Thursday, February 23, 2012

My First Board Meeting.

Salam Ann Huzi- you have hidden natural talent in writing! Keep it up..anything that comes from a sincere heart sends a good vibes to people reading it..InsyAllah we keep reminding each other okay:) 

Dear Saniah- Terima kasih banyak2 for your kind and good words through out my difficult time:) InsyAllah when i have opportunity will put more cooking and kecoh2 di dapur episode plus uwan's update ya.

Mamalisa Dearie- selamat berpantang,enjoy this manja2 time and after that boleh pergi massage2 ya.

Salam Anon-thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving good words and doa.

Julie my Dear- Thank You so much:) Ishh Julie send me your picture with the ZARA scarf kalau dah beli ya..kalau dekat boleh jengok2;)

Hanis-You dah beli skirt tingkat2 ke?Teringin pulak nak tengok;) tu lah hanis kids nowdays pandai gadget2 ni semua.

So i have a little update today.Our Corporate Affairs Director went for a business trip in Hong Kong and i had to replace him for a Board Meeting! Alamak..this is my first time..and i had to talk about things which is not my berdebar-debar.I doa semua Tan Sri,Dato2 and all members of the Board be kind to me:) It was a long wait before my turn came up..just imagine we had to hang out from 2.30 and the meeting was dragged ,dragged and dragged until penat:( So macam2 lah benda merepek i buat in between:) Anyway it was a successful one..all gentlemen were nice and sweet to me..even Dato' Chairman was nice too..i was so glad;) Forgot to mention that this is the first time i attended big meeting with top people with my hijab *wink*wink*

And i wanna show this sweet of my friend Nerry to send me a gorgeous scarf and delicious red velvet plus a box of macaroons from Delicious..we might not be under the same company anymore but our friendship remains;):)

Today satu hari i berkampung di sini..dunia yang di monopoli oleh kaum lelaki metropolitan..that is Izham and Seelan Paul..dua lelaki ternama di dunia creative.

Since i am the only girl outside after Arzlin went in to present her Bonus proposal..i buat lah benda merepek snap gambar orang senyap2:)..Oh yess..our bonus proposal was approved by the board:) Syukur Alhamdulillah..i sentiasa percaya yang duit yang dibelanjakan untuk kepentingan orang2 tersayang like my mother contohnya..akan datang kembali melalui rezki Allah Swt..Dia lah perancang terbaik..hanya kita yang tidak mengetahui.

See i punya penat lama sangat..i mula snap gambar yang bukan2..kaki orang contohnya..

Today i pakai this shawl from ZARA untuk Board Meeting..besar shawl ni so i lipat dua..but the material is soft,the two layers just feel right on my head.

Terlalu boring i snap gambar gedik2 using my Macbook..tapi tak sempat banyak sebab celah2 lelaki metropolitan itu semua kan...Okay lah itu lah update merepek-merepek me today:):)


  1. salam sweeet so cute..hehe

  2. hi dear.. m ur silent reader :)
    u r so sweet wit ur new look, keep it up dear..
    btw, is that johan ishak in those photos? he was 1 of d SM's in my former firm :). sorry if i've got d wrong person.. :p

  3. omg. sis u lagi cantik with tudung. how's uwan?

  4. salaam mamatiamia..memang berdebar kalau masuk board..*wink* Izham few times dekat british council. He also send his children there..sangat admire dia la sebab rajin tunggu anak dia amik englis lesson kat situ..walaupun at his position..he must be a busy man..but still make effort for his children..btw arzlin name sound very familiar to me..wink..we were at the same company long time ago *wink* is kak bad is still there?

  5. akekeke... comeilnya the last snap, adik manis, bole berkenalan???

    malunya nak tunjuk gmbr sbb kite pun geng bertudung "no style style" gaks :p... tp insyaallah kalu dah jumpe nnti kite ambik gmbr ek

    opps lupe nak bagitau, kite dah try buat azu style cantonese noodles... sgt superb!!! terima kasih yea azu for sharing the recipe... hubby kite makan sekali hadap 2 pinggan terus... ahehehe


  6. alhamdulillah kak rezeki bulan 4 nanti la ni ekkk.... jgn lupa belanja kami nanti ekk... ehehehhee

  7. Salam kak zue,
    hahahaha cute la akak,nice scarf too

  8. salam azu.. lama aku tak merepek kat sini..comelnya awak dgn tudung yg cantik tu...teringin nak pakai shawl mcm awak tu tapi tak tahu nak gayakan..tapi ok eh tak payah stylish2... apa khabar uwan?.. semoga bertambah sihat hendaknya... dah lama tak tgk 'hychintus'..dah besar ke belum? lama awak tak update pokok2 bunga yg cantik tu.. ok bye..have a nice weekend...

  9. mmg berseri2 sgt kak zu skrg ni.. nmpk sgt2 ayu.. agree bab kemurahan rezeki tu kak zu.. sejak emak tinggal bersama kami mmg rezeki tak pernah putus.. kalau menyusut pun pastinya bertambah dgn rezeki yg tidak di sangka2.. Alhamdulillah.. semoga kita bukan sekadar mengumpul rezeki, tapi mengumpul pahala dariNYA juga..

    skirt tingkat2 tu, last time dah dok belek2 kat kedai.. tp tak terus beli.. sudahnya mmg asyik teringat2.. he..he.. rugi tak grab aje hari tu.. nak singgah beli tak sempat2 lagi ni.. bertambah teringat2lah jadinya.. ha..ha..

  10. SubhanaAllah,sangat cantik akk bertudung :)

  11. tumpang tinggalkan pesanan ringkas buat dear nerry..take me to delicious, i tried the red velvet recently and i love it! kalau nak gv gorgeous scarf pun ok jugak tapi i yg tak berapa gorgeous akan gv to my daughter ;)
    miss u!

    azu, good experience eh attend big meeting. dapat snap gelagat of the high profile men ;)
    true, rezeki semuanya dariNYA jua. Tak perlu risau bila digunakan untuk keluarga terutama dalam penjagaan orang tua. I dah nampak berkatnya bila kita belanja demi orang tua kita. Jangan berkira. Bila berkat akan terasa cukup.

  12. hahha hi ann, miss u too, i lost your email nnt bagi yee byk nak update, hari tu went to USS teringat u, i sms zue tanya nak kirim petai kan ann tak hahhhaha tapi masa tu dah sampai kat kastam dah.... u dah boleh bukak blog la ann, dah makin pandai menulis klu tak pun tulis buku....

    zue, bonus banyak haaa jom open table kat delicious makan carbonara seafood cicah read velvet and orange juice mahal hahhahha
