Sunday, December 18, 2011

There's something about L....

Salam Semua:):) Hi Mrs Fedex- hope you had great weekend, Hi LG-Kejap lagi nanti i nak pi tengok apa update Vegegarden you:), Mekjangok- jalan2 mana weekend,tak cuti ke?, Neeza Zawawi- Alhamdulillah you ada twins lelaki yang nampak chomel sungguh tu:)berapa dah umur?, Hanis- kalau dapur cantik rasa seronok ajer kan:), Fiezachommel-dah duduk makan kat new garden set ke? Twinmoms- so dah buat lemonade ke?, Linda- haa..haaa tunggu lah reban ayam akak,ohh LG tu cousin Linda ke?.. linda ajak akak minum kopi ke? Insyallah boleh ajer bila2 free,leave your email address,minggu ni akak start cuti soon,Tia Mia start cuti this wednesday,wel ll be going for a short trip..but bila lapang2,we can always go coffee..chillax:):),Kak Pinat-limau nipis pun sodap..masam2 manis camtu, Pacificblue-thank you singgah and salam buat you yang jauh di France,take care:), Lady of Leisure- i have visited your gorgoeus son:) and blackie sent her muarghhh muarghhh to Ari and Molly:) I still owe few people my recipe of Cantonese noodles and also Roast chicken for Adlina..will post soon:);)

Before pictures,as usual al lil bit of rambling:)  Like anybody else i sometimes blog hopping jugak.:):) and i ada terbaca some people complaint yang setengah blog FB/blog ni tak ada kerja lain hanya update apa dia masak,apa anak dia buat,berak pun nak update,apa dia makan,dan suka menunjuk2 branded items etc..etc....bak kata orang tak ilmiah langsung..yang the later i have no comments..tu masing2 punya perception..i pun kadang2 "gulppp" jugak tengok handbag beribu setiap hari:):) tapi yang bab masak,anak dan benda2 yang simple yang  lain..apa nak buat kan itu lah life kita..we are not politician,Ahli Parlimen,First Lady,Tukang masak tersohor yang nak membincang isu meja bulat,Cake setinggi KLCC setiap hari.. so sorry kalau masak lomak cilipadi kito buat orang ponat dan sambal petai buat orang pitam..heee..heee..but that's me,that's my life..i wish i could update buying Gucci,Tods,Anya,Private Jet everyday..;):) Baca blog orang macam baca buku..ada buku kita suka,ada yang tidak..ada yang to our taste and ada to our bacalah mana kita suka ya tak;):)..whatever it is i hold no grudge..kalau sakit hati selalu makan nasi sepinggan dengan daging salai,kuah asam,ulam petai pun jadi tak sodap *wink*wink*

Enough of my nenek kebayan leter:):)

Friday..i saw this in Parkson..terteleng-teleng kepala..when?when?..oh ya i met a blogger,a very sweet  Suraya Drama with her son there;) Hi Suraya;):)

"There's something about Lemon.:):)".My Saturday morning as usual started with lemonade..this time i added soda water to give 'morning kick":):)

It was really nice and refreshing.

..and i have decided to go a lil bit we had steamboat.

Trying the new steamboat set which i redeemed from my card;):)

It was so nice to have steamy soup with soft egg,tofu,lettuce in the morning:)

After the steamboat i let the girls main air..since tak pergi swimming pool ke biarlah dia main2 depan rumah.

While the girls play..uwan sat outside with a plate of hot keropok lekor.

I cooked sedap gulai lemak cilipadi kerisi with peria katak..i like kerisi walapun tulang tajam but isi manis.

Since masak lauk kampung..i tambah ni..goreng sepat kering with cilipadi..umphhh..tergolek-golek podehnya:)

Tia and Mia had goreng ayam kicap with halia,and tepung jagung.

After lunch we sat in our was raining and we can't do much..this is my favourite bila tak buat apa..browsing many things that you can learn from here...macam travel minda:):)..hmm i still tak pass dengan my Macbook Air...especially nak download gambar kat blog..ikin cepat lag datang bagi tutorial kat maksu lagi ni:(

Late evening hujan dah reda..we took the girls for jogging at the park near our land.

Baru sampai rupa macam ni..waktu balik dah penuh selut,becak bagai..macam mandi dalam lumpur.

This week i had 2 new products from shelf to try..for dinner i made a pizza using this flour from Orgran.

kena lah menguli jugak after tambah air.

but i canai jadi bentuk ni since i tak der round pizza pan..ada yang rectangle ajer..

Just spread the pizza sauce after that.

i put beef sausages as topping.

and loads of cheese on top.

The cheesy review on the product..okaylah..this was the first time, time should adjust here and there ..and the easiest of course to get the ready pizza base from the supermarket.

After pizza we had puppet show:):)

Sunday morning i hang my laddle and we went out to Homst for dried wantan noodles with uwan.

