Friday, March 25, 2011

Le Comptoir des Patisseries;)

All pictures are courtesy of google.

The happy Baker in the making:)

Happy lah today..Alhamdulillah the second happy white envelope has arrived:) semua orang muka berseri dapat salary increment yang backdated since January:) So ada 3 kebahagiaan bagi staffs di syarikat tahun ni,first dapat ESOS,price okaylah jugak now,secondly bonus and third is increment:) Firstly Alhamdulillah and secondly thank you to Company.

Then sangat happy sebab dah register kat Wilton Cake house untuk belajar buat cakes with the other 3 ladies,termasuk my niece Ikin,hari dah dapat timetable Class starts 17 April:) Excited lah nak beli apron,selain belajar buat cakes get together between ladies too:) Yeayyy very looking forward to the first class

Hopefully we can bake cake as awesome as this:)

And hopefully jugak by the time TiaMia punya birthday dah boleh buat swet treats camni:)

Wish to visit Laduree store in Paris oneday,Ikin going in May,buy maksu macaroons okay;)

Big dream to visit Paris again oneday..duduk hotel kecik kat Rue de Amsterdam tu pun tak pe lah;)

Sebelum visit Paris visit pasar tani kat office dulu..hari ni pasar tani datang office..kat office ni senang semua jabatan dan benda datang sini,jabatan pendaftaran,zakat,epf,urut kaki,health screening,pasar tani,store baju melayu..kalau tak bergerak mana pun setakat lalu lobby pun duit boleh habis;) Sedap rendan kering and ketupat palas ni tau..yummmm..yummm Happy Weekend Everybody:)


  1. Alhamdulillah rezeki.. tumpang happy mendengarnya.. wah.. terbukak mata melihat all those cakes.. tp i ni tekak org kampung.. yg last tu jgk paling mengoda.. he..he..

  2. salaam mamatiamia..alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah..nanti share kat sini yer kelas kek kat wilton tu..interested jugak nak pegi least for the basic..jadiklah..16 Apr pun me gi baking2 jugak..macaroons!..hikss sebab DD semua pun like..ibu dia tak larat nak membeli ajer macaroons kat kedai :-)

  3. Alhamdullilah Zu....rezeki you and family.Alhamdullilah.

    Zu...nanti kalau dah pandai buat kek,macaroon boleh I order dekat you yer.I ni sweet tooth.Tapi nak buat tak pandai.Paling I suka Red Velvet Cake sampai my kids tahu already my obsession.

  4. MamaTiaMia,
    alhamdulillah, tambah rezeki....
    re Wilton class - nnti post entries on that wokeh...also pic of the end product skali tau....
    p/s: tengah berusaha nak men'khatam'kan ur past entriessssss

  5. hanis,ye lah yg last to sentiasa sedap:)

    salmi,wahh seronok tu buat macaroons,nanti post picture jugak ye..good luck to us.

    nadiah,thanks,insyallah,red velvet to one of the cake yg kita org akan belajar.

    maya,berusaha i ni haaa..nank pandai buat cake;)
