Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Weekend Ladies!

Good Morning Bakso:):) That was what we had this morning:) Dah lama juga tak buat,it is very simple and yummy,not much ingredient but the secret lies in pounding and cooking,what you pound and how you cook determine the taste.My version,i pound white pepper with lots of garlic and shallots,tumis in olive oil,once bau dah naik i put in the meatballls,stir until slightly golden brown,add in water and beef broth,wait until it boils for few mins,pour onto the boiled beehoon and add romain may add bawang goreng and sambal kicap if you like..sangat sedap;)So this morning Tia and Mia had bakso in their lunch box, butter bun and banana,nowadays they prefer to have thier breakfast pack to the club,they enjoy eating there with friends. The club provides snack at 10.00 am and lunch at 12.00am,last week i asked them "what you had for lunch?" they told me "chicken soup with flower and frog!!!"...when i scream,they laughed and said " We are just kidding mom!"..both really cheeky nowadays.

Today I am very excited,me, my niece (ikin) and my two friends from  office gonna enroll ourselves at Wilton International Cake House! Yeaahhhhh we gonna be a Baker soon,we have opted for a basic course,they have 5 classes and in each class you will learn to bake 2 cakes and 2 toppings.After the session we will get to bring back the cakes,a friend of mine has asked her husband to upgrade her kitche,get her a new Mixer  and he has done that! so nice isn't it:) So we are very excited, apart from learning we are going to give ourselves a get together ladies session  after the class, we can have time of our own..i think it's going to be fun, we will get ourselves a customised apron too;)

What to do this weekend? I am thinking about gardening:):) tapi nampak hujan lah sekarang..I really love gardening and once we have more space i will have my own herb and spice garden:)..Got to think about activities for tomorrow:);) Have a nice weekend everybody,lets have a special breakfast tomorrow,cook a nice healthy one for our family,take out your nice tablecloth,decorate your garden table and we can have outdoor breakfast..I think a "Big Western breakfast with sunnyside eggs,pancakes,beef strips,bake potato and toast would be nice..or lontong with kuah lodeh with tempe,tahu,fucuk,kubis and udang kering will great too..bubye..until the next entry..psss..ladies dont forget to give yourself a treat this weekend ya;)


  1. salam, uishh hujan sejuk2 ni tgk cake tu mmg teruja..

    psstt, tia mia: auntie teliur la tgk eskrim pink tia mia tu. nampak sodap bonar! :):)

  2. lepas ni layan gambar2 kek la best...gomok la si tia and mia nanti....hehehhe

  3. polish twins..tahnk you:)

    salam jaja..memang selera lah sejuk ni kan:)sedap eskrem taimai tu tapi cuma jauh lah nak dapatkannya;)

    idida,biar budak gemuk asal jangan ibunya..hee..hheee

  4. have a nice weeked to u too.. wah dah tukar header baru.. cantik..

  5. Hi my dear, wahh what have I missed here. Banyak entries I tertinggal but now I dah khatam semua dah. Sungguh lovely lagi vibrant all the pictures. Wahh your blog was in the magazine! Congrats dear. You deserve it! Because of your selalu ceria Blog and most of all your humbleness that I just admire. Keep it up dear. Gambar Uwan buat I terharu sangat, dan buat I amat amat rindu kat my mak dan my Wan. I am sure she is soo proud to have you as a daughter. TiaMia pun makin smart and cute all around. I love your entry Khas BUat Wanita, and I agree with everything you said. Take care dear!
