Monday, November 1, 2010

Short Fun.

After kenduri at Paktih's house we checked in a one nite stay at A Famosa since it is near and we were too tired to go back KL.Nothing much at A Famosa but the girsl had some fun,the hotel not so great but okay lah..not dirty and quite spacious though.In the morning we took breakfast at cowboy town..wahhh they celebrate Halloween to the max...We tumpang ambik some great pictures for kenangan at cowboy town,after that we went for Safari was scary..we encountered real wild..until the next entry enjoy the pictures here.

 Mia Ayesha..rasa sekejap betul dah besar budak ni..

 Tia Khadeja..the sister by 3 mins..

 The sisters..

 Kejap gaduh kejap baik..

A Famosa Resort Hotel..we asked for Superior room..RM328 per nite..two queen beds with bath tub..nothing great but spacious and clean.

Jangan terperanjat Room service came with plastic pack bungkus dalam plastic..kena bayar cash make sure ada cash kalau nak order Room Service..

 Budak ni masuk hotel jer selera sedap..keturunan sapa ni..he..hee..

 Halloween at Cowboy town..the deco was great..

 Tia Mia tak pulak takut tengok ni semua..they tahu toy..

 Pumpkins are in the air..

 Pumpkins everywhere...

 Excited little girl..

 Picture by Mia Ayesha..

Bye Cowboy town..Safari Drive next..


  1. rumah paktih kat rembau tu kat mana?rumah achik kat chongkau tu ahhh...pic no 4 tu nampak tia mia cantik sgt...mmg nmpk dh besar tinggi pon....mmg sekejap jer masa berlalu kan azu...rindu la anak2 ms kecit2 comel tp seronok juga tgk diorg ni membesar...

  2. ohhh acik kek chongkau ko..rumah paktih kek kota dekat ngan simpang ampat tu haa..

  3. acik acik ado problem nak tinggalkan komen lah..puek den poi visit..tak dapek2 dari hari tu haaa..buka komen tapi tak appear apo..merajuk ko apo blog orang chonhkau ni..

  4. safari kat a famosa tu best kan.. dptlah rasa pengalaman tgk singa ngan rimau berkeliaran.. kita plk yg ddk dlm cage tgk depa.. suka tgk gambar ur twin.. comel.

  5. hanis,takut tau tiger tu macam marah jer kat orang..kalau dia datang tepuk truck tu mesti panik:(but gud experience though..tiamia said makasih:)

  6. ye la tia mia cepat besar, look so tall dan dah banyak boleh cerita kan especially dah banyak kawan2 at club. best hotel tu ada 2 katil besar :)

  7. hi ann..tu lah no more nomok babies:(..oklah hotel tu ann..not so great..have a great weekend ya..esok last day kerja..friday cuti..seronoknya..

  8. Azu,
    they look so BIG & TALL in jeans & t... Cepatnye masa berlalu....

    Hebat ye decor Hari Hantu kat A Famosa :P

  9. tiap kali tgk pic tia n mia sy suke berteka-teki sendiri mana satu tia n mana satu mia.kdg betul kdg salah.huhu

  10. hi ita..dah pindah duduk banggggulooo tu lah ita..mana anak2 nomok i tahhhhh...:(

    hi av_ va ..tu lah kalau oarng tak biasa memang keliru.

  11. Hi Mama, I love the pics, and I still can't tell the diff your two girls. But they sure have their mom's good looks, ahemmmm.
    One of these days they both going to tell you, "when we grow up we want to be beautiful like you, mummy".
    Have fun, Lee.

  12. nice Haloween celebration thr...
    Tia n Mia looks all grown up ... so fast seeing them grow day by day ..

    hey my inlaws place in Rembau too... in Kg Sy Layang..

    have a fun weekend thr..yahoooo sok da cuti ..hehehe...

  13. hi uncle lee..of we look cute like mama..haa..haa..we loike..

    hi sofia..same to you..enjoy holiday with the cutie pie..take care.
