Friday, December 23, 2011

A Blue Kitchen. mama asked me to say Big Thank You to everybody,she appreciates all comments,encouragements,good words...she read every single words and she looked at everybody's profiles,so she kinda know you all,new and old she said "Salam to Ladies and Gentlemen".She is a bit busy today..well she always a bit busy:):) she can't answer much but she will answer 2 questions first: 1. She bought Beras Bubur Herba Ponni Faiza at One Utama Cold Storage,it is at the same row with the pastas and placed next to ketupat segera,pulut siam etc. 2. The big griller/toaster was bought at Parkson One Utama,the brand is "Princess" and price at RM400++

Today my mama is not working..wahhh i am so glad that mama is home, my school holiday has started and i am so bored..i asked mama to send me to school but she said the school is close. My mama said my teacher Claire has gone back to her hometown to fetch her mama for Christmas,teacher Claire's mama is an aborigine and live in  Aborigines Village in Pahang,while her dad is a British and most of her aunts and other relatives from her father's side life in UK.When we go to Cameron tomorrow my mama will show me the aborigine village.Ehh..i forgot to tell everybody about the above picture:):) my mama made me pondok2..she's not really happy with the fact that me and my sister always looking at tab,iPhone,bb all the time,she said that is not cool at all..playing pondok2 is more cool!

Indeed it is cool and cold as she place a fan next to us:) She said when she was small she made pondok from batang ubi,daun kelapa and pisang..she pounded the biskut kering,mixed it with water and turned it into a dough..wahhh my mama was very creative,she kinda a creator to playdough!! My mama loves outdoor life,when she was small she loves to read book under the tree,in the bushes or on the river bank,she always keep a mat outside the house.She loves to draw and grow wonder i love drawing too i am not sure about growing veges but i sure love to eat it:):) We had a great pondok2 day today..mama let us play for long.

We played masak2 and cikgu2..mama said i don't have to spend money to play this is natural and promotes our creativity.

Evening; mama took us to "doodles park"..we had a great time there and papa joined us for dinner at Mc D.

Oppss my mama said must tell about uwan..otherwise people will ask,where is uwan,where is uwan? wahhh uwan has fan too..this is too much are more popular than us:):) Well not to worry..My Uwan went to berlibur ,my pashik took uwan and our maid to kenduri in Perak, they gonna stay   at Homestay for 2 nites and jalan2 makan durian after that.So this morning Uwan and Heni was so happy ..they were like going for school outing,giggling while packing and changed clothes for few times..Heni of course is happy because she is free from all the mess that i usually make for 3 days and 2 nights.Hope they enjoy the adult retreat.

Some how this morning while talking during breakfast our pashik mentioned about our old house which was sold.My mama as usual nostalgia tonite she looked at the old pictures again,that was me in the picture, i was  younger  at that time if i am 5o years now right:); that is our outdoor area with oven and chimney. Mama spent so much time renovating this house, those oven tiles and stones were handpicked by her, she sat with our contractor and explained to him about her idea.It was a nice place but Allah Swt has better plan for us:) Insyallah.

Mama teringat her breakfast nook there..she remembers her french blue kitchen cabinet..

Mama loves this deep and large ceramic sink and copper costed her a lot..

Mama said the lightings in the house was her best pick..she toured the whole town before  picking the final lightings..well it is okay mama,as you said Allah Swt has better plan for us..don't worry i do have money you can take my money and build your dream house..waitttt..let me go and count first,,two,three...ahhhh i have it a lot mama? Now give me a kiss that is the most precious to matter where we life as long as we are together i am happy.taaa..taaa and good nite.p.s mama said must say Bismillah first:):) 


  1. dear tiamia; wat a wonderful stories written by ur mum!!it flashback my memories to my childhood time too where i also played that so-called pondok2, cikgu2 and masak2..miss tat time so much..

  2. wah tiamia update blog mama dia lah...
    untunglah anak2 sekarang macam2 gadget yang mereka dapat merasa kita dulu tak ado pun bondo2 ni paling mahal kito main dulu pun snap, one happy family at home, dam ularm dam haji tak lupa jutaria yang harganya cuma RM2.50 itupun kumpul duit belanja sekolah. tapi akak ni bagus still ajar tiamia main pondok2 bagai walaupun tak macam kita kecik2 dlu buat pakai sumber alam.

