Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feel Guuud Dayhh!

Salam..and smile;);) InsyAllah we have a guuud dayhhh today;);)

Hi Liney- asam pedas kalau kena gaya memang tak pandang kiri kanan dah:) Julie Aberdeen- sangatlah sedap sawi/kubis asin Julie,kruk krak kruk krak makan...hee..hee, Daydeck86- asampedas jugak sedap ya:),  Dian_AdeeLa- Tia Mia akak biarlah dia main sesuka tapi lepas tu mesti kemas kan,after ajar dia pandai lah mengemas even melipat cadar pun boleh:), Hibiscus rosa noor- salam buat orang England,i visited your blog and i envy those beautiful blooms,so cantikkk..spring must be wonderful there ya,it's gonna be summer soon right? how i wish,how i wish wink*wink*, Ibunurin- tengok kat abawah ya, i ada ajar cara2 nak masak kambas tak pahit:), Mummy Miqhael- yeap nothing beat nasi panas..semua pun sedap:),Mas-salam perkenalan, Hanis-guuuuddd idea;)AnnHuzi-hope you and your girls doing just fine there in Sg;) and everybody else ,NBi sepahputeri, Fiezachommel,Sham,noorfariha,Ila@bella,Yatie NZ,Ita$Es,Saniah,kakpinat,artlover,umiyumi.sarahkalam,susumanis,suffiakmal,and MunaFadaq;);)

My tapau breakfast today,doesn't look gorgeous but surely sumptious..nasi goreng kampung with sambal tempoyak and two eggs! Not one but two okay:):) So no lunch today and no driving to the Mall next door,shall walk,walk and walk.. i ve got to burn and sweat these two creamy yummy eggs;);) yeaaaahh an excuse to go the Mall too:) I ve been "fasting" from going to Malls and buy things for almost a week already;) Only a week?? ha..haaa.. but it seems that i have to give in today..let see whether i can just go and do the sightseeing *wink*wink*

He..heee fatty breakie to go with "officemade" tea;)

Oppss and a jar of Marie biscuits too;) I masih suka biskut Marie,plain crackers and also biskut kepala lutut..heehhh..heehhhh siapa tahu biskut kepala lutut???

After the yummy tempoyak and eggs..have this and you are ready to go into any meetings and blow your breath to everybody..nobody will find out about you and tempoyak;):)

My table..these past few days..berselerak..was busy rushing F1's contract..vrooommmm vroommm:) Eat the dust and smoke at Sepang International Circuit this weekend ya;):) Anyway good to be in touch with all Formula One personnels again:) they are nice people..kalau ada meeting kat Biggin Hills syok:):) miss meeting them at FOM office:)

I have a sligthly different twist to my tudung today.. namanya "twistmeanywayyoulike"..hee..heee;):) Alhamdulillah my cough,fever,sakit perut etc..are all gone:):)

Okay this is some facts about these green veges;) There are two types of bittergourd or the scientific name is "momordica charantia".This light green type is known as "chinese bittergourd" or in malay dictionary "kambas".This type is less bitter and the flesh is softer.

While the darkgreen and smaller version is known as "indian bittergourd".This type is much bitter and felsh is also harder than kambas.

Camana nak masak tak nak pahit? First potong dua and keluarkan biji dan gabus tengah2 tu,potong nipis and rendam dalam air garam for few minutes,biarlah garam banyak sikit,dah tu cuci few times and buang air rendaman. Insyallah sejak dari dulu macam ni lah saya buang pahit memang effective and sedap:)

Both type pun sedap kalau masak lemak cilipadi..tapi kalau nak gulai cara hilang kan pahit adalah dengan potong kasar dan rebus hingga sedikit lembut dan masak lah hingga lembut lagi.Anyway this is not the picture of kambas but my masak lemak ketam with terung telunjuk;):) this terung telunjuk pun kalau nak masak kena rendam dulu untuk buang "rasa sengit" dia,tukar air few times dan baru masak;)

