Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strawberry park CH,Part 2.

Hi everybody..yeap i still have some great photos from our trip..actually not much activity that you can do in Cameron but with the girls around anywhere we go pun seronok..dia orang penuh dengan energy and laughter;) So let see some more pictures..these are the last batch;)

2nd day we took both to the gift shop as they wanted to buy gift for friends at  kindy and teachers, Mia was asleep in the car so i gave Tia chance to choose souveniours..she was delighted:)see the grin;)

Selain hotel/resort CH tak berapa nak ada kedai2 makan yg macam KL,kopitiam ke etc..kedai mamak pun tak berapa happening..so we took the girls to Marrybrown:)

I love this picture.. so syukur..one is 3 1/2,the other girl is 87 yet they can walk hand in hand..Alhamdulillah to Allah sbt pada kesempatan yang di beri to both..menerima and memberi kasih sayang:)

We stopped at ye Olde Smoke House for pictures.

Under the beautiful Arch.

The girls checking around.

We love their tearoom.so nice and english.

Tea and scones is really nice here.

Tia kalau bergaya No1.

See..siap lentuk lagi:)

One nice shot;)

Bye ye Olde smoke house..we shall come back.

After the long walk..we had dinner in the hotel..room service;)

3rd day we went to the fruit/vege stalls..

The girls were really looking forward to see butterflies as teacher claire had told them to do so:)


Shot by my Canon compact pocket size Nikon ixus;)

Another gorgoeus butterfly.

Tia was so happy to see  butterfly sat on her finger.

Mia thought it was really awesome to have butterfly sitting on her finger;)

But nobody can beat papa "the butterfly man".

Mia has it on her beanie;)

Roses after the rain:)

Country roses which i love to have at home oneday:)

last stop was at Bharat Tea Plantation.

The feeling was awesome here:)

Me and the girls..where is Tia?

The super delicious scones;)

Tia Mia having good time:)

By CH..nanti kita berjumpa lagi:):)


  1. waaahh sangat cantik kan taman kat smoke house tu..buat hati terasa nak pegi shopping bunga kat sungai buloh lak..hihihi..the butterfly tu sangat jinak..kat taman butterfly ke tu..hari tu kakak's cari butterfly kat UB jumpa sekor je..itupun kena kejar2 nak tangkap gambar :-)

  2. nice photo.. tgk gambar2 tu terasa bagaikan kita pula yg berada di CH tu.. seronok aje layan gambar2 tia mia yg comel lote tu..

  3. tia mia bagus adventurous. my children would be takut if butterfly hinggap kat mereka. but cnt blame them, terikut resmi maknya :D

  4. salmi, jom pisungai buluh beli bunga..i love bunga rose kampung..panjat2 penuh bunga..cantikkk;)

    hanis..tiamia memang suka bergambar now:)

  5. ann..tiamia paling suka insect,suka bugs,caterpillar pun kalau biar kan dia nak pegang..mia toy kegemaran dino,ladybug,crocs..hee..hee a bit ganjil kan:)

  6. hey you cheeky mickey girls..and uwann too..nice shots maksu..

  7. thanks kak ayan..we miss your cake laa..soon we will order from you;)