  3. wahh tia mia main pondok2 ye..tu la best..dr asyik ngadap android tablet tu..tu cara budak2 kecik dulu2 main...

    flashback to my memories also..cikgu2, masak2, kawen2..haha such a lovely momories...

    kak zue, rumah kak zue yg dah jual tu kat mane?

  4. you're the sweetest mum ever! selalu mengalirkan airmata gembira, suka, terharu everytime baca blog ni. so sweet! i wish i can be at least half a good mother you are, kak zue... so sweettttttt!!

  5. assalammualaikum kak zue,

    first time komen even baca blog akak da lama da =). sori yea. btw, sy sangat sangat sangat suka blog akak hehe. sekali baca memang xkan miss da.

    bila baca blog akak, alahai terasa manis sangat. dari segi ayat2 akak, cara penceritaan dan semuala. even saya belum berkahwin lagi (bakal kahwin insyaallah bulan 4 2012), sy da bercita cita nak jadi cam kak zue. pandai masak dan serba serbi. saya pun sibuk suruh kawan2 saya baca blog akak sebab ntahla mmg rasa best jea.

    take care kak zue. have a nice day always. kirim salam dekat tiamia cumel dan uwan yea. semoga sehat selalu.

  6. tia, or is it mia, dah belajar selok belok nak tulis blog ni! good learn fr young and doubly good tia mia teach other young readers to play pondok2! mama updates often that i cant keep up and miss few updates :)
    yes we love to see uwan too. ur blog is complete, happy stories of 3 generations. suka gambar uwan angkat jemuran. pokok tu pokok buah apa? hehe i cuma kenal pokok pandan ;)
    and rumah monterez tu memang cantik but i sure the new house with chickens and herb garden will be just as beautiful, knowing mama will pick the best for her family home where love is :)

  7. thanx to ALLAH u really hav a hepy family..
    Enjoy it..

  8. Tia and Mia sweetie, enjoy your holiday ya :-)

  9. hi tia n mia.. aunty lady dolu2 pun main pondok2 jugak, pakai tempurung kelapa buat periuk lah kononnya.. hihi..
    flashback on pondok2 tu remind me of my pondok2 day jugak.. hehe buat atap pakai daun pisang, main masak2 pakai bunga pokok kekabu.. then habis daun kucai nenek i kene potong :D those were the days..

  10. salam kak azu..baru berpeluang memberi komen..;)baru naik keje setelah balik for good dari perth awal bulan 12 hari tu..meriah lah blog akak dgn cerita2 yg sungguh sweet, gambar2 yg sgt menarik n komen2 yg sungguh bykkkkk..;)seronok tgk tia n mia..n smpi sekrang masih tak dpt beza antara dua tu..;)hope one day we can meet again ya!..;)

  11. salam kak azu..baru berpeluang memberi komen..;)baru naik keje setelah balik for good dari perth awal bulan 12 hari tu..meriah lah blog akak dgn cerita2 yg sungguh sweet, gambar2 yg sgt menarik n komen2 yg sungguh bykkkkk..;)seronok tgk tia n mia..n smpi sekrang masih tak dpt beza antara dua tu..;)hope one day we can meet again ya!..;)

  12. salam kak azu..baru berpeluang memberi komen..;)baru naik keje setelah balik for good dari perth awal bulan 12 hari tu..meriah lah blog akak dgn cerita2 yg sungguh sweet, gambar2 yg sgt menarik n komen2 yg sungguh bykkkkk..;)seronok tgk tia n mia..n smpi sekrang masih tak dpt beza antara dua tu..;)hope one day we can meet again ya!..;)

  13. salam kak azu..baru berpeluang memberi komen..;)baru naik keje setelah balik for good dari perth awal bulan 12 hari tu..meriah lah blog akak dgn cerita2 yg sungguh sweet, gambar2 yg sgt menarik n komen2 yg sungguh bykkkkk..;)seronok tgk tia n mia..n smpi sekrang masih tak dpt beza antara dua tu..;)hope one day we can meet again ya!..;)

  14. salam kak azu..baru berpeluang memberi komen..;)baru naik keje setelah balik for good dari perth awal bulan 12 hari tu..meriah lah blog akak dgn cerita2 yg sungguh sweet, gambar2 yg sgt menarik n komen2 yg sungguh bykkkkk..;)seronok tgk tia n mia..n smpi sekrang masih tak dpt beza antara dua tu..;)hope one day we can meet again ya!..;)
