beautiful cottage actually...semua lengkap dengan peralatan modern tapi masih mengekalkan original items..

 Ada modern bathtub..

 Laundry area..

 Semua lengkap dengan detergent,dryer,etc..

 Tengok kat belakang ladang..wahhh it was really beautiful..

 Tia Mia tak sabar nak ke belakang rumah..dia dah nampak something..

 Ada tree house,sandpit,slide,swing..suka bangat lah dua orang ni..

 Ada rumah rabbit..

 It was so beautiful he..mama couldnt resist to take photo..

 Another one pls papa...


 Happy Mr Farmer and his Tia Khadeja.

 So cantik..

Memang dah rupa budak2 ladang..



 The ladang..meluas,menghijau..ladang anggur ni..

 Yahhh dua orang dah jumpa dengan mahkluk yang akhirnya jadi bestfriend dia orang for the next 4 days stay kat sini..sebelah dapur cottage jer..dah jumpa haram tak nak masuk rumah dah..

 Tumpang excited and happy lah tengok both happy sangat..

 Jadi tempat kegemaran barn ni..tiap pagi breakfast kat sini lah..bagi makan kambing favourite..

 Anak owner bawak kuda balik,kuda dia orang ni masuk lumba..

 They have good stallions..

 Girls mengerjakan dwarf Mr Ron..

 Kena paksa masuk rumah tea time..sebelum keluar dinner..

 Happy tengok tv pulak..

 Kat ladang jaga kesihatan sikit lah ye..

 Yoghurt with strawberry..




 Sebelum keluar dinner..petang dah mandi..muka kelat rupanya tangan masuk duri kecik..

Malam happy balik..banyak toy rupanya..okay lah nanti smabung cerita balik okay girls sangat beshhhh duduk farm kan:)


  1. Howdy Farm Girls.. heheee..

    Wah.. nice story Azu. Tia&Mia pun sangat happy sampai comot pun tak pe.
    Worth the journey...

    Sangat2 gumbira tengok sume happy :)

  2. Cantik view farm ni..menghijau luas...menarik sekali...siap ada kambing lagi..
    Tia Mia pun nampak happy ......

  3. salam mamatiamia ...
    its been such long time since singgah cni... Putri hasnt been feeling well lately and been so bz wit raya and all... bru la dpt find time... see tht Tia Mia enjoyed themselves so much in the farm...

  4. hi ita..memang sangat comot bila duduk ladang..tapi happy

    mamasya..cantik lah kat sana mamasya..semua menghijau..bunga penuh..

    Hello putri..yeap lama tak jengok putri jugak..hopefully she will get better soon,take care.

  5. Salam zu, kak sham baru tersangkut dengan blog ni...suka dengan cerita yg dipaparkan..anyway..tq Ita, sebab selama ni kak sham melalui blog ita hehe...salam perkenalan...comel sangat tia dan Mia..

  6. oihhh view sangat cantik2..baju cantik2, org cantik2,horse cantik2,pasta cantik2..can smell the farm already.. best2

  7. salam kak sham..selamat berkenalan nanti kita visit kak sham pulak.

    nerry..jom kita duduk ladang lah aku ingat sesuai kita ni duduk ladang..tapi ladang omputih ye lah..hee..hee

  8. Nnti post more photos of the farm ok. Wah, i pulak yg terlebih excited. Kids just love being with nature. So good la Tia Mia, not afraid of animals. My chacha sure dah jerit tarzan punya.
    U rasa, the italian restaurant tu ada outlet tak at sydney?

  9. seronoknya Tia Mia..baju pun cantik..;D

  10. auntie pun dah excited la jugak mcm tia mia bila tengok all nice pic at the farms..

  11. maya marissa,not really sure about kappy in sydney but one thing for sure,the food were really yummy:)going sydney soon?

    salam salmi,banyak kali nak masuk blog salmi tak boleh lah,tak tau kenapa.

    pinabate..memang dua orang kenits ni seronok.

  12. wah..bestnyer duk farm stay tu..very peaceful aje rase..;)ade jgk kambing biasa kat perth..ingat sheep aje ade..very nice trip lah..seronok baca n tgk tia mia..lain kali dtg lagi perth..tak puas tgk tia mia hari tuh..;)

  13. so classic. so natural. so enjoy!!!
    memorable 1st holiday for tia mia. nice collection of pictures :)
