Friday, October 29, 2010

Wuuuu... i eat spider and green monster with wobbling eyes..scaryy me...

Today is little Aidan last day at the club..little Aidan is such a cute and adorable boy,everybody gonna miss him:( The Club organised a farewell party for the little guy (he..hee little guy pun ada farewell party) since the club is an International kindy they had a Halloween theme for the party.Mama gave Teacher Claire the camera and asked her to snap photos.Maklang and Kak Yan made wonderful Halloween cuppies for the kids..the cuppies was a big hit..they really love it.Let see some fun pictures here. real pumpkin here..but this is good enough:)

 Each kid dapat satu with treats yaa..

 These are maklang./kak yan cuppies..the kids love it very much..everybody fight for spider...semua suka spider..

Eating time is a happy time..

 Makan sambil gossip these is quite scarry you know..according to teacher claire they talked about mom and dad..wuuuuu....

 We love these cuppiess...

 Ohhhh macho Shah Rukh masa muda..ada misai putih..hee..hee..

 Tia and best buddy..Shalom..

Gelek-gelek bon bon..

 Favourite port..

 With two new korean friends...

 Fun,fun..many handcraft activities here..witch hat buat sendiri..


 Iman Mia's Bff..

 Horayyy..mama is here to pick us..nak balik...

 Another hit from maklang's kitchen..banana choc for mama's office..

Keluaran terbaru maklang..Woopie Pie..yummy licious..tengah ada cream lazat menjilat jari..order..order..


  1. alalaa,,,,
    comel comelnya mereka..

  2. alalaa,,,,
    comel comelnya mereka..

  3. salam amirrah..tiamia said "we think you are cute too kakak":)

  4. Hi MamaTiaMia, first of all, hensem sungguh arwah, macam anak dia jugak sungguh lawa & cantek suma. Beauty with brains indeed. Tia Mia with Tiaras sungguh cute tak terkata. Very nice shotsss dear!Celebrations kat Kindi tu sungguh meriah, tak tahan bila teacher cakap bebudak tu suma gossip pasal their parents LOL! Ntah hapa diorang crita kan? Next time ask the teacher to record the gossip girls session!! I love the cuppies too, sungguh cute! Kalau dok sana, gerenti I order kat maklang jugak. Yang woopie pie to macam Eclair ke? Looks soo yummy. Pandai teacher Claire amek gambar tau! Have a good weekend!! Taaa..

  5. hi fasha..yeap they gossip about parents..cerita macam:)woppie pie tu lebih kurang Eclair very gomok:)

  6. wow, look like the girls are having so much fun. oh, dah pandai bergossip yea? thats' so cute!
    teringat i around last year, when we first started bringing my brother's girls for sleepover at my home. hb said the 2 nieces of mine and cha cha were still wide awake at 1am talking about handbags. mind you, they were 3 & 4 at that time. kids nowadays are way so advance...
    btw, your niece tu comelnyer. a real bwb - beauty with brain. err single lagi ker? hehehe

  7. hi marissa..yeap the kids now aday so advance kan.Yeap she's stilled single:)but too busy mencapai her cita2..i sibuk suruh dia serious2 dah:)

    pinabate..memang sedap.

  8. Nak Whoopie pie!!! heheheeee...
    Another version of Banana choc?? the big one huh?

    Wah.. sungguh gumbira si kenit2 ni dgn spider & pumpkin.
