Friday, August 5, 2011

Waiting for Dawn.

Alhamdulillah and Salam,thank you to those who has wishes me ramadhan  al mubarak and left comments/messages,i have yet to reply to all:( I had a very long week this firts week of Ramadhan and still days and nites were extra long. Iwant to share my experiences with you all...i have learned a lot from the one week..when the time permits i will write very for now enough for me to say enjoy your day,enjoy your nite,no matter how  tiring your work,how naughty your children,how suck your house works,how less money you have, how much problem that you have to to sleep in your own bed,hug your healthy children,cook in your little kitchen and clean your totally messed house is a blessing.
Salam again and see you soon..Insyallah:)


  1. Salam Ramadhan untuk Zu dan family. :)

  2. Just to drop by to say Salam Ramadhan to MamaTiaMia and your lovely family. Nanti I dah balik dari Msia untuk raya and selesai berpindah & kemas baru I will try to khatam all your lovely entries that I have been missing. Selamat berpuasa & take care, hugsss!!

  3. Assalam Azu..Selamat berpuasa...Busy betul nampaknya minggu ni..patutlah tak de gambar masakan yg sodap2...
