Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shangri La, Sydney.

Salam Hanis,Arienieva and Zira:):)

Sometimes bila kita travel kita tak sempat macam nak really appreciate satu2 tempat tu,especially kalau kita will be moving from one place to another.Same goes with Sydney town,since kita arrived in Balmain and then datang2 kejap ke town and after that moved to farmhouse kita tak really "nikmati" Sydney. Therefore it is good to back and spend few nights at the first place you arrived before going back.Masa kat mudgee towrads the end to kita teringat-ingat jugak kat Sydney dah..sebab tu sedih tinggalkan Mudgee but we really look forward to go back to Sydney. Earlier i booked one night stay in Shangri La through Agoda from Malaysia ye lah tak boleh lama2 kat Shang sebab sangatlah mahal..tapi nak bagi budak2 experience duduk good hotel in a big city.Tapi kat Mudgee fikir if one night only nothing much that you can do,sampai petang,masuk hotel esok pukul 11 dah kena check i decided to cut short one night at Mudgee and book extra nights at least boleh jalan2.

After zig zag train we drove to Sydney..kalau petang2 ni banyak lah kereta kat Sydney and jam just like atas bridge kita dah terlepas Shangri la sebenarnya,Shang kat tepi bridge tu jer..bila kita tengok belakang kita cakap " papaaa..there,there..Shang behind us:)"

So papa kena lah buat turn yang agak jauh nak masuk town and pergi area The Rocks where Shangri La resides.

bila dah nak balik and ada few days ajer..baru kita rasa ehhh situ tak jalan lagi,sini tak jalan lagi and me quietly think " i must do some shopping for myself..heee..hee"

Tia taking her time to enjoy Sydney city from our car.

Service at Shangri La was tip top,the girl at the counter was super nice, she upgraded us to room with bestview on higher floor..masuk bilik and rasa awwwwww..breathtaking view..just imagine before this we were trying to get good shot of the bridge and operahouse and now infront of our eyes from our room we can see all..truly magnificent.

The room was big and very very comfortable..Shangri la is among the five star hotels in Sydney with really big room..the deluxe stands at 48.00sf...we wanted to book Hilton earlier but Hilton was half of this size.

Papa was also mesmerized by the view so he took his handycam and recorded it..

There are plenty of space for tia and mia here..

and the bed was heaven..super comfortable..masuk duvet tenggelam and when they say is really kingsize..two adults and two children in the bed..masih banyak space lagi..

we snapped many pictures of opera house from here.

and the bridge too...

the two were really seronok..they can't stop jumping..

the bathroom like any other shang hotel..was just awesome..

and the girls couldn't wait to get into the longbath.

lepas dah seminggu duduk ladang..datang 5 star hotel jadi camni lah..haaaa..haaa..tia said " ohhh mama i love this hotel,i want to stay here long and long...." oppsss sorry dear..two nights already bakar our pocket okay.

trying the best bed..

tak habis lagi appreciating the view..

we were in Shangri La Sydney...uhhh i am a Mr;):)

Tia Mia's friends appreciating the view too...

Okay lah lets go to sleep..tomorrow we kena cover as much as possible Sydney!


  1. tia mia nampak seronok sangat.. view yg sgt menarik.. sangat beruntung u all dapat bilik tu.. katil tu terus buat rasa mcm nak tido bila tgk.. he..he.. nmpk super comfort..

    time vacation mmg time anak2 yg dah besar tu menyelit dgn kami juga.. and king size mmg muat2 untuk kami berlima.. tp tersepit2lah.. ha..ha..

  2. bestnyer view from your room... nampaknya stori mori your vacation dah nak sampai penghujung... tak sabar nak tahu ending dia :)

  3. oo..oo.. i can feel like it's almost reachng the end of yur perfect holiday already... slow slow cerita ye.. biar byk lagi post before it truly ends.. ;) hehe...