Unplanned,we went to Lake Garden.

and let the girls play for a while.

The playground was big and they had good time there.

On the way back we bought durians.

Tu dia durian lovers in action:);)

Evening, i tried another product- Choc Chip Muffins from Green's.

I added more choc chips from Hershey's.

Sangat senang..tambah air..godek2..dah siap batter.

While waiting for muffins to be ready i took out this.. my favourite Dark Chocolate Soft Baked Brownie..kalau siapa suka dark chocolate,they will love this..darky,chewy,bigggy,yummyyy and all the oweyyyy oweyyyy..heee..heee

dah masak..turned out really well..

Chocolatey muffy:):)

Hujan,sejuk and tak boleh pergi outdoor activity..sangat seronok duduk2 di dapur,makan2 and buat apa yang patut..uwan muffin tak nak ko...minum nescafe dengan durian tuuu:);)

Rain stopped.. i went outside to the garden with hb and the girls..i taught the girls few games i belajar dulu..zaman i kecik2 dulu..hulla hoops tu kat sekolah dulu kita main "rumah2"..ada 9 hullahoops and 10 girls..siapa tak dapat masuk "rumah" kena makan dengan harimau..tak ramai pun tia mia had fun with me;):)
Time flies so fast..everyday boleh rasa..bersyukur dengan segalanya:) Penat jugak rasanya sampai hujung tahun ni..can't wait to go short trip with the girls this Christmas..tak pergi jauh pun tapi nak pergi tempat sejuk..we will try new hotel this time..hope weather will be nice to us..mana lah tahu kalau ada salji turun kan..heee..heee..taaaa..taaaa.


  1. hi Mama TiaMia,

    Bestnya Tia Mia buat muffin!!! hehe. ;)

    And kirim salam akt Uwan ya! She remind me to my Uwah...);

  2. azu, aku nak pindah sebelah rumah u lah..dpt bau kek cukuplah..nak cuti ke mana??? anyway, selamat bercuti...enjoy urself!!!

  3. Enjoy ur holiday, Kak Zu.
    Kami dah makan-makan kat new garden!

  4. terteleng2 juga tgk pizza, durian, steamboat and muffin tu.. he..he..

  5. Salam MamaTiaMia,
    I pun actually ponat tengok your masak lomak cilipadi...ponat mengelap drools yg keluar, heeee.
    And hari ni I ponat tengok your sepat goreng dgn cili api pulak :-).

  6. Salam Kak Zue,
    I've tried orgran multipurpose make gluten free roti jala
    ...didn't quite like it though
    susah nak adjust with liquid and the outcome tastes not as good as normal plain flour....


  7. Nampak steambot terus teringat steamboat p.ketam ke apa nama tu kat ikano/ikea...meleleh air liur.

  8. kak zue, kalau guna rich chop chip muffins tu terus bancuh jer ka? xpayah add apae2 dah? n soft baked captiva tu utk apa pulak ya?..
    emm kak zue, dila ada tgk blog nie ada jual mixer yg kak zue tgk kat parkson tu..start from RM1400 depending on colour..if kak zue berminat la,

  9. best tol la..kalau jadi jiran nie hari2 blajar masak, kalau tak blajar pun..hari2 dtg mkn..hehehehhe..buless kak zu yer....

  10. Alamak sedapnya durian tu.. terliur lahh... mm tgk uwan teringat kat mak mertua di kg..

  11. Salaam mamatiamia, cik merah tu memang seksi :-)..tak lama after class wilton tu, me pun terus angkat satu..bought dekat bangsar village, bit cheaper dari parkson :-)..enjoy your holidays :-)

  12. mamatiamia,
    masak lemak daging salai is my fav too.. kalau nak balik kampung di melaka mesti singgah makan dekat RNR nilai, situ ada banyak gerai, gerai yang sedap nama dia Nasi Tambah.. kitorang ketagih dengan dia punya masak lemak daging salai with pucuk ubi.. :)
    enjoy yr holiday! hugs to yr adorable tia n mia and kisses to preggy blackie.. i too cant wait to see the kitties.. hehe.. mesti cute miut..

  13. Ok baru berani nak leave comment lepas jumpa u.. =)

    'Baca blog orang macam baca buku..ada buku kita suka,ada yang tidak..'---awesome quote..Sangat betul..
    I wish I'll have the talent to cook like you..Wish I could meet the twins someday..They're cute like buttons!


  14. sepat cili api tu mmg febret..kalo takde lauk sgt, macam tu pun jadi dengan nasik panas2 kan... always be my febret...

    kalo ade uwan mesti ade masak lemak kan...mmg kena la gulai lemak kerisi tu campur dengan peria...mak pun slalu masak camni..buat pedas2..heheh

    kak zue, homst tu pepagi dah bukak ke?
