Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hari Budak Perempuan Se Dunia:)

When? Saturday and Sunday..he..hee..we lah yang declare:) Actually we had so much fun last weekend:) The School gave mama letter from Talent Agent cakap Tia Mia kena shorlisted untuk TV and prints Ad and mintak us datang for casting on Saturday..mama tahu lah dua orang ni sebenarnya kalau dengan orang asing pemalu jugak,but since papa kerja on Saturday and for fun and experience mama and Kak Yan hantar dua orang ni pergi casting kat Studio Talent Agent di Taman Tun.Talent agent was excited to see the twins..but dua orang ni risau lah orang ambik height,size predicted bila buat photo session takut lah sikit..but it's okay,good experince though..funny thing..both mama and kak ayan di pujuk agent untuk casting jugak..mama said " I am a lil bit too old..i think my niece should give a shot"..but the agent said "no,no,you should try too..." Okay lah since it was a fun both of us pun gedik2 lah depan camera jugak..haa..haa..Aftet that we went delicious for lunch,ZARA and Cotton On..let see our pictures:)



Bila mama yang snap..happy..



Good experience..

Kak Yan pun give a try:)
Ciss..Tia baru satu photo shoot dah bergaya ni..haa..haa..on the way to lunch at Delicious:)
"The Three One Day Models"..he..hee
Delicious..good food here..

vanilla ice cream with choc syrup..

 Spicy Seafood Spaghettini and Crab Meat Spaghetti..mama's and kak yan's favourite..

 Then we went ZARA to get few t shirt but the girls had their eyes fixed on dress..hmm pandai dah..

 They love the orange colour..

 The Dress is a bit too long as it is for 5- 6 yrs old..tak der size dia orang..but since both suka sangat,mama pun beli lah..nanti balik boleh mama boleh fix..tahan lama lagi pun beli size besar..

 Siap bergaya2 dalam fitting room.

 Happy lah both dapat orange dress..

 Cewahhh..dua cik kak happy ni..

 tergedik- gedik bawak shopping bag..

 went Cotton get things for kak yan.

 balik rumah buat Art sand activity with kak yan pulakk..

 tadaaa..tu dia mia punya frog from the dark side..haaa..haaa

 hujan pun turun..sejuk kak yan pun makan sup daging dengan kentang mama buat..

mata pun layu..lepak kat family area depan TV..uwan siap dengan selimut kotak2 bawak dari kampung..heaven..what else can you say..we had totally fun day last weekend:)

 Happy Monday everbody:);)


  1. nice experience for the girls..
    hey mama should try it out too...
    mana ade too old..??!! stil looking awesome !!

  2. wahh..nampak tiamia mcm bdk dh bsr sgt dahh ;-)

  3. hi sofia..hahh..haa..i pun try jugak in the end:) lah nampak macam besar kan..bila melalak jadi kecik balik:)

  4. Dah pandai bergaya Mia Tia..mcm anak dara..hehehe..

  5. Hi MamaTia Mia, wow! Now thats what I call a fantastic experience...
    And love the various pics here.
    And I still cannot tell the difference between your 2 dolls.

    Looking at the pics of them trying on the clothes, I can just imagine both saying, "when we grow up we want to be beautiful like you, mummy".

    And the 2 dolls of yours going to break a lot of hearts when reach 18!
    By the way, you not going to give them a baby brother or sister? Maybe twin boys? They can babysit, no problemos, ha ha.
    Have fun, and stay young, mama Lee.

  6. lah suka bergaya sesama dia orang:)

    uncle more coming la:)i wud love to have more if i had started early:) u take care too uncle.

  7. auntie loves to see both girls with zara t-shirt and jeans ~ nampak dah besar dorang since auntie follow this blog from last year. I do like zara kids range of cloths..seme cantik2.

    Dulu2 kalau me beli gaun pun selalu cari yang labuh2 so that tahan lama nanti boleh pas2 to adik2 yang lain :-). and still keep gaun yang cantik2 untuk buat kenang2an bila all the kakak's dah besar nanti :-)

  8. hi salmi..yeap zara t shirts nice..and beli besar memang tahan lama:)
