Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beautiful Things and Places.

Salamm;);) Hari ni pun saya tak sempat berborak dengan semua orang lagi:( So sorry..last night melawat SIL in yang sakit di Ampang Puteri,balik pun lewat.Pagi ni di office aduhhh macam2..It is not easy to handle people especially when they are all ladies!Kena breath in breath out banyak2..otherwise you ll be like jack in a box,jumping non stop.So i need to look at beautiful things and talk about topic i love most..a good way to distress for me;):) Writing is an can be anywhere you like;)

Before that I would love to thank my "Invisible sisters at heart" for introducing Heather Bullard website to me..i love her website especially the awesome Chicken Coop @ Reban Ayam..jom tengok reban ayam ni semua..they are really gorgeous..rasa nak duduk sendiri:):)

All pictures are courtesy of Google except a few last ones.

 Look at this gorgeous Chicken Coop...cantiknya kan.

It can pass as a cubby house..dont feel like letting chickens to go inside there..hee..hee

This is another awesome lucky Miss Turkey Lurkey inside there;):)

This is Heather Bullard cantik no wonder her Chicken Coop pun cantik.

Her patio is to die for..very cosy and sweet.

Provence- one of her favourite place..mine too but  yet to have the opportunity to guling2 here..been to France but yet to explore Provence.

Love her pieces..once i have similar cups..tak tau now pergi mana.

Love her ideas too;);)

Finally..this is a another Chicken Coop to drool for..too much to handle lah..hee..heee

To those yang tanya about Hummus;) as Salmi mentioned,Hummus is made form chickpeas..i just elaborate a lil bit okay:)

Hummus and Baba Ghanoush.

Hummus is an Arabic word of 'chickpeas'..the simplest recipe i know for hummus is to boil chickpeas until soft,add a cup of canned chickpeas ( i love waitrose brand,..sedap dan lemak), add tahini (tahini is sesame seeds paste- you have to soak the sesame seeds for one night or more,let the kernel surface,separate it and grind the seed.),olive oil,garlic paste and lemon..semua blend and campur.On kandungan calory pulak from what i read if you eat the fresh one from restaurant or homemade the calory/fat is minimal,the culprit is if you buy the readymade ones.Since Hummus is from Legumes(chickpeas) it is good for diet as it can make you feel full for long.

Since kita bercakap pasal 'chick' haaa rupa 'chickpeas' kalau yang tak pernah tengok..masa kecik2 dulu panggil 'kacang putih' sangat suka makan kalau orang india jual dalam paper cone;)

This is Baba Ghanaoush)..nama macam tak boleh bayang ingredients dia kan..

Made from eggplants yang di grill dan lenyek halus..ingredient lain macam Hummus jugak:) Ishhh lapaq nasi Arab pulak dah;):)

Then ada a few tanya pasal travelling..i have answered one email on Sydney yesterday,,wish Ezlin a happy and wonderful trip to Sydney..hope she finally book at The Pacific@Balmain:):)

Somebody asked about it a nice country to visit? I ve been to Austria,lama jugak dulu 2006 sebelum pregant with TiaMia;):) To me Austria is a very nice country,cantik,bersih dan semua orang berdisplin.Dulu we masuk Austria as a "pintu' untuk me and husband travel to Italy..masa itu kira2 nak travel Italy from Frankfurt ke..from France ke..then we made research and found that Austria is the nearest to Italy, boleh naik train from Vienna to Venice. We stayed in Vienna for 4 days 3 nights which turned out to be tak cukup:) Salzburg is too beautiful..we joined a local tour from Vienna naik bus to Salzburg...sepanjang perjalanan so cantik..nampak farmhouse yang ada balcony kayu yang berukir..padang pulak penuh dengan sef flowers yang kuning..macam dalam dream.We stopped for hot drink,pastry and soup at the highway..the cafe was like a 5 stars was so wonderful to sit by a misty window looking at field fulled with blooms while sipping your hot chocolate.Bila bus dah dekat Salzburg we lalu saltlake,the tour guide asked us to turne our heads and look at the back the view was just awesome..the resorts at the hilly side,houses by the lake,people in their snow was like dream comes true..we hold hands and said 'one day we shall stay at one of the house by the saltlake"..heee..heeee..So pergi lah visit Austria..sangat awesome;);)

I  can't locate many pictures in Austria..most of the pictures stored dalam old pc..bila kena petir dulu banyak gambar gone;(;( tu lah sometimes still good to print our photos.

The classic and romantic Vienna-masa ni kita orang atas hb masa ni boleh tertidur..penat sangat agakya..tak boleh lah naik kereta kuda ni ha..

I memang suka mana2 park  pun The Rathaus Park ni so cantik to me.

