Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pasta Lasagne Weekend

 This weekend bangun pagi decided to bake lasagne for breakfast..some people askd"lasagne for breakfast!!.."he,he we dont have hard and fuss rules when it comes to food and cooking:)

 bechamel (white/cheese) sauce and meat sauce ready..

 I dont have thick oven dish,kenalah guna thin one tak lah tebal my lasagne nanti but the plus point cepat masak:)

 After one layer of meat sauce put dollops of white sauce..

 Then atur the lasagne sheets

Finally sprinkle the mozarella cheese after the repeat the process and bekas dah penuh

 Of you go into the oven

 Wallaaaa the super sedap sinfully rich lasagne:)

 Tak sempat nak tunggu sejuk sikit..walaupun tak tebal tapi sungguh sedap;)

 One happy man;)

 One happy uwan:)

 One happy kenit sedia nak siram bunga

 Siram jgn tak siram;)

 After breakfast heavy sangat we opted for healthier lunch he,.hee

 and salad of course..

 but uwan mana boleh tak makan masak lomak..hee..hee

 the day before was pasta pasta at The italiannies enjoy the photos

happy weekend everybody..tmrw already monday!!!! arghhhhh..heee..hee


  1. akakkkk asyik mkn2 jer!!!mcm ni bole gems la!!!hehehe

  2. Your food tu.... Geram nye tengok... Terus rasa nak makan malam2. hehee..

    Amboi Rapunzel 2 orang tu makin gulung2 rambutnya... Teringat ELin&Erin.... Now no more. :)

  3. intan akak masak ajer amabik bau..biar gomok asal happy:)

  4. ita..hee.hee..malam2 makan lasagne..dulu elin&erin curly jugak ye;)i tak der harapan lurus ni nampak curly all the way

  5. Askum Azu...adussss rugi betul lama xjenguk cni...tia mia makin cantik...rambut pon makin panjang cantik sangatttttt.....acik suka la...

    kita lately ni sibuk sgt...balik rumah pon dh pancit....heheh dh sarat ok...skrg 36 weeks..tunggu tarikh nak zasss jerk nih..hehehe...

  6. salam acikkkk..wahhh dah dekat tu..harap2 sihat selalu kami doakan;)

  7. ... lovely twins and a very nice blog. Feel free to myself;))

  8. hi " I love ski jumping"..thank you very much,will visit yr blog soon:)
