Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Golf Lesson & Strawberry Pickings on Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day to All Fathers and Al Fatihah buat yang telah tiada including mine..i lost mine when i was 16 years old..came back from school terbau kemenyan dan kapur barus di ruang rumah..suasana paling di takuti..My father was a very strict and discpline man,he leads by example..due to his principle and discpline i kinda scared of him..but i never doubt his loves to me..on the last day i met him at was only he and me..he told me " Abah doesn;t have harta to give you but i think I give you enough education utk dunia dan akhirat..remember that will forever be your harta..and you'll be fine..insyallah"..those were his last words..after that i just saw his body,i can;t cry at that time,i waited for people to leave the room,i touched his cold bounded hands,his chest..trying to see if doctor had made a mistake by prouncing him to be dead..but it was for the room i think about how i regret not making nescafe for him every evening as he loved my nescafe,i regret not really showing him  my love outloud..i regret not talking enough to him..i was only 16 yr old at that time..but i had many regrets..not because i had done something bad but because i didn't do enough..A year after his death i passed my SPM with flying colours..his words are always in my mind..with that i live my life with kesyukuran..i enjoy every bit of it and at the same time try to improve every aspect of life from time to time..To my to little girls i hope they will take all opportunities to spend times with their to the rainbow while they still in the might not see it tomorrow or in a hundred years.

We have some wonderful photos today,jom tengok:

Tia Mia made these cute "necktie" for their papa at kindy.

Tia's one is stained with spaghetti sauce..hee..hee

From the two girls..Mia pilih the pink while Tia the blue with pink stripes..haa..haa papa got pink shirt...purple hankies somemore:)

I prepared healthy baked roti canai and special chicken curry with dhal,potato and carrot for Man of the House..and he loves it:)

After breakfast papa took us to Awana Genting for first golf lesson and also lunch..Awana used to be mama and papa favourite place masa bujang;):)

The Happy Papa

Love is in the Air

We love you papa.

Papa with his pizza..surprisngly sedap..mama had steak while the two girls as usual had their pasta.

Then we went to the driving range

First lesson by papa;)

Tia was excited

Yeahhh hit it girl

"Papa you come here and show me how"


It was raining heavily and the girls hide under papa's shirt

Fooling around.

baskin Robbins time

Before balik we stopped at Gohtong Highlands stop

Geram tengok all the lettuce.

Masa yang di tunggu oleh the girls..strawberry picking.

Excited the two is quite costly..RM6 for a 100 grams..the girls picked banyak pulak kena lah RM45.

Tia proudly showing her hasil

Mia dengan hasil tuaian

Mia punya cantik

While Tia;s extra rajin she peeled off all the leave..ready to be ngap:)

Mama pulak ponat lah menunggu

Mia Ayesha dgn gaya tak boleh challenge dia:)

Wuyooo Tia Khadeja lagi dasat

Mama and Papa penghibur;)

This is sweet..we love you darlings;)


  1. happy papa's day.btw so sweet tia mia yg comel tu, mamanya pun tak kalah kan...

  2. serius dorang photogenic dan comel sgt. hehe

  3. bestnya tgk semua org happy and enjoy the father's day..

  4. salam ummimiqdad..moga sihat selalu,makasih ya.

    abang suffiakmal..eowhhh we like:)

    hi hanis..harap2 hanis sekeluarga pun enjoy FD:)

  5. cutenya Tia Mia..pandai sungguh posing ..macam model strawberry dah..

  6. memang pandai posing, dah selalu gaya for mama's shots. mesti bila besar tengok gambar2 ni suka sangat, mama kumpulkan gambar2 dan cerita2 growing up yang mereka tak berapa ingat.