We spent one whole day merayau keliling park and the city..dah tu makan brocolli balls at thier MC Donald..kat sini tak ada kan..sangat sedap..dia buat brocolli tu macam nugget bulat..tengah ada melted kalau pasal makan memang boleh describe in details:)

In Vienna we stayed at the boutique hotel..macam apartment style..cosy and nice..the croissant for breakafst was one of the best yang i pernah makan.

Salzburg pulak sangat cantik..semuanya macam dreamy ..lorong2 pun sangat awesome;):)..tu lah cerita Austria saya:):)

Ni stock frozen food yang datang semalam..ada yang email tanya mana saya beli beefstrips tu..actually saya beli dari FAMA/PRIMA yang datang office..susah nak cari kat kedai..this is for export market.

Kalau nak cari kat kedai ini lah contoh chicken rolls yang saya beli semalam..500gm for RM17.50.

Punya sibuk lipstick habis sampai ke 'titisan darah terakhir'..heee..hee semalam pergi BB beli sekali dua sebab sangat susah dapat stock colour yang saya suka ni..

Ni jer satu-satunya colour yang boleh masuk bibir saya "Tulle"..sangat suka.

Banyak veges dalam fridge, hari ni breakfast buat salad bawak datang office..terlebih lah serbuk pepper..panasssss..ada yang tanya apa jenis cheese saya guna..untuk makan dengan roti atau salad ..saya beli ajer brand "Bega" atau apa2 pun yang jenis cheddar block.Senang boleh grate atau dice ikut kesukaan.

hari ni ada pasar tani lagi di saya pun stock lemon banyak2:) Julie sedap lemonade kan..lontong dah habis lah..nanti buat kita tunjuk kat Julie buat drooling2 ya;);)

Bought these for tomorrow's breakfast..pada yang tanya..memang breakfast saya heavy..ada dua version..satu light satu heavy..kalau kita menjaga ibu yang telah tua,memang lah kena sediakan yang suka di makannya..kalau scramble eggs or cereal saja kesian lah dia..

Ini gambar last night..melawat my SIL at AP,uwan, saya tapaukan nasi,..sebab tak selera nak makan sebelum Uwan pun makan kat Hospital..we doakan Mashik Tia Mia semoga cepat sembuh.Amin.


  1. salam azu@invisible sisters at heart :-) so glad that you like the coop and yeap am so with you about Heather's home and her decorations, too beautiful and full of ideas and I love her kitchen most. Simple white kitchen and yet beautiful and functional.

    Have a great day!

  2. Salam Kak Zu,
    Moga Makcik cepat sembuh.
    Talking about chickencoop,neighbour Fieza buat reban ayam depan rumah dia, bela ayam yang kecik tu.mmm...Ayam Serama.So, pagi-pagi bila hantar hubby keluar pergi kerja, dengarlah kokokan ayam tu.Rasa macam kat kampung plak....

  3. Zu, u pon boleh buat reban ayam mcm heather bullard tu, just minimisekan sizenye aje...sure it suits your home nicely...i setuju mmg Austria is very beautiful...byk park, museums adn ancient buildings kan...i love design di Hundretwasser building so much..

  4. Assalamualaikum zu,
    Macamana nak dapatkan beef strips yang takde jual kat kedai tu ye? My husband loves them tapi selalu yang jumpa cuma ada 4-5 strips je in a pack. Mahal pulak tu... thanks


  5. Salam Azu,

    K.Na selalu tertanya2; what time do you get up every morning to prepare breakfast for everyone... Respect betul K.Na.... Tahun ni K.Na berazam nak cube buat macam Azu, tak nak makan cereal dan roti je hari2.... Moga your SIL cepat sembuh...

    Lots of love

  6. tengok gambar2 tu terus teringin nak ke austria tu.. harap2 diberikan peluang itu nnt.. insyaALLAH.. semoga mashik tiamia cepat sembuh hendaknya..

  7. What is coincidence, masa I pergi Austria pun in year 2006 - Spring time. Dulu my husband kerja with KLM Airlines and base dekat Amsterdam memang puas round satu Europe with all the benefits as airlines staff.Syukur Alhamdullilah even now he working with local airlines :-)

    Anyway sedap nampak salads you plus with runny yolk.So healthy ya.

  8. salam kak zue,

    half boiled egg sgt menawan...selalu masak 6-7 minit je kan nak dapat yg sedap camtu..

    mashik tiamia sakit ape kak zue?...moga die cepat sembuh ye...

    chicken coop tu santek2 mmg la untung cik cik turkey tu kan....tapi agak leceh la kalau nak jaga ayam ni...

  9. Salam Mama TiaMia...
    I love reading yr blog..rasa macam baca buku cerita, the never ending one. You have wonderful ideas and pandai berceloteh. I was so attracted of your holidays with family, esp in Sdyney..macam mana you book the aprtment/hse there, which website. If you don't mind sharing..thanks.

