Saturday, February 18, 2012

Helloooo's me:)

Salam everybody:)..It's me Mia Ayesha..hee..heee..I am wearing my mama's shawl,she just bought it from ZARA,she said it's a bit 'raw" but looks okay on me i look like Yuna or Hana Tajima:):) mama and papa took me to Genting as we didn't go anywhere for quite sometimes:) Kak Yan accompanied Uwan when we were away..thanks Kak Yan.

Hiiiiiii... I am Tia Khadeja.. I will not let my sister steal the show..hehhh..hehhh look at me.. I am funny too:) 

I love my mama and my mama loves me:):)

Okay mama let's go and have fun now..

I love Merry Go Round i can go on it again and again:)..I have grown up isn't it? My mama said i no longer a baby:(

Mama asked us to pose and we give her the cutest one:)

Mama look at me.. I am cute kan,kan..kann..kann...

Wahhh my mama nak lawan me mama is cute too..(pssss hopefully she will buy me a big bag of Daim Chocolates:):)

We had so much fun today..thank you papa for treating us..we love you:)

We are so happy tonight as Kak Yan going to stay overnight at our house and she will bake chocolate cuppies for us.

Okay Kak Yan lets start the project now...

Step by step by our Cake Guru:)

Fooling around time...

Yeahhh i am so happy..cant wait to eat the cake:)

Wahhhh..look at that! it smells soooo good....

The cuppies is really good..not to sweet,soft and yummy:)

We love it very much especially the top part;)

We love camping near Uwan's bed..ohh Alhamdulillah our Uwan is getting better and better everyday...alamak who's that with super scary eyes!!!!

My mama bought 2 new scarves from Accesorizes this week..and we love the two:):)

This one is plain and simple but we love the texture and design:)

While this one is rich in colors and it goes well with black dress.

My mama loves this one  and she dah pakai few times..looks good with casual dressing she said:):)..My mama is stilled with her "no style style" tudung..but we love it:)

Okay lah..that;s about mama said "Thank You everybody..and to auntie Ann keep writing ya!"


  1. спасибо за интересную информацию

  2. so sweet with 'no style style' selendang... :)

  3. yeah! tia mia penuhi my special request! :)
    best tau see your two riang ria faces!
    and of course those yummy chocolatey cuppies.
    wah mama dah banyak shopping shawls. lovely!
    tia mia your poses very very cute, u must have learnt from mama ;)
    so fun to be camping near uwan's bed.
    seeing u both surely makes her motivated to get better even quickly so she can join u
    again for walks in the park.
    u both made uwan's life colourful and cheery just like what we are seeing in these pictures.
    take good care of uwan and mama :)

  4. as'salamualaikum - just want to say, alhamdulillah uwan look well and you look beautiful as always. hugs and kisses for tia and mia, have a wonderful sunday and mention us in your dua's. love you for the sake of Allah SWT..

  5. Salam Zu...suka tengok telatah Tia dan Mia...kak sham tak dapat nak bezakan kedua-dua kembar tersebut hehe..alhamdulillah uwan nampak sihat...dan Zu juga bertambah ceria ...

  6. Mummy Akmal's @ BruneiFebruary 19, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    Salam Zu..

    Dah lama tak drop commwnt kan.. Alhamdulillah dah dapat seruNYa :) Semoga berterusan dan sentiasa dalam lindungan , rahmat serta hidayah Allah SWT.. mendapat keberkatan hidup dunia akhirat. Hepi tengok uwan dah semakin sihat. mudah2an terus diberikan kesihatan yang baik. Honestly speaking, saya suka tengok cara Zu pakai hijab. Biar simple yang penting memenuhi tuntutan syariat kan? Takut nanti kalo lebih2 fesyen dah lari dari niat asal kita dan tak memenuhi garis tuntutan yg ditetapkan.. maaf lah ya kalo cakap direct, just want to share my opinion. Apa pun jua, akan sentiasa berdoa yang terbaik buat kita dan keluarga agar mendapat keberkatan hidup.. Amiin

  7. suka tgk color lipstick u. yg ni bobbi brown jgk ke...

  8. mcm org arab tgk muka mia pakai tudung.. so cantik..

  9. alhamdulillah...kak zu sgt manis bertudung :)

  10. Alololo...comeinyer mama tia mia skrg....anggun berhijab...

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