Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cerita Rinduuu...

 The two girls really miss the 3 Aussies's friends from the Club,they used to be buddies before this.Eva,the eldest is already in International School now,since they stay quite far from the club the mama has decided to send them to kindy near to International School.So budak kenits dua orang ni really lah rindu..selalu tanya "where's Emma,Anna,Eva?"..Kesian..last week the three came to the Club for a day..syahdu lah dengar cerita Teacher Claire how TiaMia lepaskan rindu...

 We miss you Emma..kata Teacher Claire both said " where have you been? i went to Australia to look for you?...Alaaaa kesiannya..

 TiaMia love Eva too..Eva selalu layan Tiamia dulu..dokong,read story books..

 Emma The Cat..sebab tu TiaMia suka the girls...all of them very creative..tiap pagi ada jer fun activity..baik hati jugak bawak macam2 for everybody..

 Activity dia orang buat last week denganTeacher Claire ..cantik lahhh..boleh frame kan nanti....At this age dah pandai berkawan baik..susah jugak bila bff dah tak der..nasib baik Tia ada Mia and Mia ada Tia:)

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