Setengah orang suka buat ulam peria katak..kalau dah rebus sikit i laratlah makan kalau mentah ajer..tak berapa nak tertelan;):) Kalau pergi makan restaurant Puteri di TTDI pencala tu selalu lah ada ni:)

Finally guuddddd dayhhhhh everybody..may all of us be embraced by positive vibes today:):)

One of my favourite picture;) A house in Switzerland..i feel good by just looking at it! Rasa nak pi jemur kain kat halaman dia and duduk di atas rumput tanam pokok2 petunia,begonia and country bliss...Salam;)


  1. ya allah kak... i pun rasa nk golek2 kt atas rumput... kalau dpt halaman mcm tu i dont mind sidai kain berejam jam sambil berangan... hahaha

  2. Subhanallah i love swiss so much, been there 3 times ikut hubby ounya yearly meeting n conference kat sana.. Still rasa nak pergi lagi dan lagi dan lagi.. Swiss is such a beautiful place kan, setiap ceruk pun lawa..

    I too love peria, yang kecik2 tu goreng macam kat kedai nasi kandar sedap kan..

  3. Kak bilo nak masak sambal tempuyak goreng pulak sodap tuh... ehehhehe

  4. np gambar2 dalam neh suma menggiurkan..??
    dari la gambar makanan sampai la gambar tiamia..walaaaa..menggembirakan hati yg sedang bermuram durja..

  5. biskut kepala lutut tu bisku Azan tu ke? nostalgia biskut tu, ms kecik2 my arwah atok suke beli. makan cecah dgn kopi/teh/milo panas.nyuummmm!

  6. Mcm mn rupa biskut kepala lutut tu?...tunjukla Kak Zu...

  7. Salaam Zu,

    after entry kambas goreng telor masin kat restaurant rubiah suparman terus google for the recipe and now every week pun masak tu jugak since dah jadi DH favourite :-) pun after meals mesti jugak munch lite2 biskut :-)

  8. Salam buat kak zu yg makin hari makin cantik!
    love kak Zu punya "twistmeanywayyoulike" style ;)


  9. Zu satu petua kalau nak peria katak yang kita rebus tu crispy bila kita angkat Dari dapur terus ganti air panas dengan air sejuk(air ais)kacang buncis kalau buat macam tu sedap

  10. ooo... thanks 4 da info... skang dah tau mcm mana nak masa peria @ kambas.. sy suka makan yg digoreng dgn telur :)

  11. zu, saya pun sgt suka biskut lutut..paling ngam cicah dgn kopi o kampung....hmmmm..sedaapp..

  12. peria oh peria...i like peria..pahit tapi sedap :) biskut kepala lutut tu i tak pernah dengar tapi biskut marie sampai sekarang i suka, and my son loves it too buat cicah dgn air milo :)

    yatie in nz

  13. peria oh peria...i like peria..pahit tapi sedap :) biskut kepala lutut tu i tak pernah dengar tapi biskut marie sampai sekarang i suka, and my son loves it too buat cicah dgn air milo :)

    yatie in nz

  14. I love swiss because so beautiful and relax compare Paris or London.Even sudah pergi berkali2tapi still tak jemu.

  15. u twist anyway pun will good on u. it's simple and nice. i tak minat yang ramai suka letak bermacam accesories, a lot of new inventions, berat2 terhanging2 on the head. sorry, i find it weird. good thing, my daughter agrees with me, if she pun ter ikut, susah jugak nak kata no bila girls wana folo trends. i memang forever tak reti use accesories.
    mia? showering the flowers with love, beauties well captured1
    that's the kind of house i want too! yes jemuran in the field. tapi kena rear animals ke? itu kes berat sikit for me yg shy nak dekat animals :D

  16. Salam,
    Lama dah follow your blog, love your writing so much especially when it comes to food. Hubby org Bt Kikir and I pun dulu sekolah at Sek Tuanku Jaafar. Missnya mee hailam Pilah yang sodap tu. Nak mintak favour if possible on how to contact uwan's physiotherapist for MIL yang tengah sakit nerves. Kesian tengok dia cant move.. Thanks so much! - Khairina