  10. salam mamatiamia...x penah tgk reban ayam cantik mcm tu la, ingat reban ayam kt kg dulu..sempoi jee..ada kenangan gan reban ayam nih, kena marah sbb balik rumah after main polis pencuri lps maghrib, x bole masuk rumah pi duk kat reban ayam sbb sedih..ayam seme pandang pandang, marah pulak kt tgk tgk..kekeke

  11. salam azu, moga ur SIL cepat sembuh..Amin... azu, u suka mkn tapi bdn tak naik2 mcm dulu jugak...kalau aku mcm tu alangkah bestnye..bilalah dpt jln2 round the world mcm u..hopefully one day, InsyaAllah....

  12. mak ikin ke yg sakit.
    InsyaaAllah segera sembuh. Alhamdulillah uwan nampak sehat berkat jagaan mama dan keriangan tia mia.

    my daughter always beside me when i read ur blog and will ask many questions. today she sees the chicken coop, she asked ini kat farm ke? mana animals cow, hen? hehe padahal belum pernah pergi real farm macam tia mia, setakat tengok illustrations in children's books. and thru the pictures u put here, dapat lah i tengok negara luar yg cantik yg i tak terpergi. and the beautiful homes, landscapes yg gambar saje dah buat rasa seronok.

  13. assalamualaikum kak zu...

    macam mana k.zu bakar ayam tu..
    nampak menyelerakan..

    silent reader form gerik,perak

  14. zu, ezlin aka kaezrin..

    first check the house may not be available...ada org dah pre inquire so tgk if org tuh cancel i may get it..but thank u so much for the help,,now tgh juling mata.. :)

    anyway omgggg lawa sgt all the houses and even chicken coop tuh..hehehehehe

    keep on writing yeahhh

  15. Salam. Nak tanya, kenapa tak boleh mix lemon juice with water? Thank You. :)

  16. salam... first time nk komen kt blog akak ni slama ni silent follower je akak suka pinggan mangkuk kan sy ada jupa satu blog yg jual pinngan mangkuk yan cantik2 dr englang cubalah mane tau ade yg bkenan.just sharingg ;)

  17. dah jatuh cinta ngan blog neh. Rasa tk lengkap jerh sehari tak baca

  18. As.salam zu..

    selamat bercuti pjg zu..alamatnye bercutilah saya melawat blog ni..

    will miss mia & tia story :D

  19. Salam Zu,

    Chickpeas tu kat tempat mummy kitaorang panggil kacang kuda.. kalo kacang putih yg selalu india jual dulu2 tu lain sikit.. tapi tak tau lah kat tempat zu panggil apa.. btw boiled egg you ampak sedap sangat, runny which I like.. teringin sangat nak buat reban ayam dan kebun lavender mcm kat dlm pics, tentu seronok kan kalo dapat semua tu..

  20. salam MamaTiaMia,
    first time baca your blog terus jatuh cinta! suke baca semua post- travel,food,home deco etc.semua pun best! terus follow.hehe...

  21. Was bloghopping pastu ter'jumpa' ur blog. Interesting! X pernah tengok chicken coop yg elegant mcm tu... Heheheheh

  22. Ke mana menghilang... Semalam saya mimpi akak update blog. :)

  23. assalamualaikum..mummy tia mia..before this slalu jadi silent reader je..but now da active blog..blh la follow..yeay..really love your blog sis..may Allah s.w.t bless u and your family till jannah..insyaAllah..ameen..btw sis, are you a legal advisor/lawyer? :)

  24. Assalam Kak Zu.. Waahhh..Tak sabarnya nak tunggu Kak Zu update blog.. Balik kampung ker... Miss your sweet stories...

    *Bestnya kalau rumah saya ada ruang untuk letak reban ayam like the first pic.. Memang rasa macam kita pula yang nak duduk. Hihihi

  25. Salam Zu...I know u are going through a tough time at the moment... Moga Uwan cepat sembuh. K.Na doakan Zu sentiasa tabah melalui saat2 ini...

    Lots of love,

  26. Salam,
    Hi.. Saya nak tanya mcm mana nak beli/order all the cold cuts from FAMA tu? dulu sy selalu beli kat cold storage subang parade tp sekarang dah tak de.. hari tu try tanya Ayers Rock bukit jelutong tapi selalu tak de stok. My daughters looove fresh beef pepperoni for our pizza toppings..

  27. Assalam azu, lamanya tak update... rindulah celoteh azu...


  28. amboih azu...dh tukar selera nasik arab pulak yer....

  29. Salam mama tiamia..good ide your chicken coop..i baru bela dkt 20 ekor ayam daging...berangan to buat nice reban ayam.. :)
    I baru je pergi Pasar Ahad Tg Ipoh. Memang best kan
    Semoga uwan cepat sembuh. Amin.

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