Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Feel Like Just Married!

25.5 - Feel like Just Married! We had blessed and fantabulous 9 years together! Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah,Syukur,Syukur..nothing else match these expressions..Thank You Allah.

We had advanced dinner the night before as the other half will be stucked in a meeting on 25.5,we went to everybody's favourite "The Italiannies".

The naked face on 9th Anniversary..few years back before we have the tomel2..every anniversary full make up,new dress..now lucky to have lipstick on..hee..hee..but we promised each other to take care of ourselves,our health,our look as we grow older..dengan izin Allah sbt we shall hold hands always..selagi bernafas..haaa..haaa extreme;):)

Two small significant gifts for kenits..they are our teddy bears..we want to cuddle and hug them forever..Alhamdulillah,thank you Allah..looking at them is like looking at the globe,dreamy and full of happiness.

Papa.. got his gift..while myself supposed to walk into the bling,bling shop after dinner..tapi after dinner kedai dah tutup..haaa..haa..so hb said weekendlah ya.."tak pe lah dear"..ye lah tu..sabar menunggu weekend..hee..hee moga penantian berbaloi..Amin;)

Titanium watch good for papa..very light..papa has sensitive skin..hope you ll like it papa..so sila tengok jam selalu,jangan asyik stuck dalam meeting and lambat pulang..the watch will bite you if you are late;);)

My girls Tia...i have another one looks exactly like this and she is Mia..haaa..haaaa..

Apa i suka makan dia pun suka..lemonade was my favourite drink when i was pregnant with them..now both really like lemonade and anything yang ada lemon:)

Ha..haaa..extreme..ni bukan ikut perangai mama lahhhh...

10 years ago..down the memory lane- was engaged for few weeks at this time,was travelling alon to Amsterdam..ada small kebakaran kat Schipol Airport,the other half in mesia masa tu so worried,he siap email Schipol Airport punya management..and he stills keep the email;);)

Muka sedih kononya travel sensorang..ye ke sedih.. ni kat Grasse,southern france dalam cubaan memborong perfume;) p.s itulah first LV beli dengan duit gaji;):)

One of my favourite;s place..Cannes..one day we go together ya papa,tia and mia;) Finally Alhamdulillah again;)


  1. Alhamdulillah.. Happy 9th anniversary.. Semoga kebahagian terus menjadi milik kalian sekeluarga.. baguslah u.. dulu dan sekarang masih nampak sama.. still maintain the shape & the beauty.. semoga terus cantik, sihat dan bahagia..

  2. Salam Hanis..terima kasih byk atas ucapan yang baik ya;);)

  3. salam, mamatiamia..
    lama sungguh tak singgah sini n today i come purposely to wish u happy anniversary!! :):) remember.. we share d same date?? ;)dah 9 tahun, kan??.. semoga kekal bahagia... bertambah rahmat dariNya.. tahniah for your graduation.. dah boleh bakar kek utk annivrsary nih!! take care.. n kiss to both cute teddies of yours!! :)

  4. Tahniah!
    Semuga keluarga diberkati Allah dan terus bercinta hingga ke syurga..;)

  5. Happy anniversary dear! may god bless your wonderful family :)

  6. Thanks Pinabate,thanks Maya..i ma having problem with this blog lah..can't post comments at other's people blog..asyik pergi ke passwaord ajer..since semalam..tension lah dah karang panjang2.thanks again.

  7. Alhamdulillah..
    Hepy anniversary..moga seluruh keluarga MamaTiaMia diberkati Allah selalu..

  8. Happy anniversary Zu dan husband..lambat kak sham wish hehe...almaklumlah dah lama tak buka blog..sibuk ler katakan...rindu pulak nak lihat cerita tiamia ni....harap semuanya happy dan sihat sentiasa...

  9. Happy 9th anniversary 2 u !!
    May God bless u and family alwiz ..

  10. Happy Anniversary Azu & hub!!!
    Tia&Mia pun semakin besar....

    *Psstt... LV tu nnt Tia&Mia pun boleh carry...

  11. salam zeta..thank you very much..i tak dapat visit blog youlah,macam tak jumpa...take care ya.
