Sunday, March 25, 2012

Food,Music & Love :)


We had a wonderful weekend:) Don't you think weekend is short? Within that two days we have to do groceries,house chores,send kids to classes,attend to our garden,rearrange our wardrobe,cook,eat,sleep,read,laugh,smile etc etc:):) Anyway Alhamdulillah for the weekend that we have and hopefully all our sisters in Malaysia,Singapore,NZ,Aberdeen,England,Sudan,Doha,Qatar,Perth and all over the world had a great and blessed weekend too:):)

These two days Tia and Mia had to attend their keyboard replacement class,so it was back to back from Saturday to Sunday but the girls had a wonderful time with Miss Stephanie. As for mama she had to do a lot of cooking as everybody need to eat well before going to class and she prepared lunch for Uwan before we go off to class. Anyway mama and papa had to spend sometimes together when the two girls had their music class..walaupun cuma kat soybean kiosk..jadi lah..we had great time too:)

Saturday starts with:

As usual Saturday starts with cooking lunch after breakfast:) As the class will start at 2.00 we have to take lunch at home first.The girls asked fo red spinach soup again..and mama complied:)

There's a repeat order for asampedas pari:):) here we go again adam pedas pari yumm yumm:):)

Eat your spinach ya:) Umiyumi or Kak sham asked how to get kids to like veges? Well for Tia Mia they always like to tiru mama,whatever mama likes to eat they pun it is quite easy to get them to eat veges.Walaupun tak semua they suka but they love to eat broccoli, cauliflower,carrot,red spinach,potato and mushroom plus they like salad too:) Siapa punya pinggan ada kerdas tu? He..hee pinggan uwan lah..ada her favorite lauk gulai cendawan kukur dengan terung telunjuk and belanda..sedap lah selera dia.

After lunch we went Piano House for keyboard lesson.

Mia tertidur dalam muka lalok lagi:) this girl gunting fringe dia sendiri..kena lecture lah dgn mama:(

While  waiting for them mama and papa had sometimes together..bukan kat mana pun kat kedai soybeans ajer ..heee..heee

After 1 hour these two came out smiling and jumping:) Miss Stephanie said Tia very good,she said "she inclines to music and music is in her heart"..wahhhh Tia.While Mia is more into drum..adik you rock lahhh! 

After class these two dapat treat:) Baskin Robbins time!

Mint Choc for Mia:)

Night time is a bliss tempat lepak the two:):)

Somebody asked tahun ni nak cuti mana? Hehh..heeehh.jangan tanya2:):) Memang lah teringin tapi tengok keadaan lah at now the two been asking to go Disneyland and kampung ...well kampung surely no problemo! tunggu Uwan kuat betul2 ya..nanti kita balik.As for place yang kiri sekali and 3rd from right to sangatlah termimpi-mimpi heee..heee:):)

Tonight mula baca ni..dah lama papa belikan..ceritanya starts with " I always love funeral...".huhhhh..

Sunday morning we had wantan steamboat..kena makan heavy breakfast sebab music class starts at 11.30 today.

Everybody loves steamboat and can't wait..weiii adik cakap apa kat Uwan tu? macam gaduh politik ajer:)

steaming..this time the broth i buat sup ayam..with carrot and fish balls the sup jadi sangat tasty.

Ini budak yang potong fringe sendiri.

Tia wants her soup to have soft egg..she loves soft eggs very much.

We send over a bowl of wantan soup to next neighbor too:)

Sebelum hantar Tia Mia ke class kena prepare lunch uwan first,so pagi tu bila bangun keluarkan nangka siap2 dari fridge and rebus.By the time habis breakfast nangka pun lembut and siap untuk di gulai,today gulai nangka muda dengan ayam.Ada sambal tempoyak,ikan masin and ulam sedap lah selera uwan:)

Sampai class Tia mesti pi ketuk bongo dulu..she been asking to attend bongo class:)

Then mama and papa date kat soybean kiosk lagi..hee...hee

I wanna show this Rm10 ring i bought at saturday market..nice kan:)

12.40..the girls finished their class:)

And they were hungry:) asked them wether they want to eat japanese or Italian? They chose the we shall have Italian today.

Starter was delicious Bruschetta from The Italian Kitchen.Very nice lots of capers inside.

The girls chose this yummy thin and cripsy premium pepperoni with mushroom,anchovies and bell pepper.

While mama and papa shared this gorgeous Salmon with rocket salad,baked potato and lemon..truly delicious.

Papa layan anak2 lapaq:)..Have a wonderful weekend everybody:):)


  1. Janganla asyik tunjuk makanan je udahla ari ni kami tak lunch tau sebab breakfast lambat sikit jadi bila tengok makanan yang terhidang tu ..............sabor je. Esok kita masak apa yang dia masak ok tapi boleh ke?kita tak berapa terror macam zu pun lastly you memang super MOM

  2. kak zu,on sunday my friend saw you dekat sunway giza...btw i missed tia mia much..if kak zu igt me she's lilogarel

  3. Salam Zu..
    wah penuh makanan semeja tu. Alhamdulillah.. syukur murah rezeki kan. patutlah Tia Mia suka sayur, diorang ikut contoh terbaik ;) weekend mmg rasa singkat kan, esp bila masa penuh terisi dgn org tersayang. :)

  4. Salaam Zu, dah many weeks dok teringat your fried wantan me..hari nie keluar pulak entry wantan soup..sangat drooling lah..must do la either fried or wantan soup :-)

  5. good tia mia suka tiru mama. she is indeed an inspiration even to us out here :)
    cutenya mia cut fringe sendiri hehehe, tapi if anak sendiri sure kena lecture jugak. naseb she tak cut her beautiful curly locks ;)
    bestnya tia mia, will always have your own beautiful kampung to go cuti2.
    haha comel tia berborak dengan uwan, tiru sapa tu :D
    i nak jadi ur neighbor la, nak ngecek wantan soup!
    ooh thin crispy pizza, we like!

  6. nak resepi steamboat tu boleh?????

  7. i've been your silent readers 4 a long time..then last saturday me and ma cousin saw you at the soybean kiosk..but both of us tersgtlah malu nak tego u..hehe..seronok sgt dpt tgok k.zu dr jauh mcm trjumpe artis lah..then i col my friends yg introduce kan ur blog kat me..she jerit2 smpai sye kne jauhkan phone dr telinga..she ade komen kat atas 2 (lilogarel)..btw, nice blog..keep it up~~ <3

  8. Salam,
    It's quite sometimes I did'nt 'singgah' to 'your home'. Alhamdulillah, very happy to see you now with hijab. Sangat comel, keep it up sister.

  9. Salam Kak Azu,
    Saya dah balik for good n stay in Jb tu lah weekend husband n wife sbb suami keje KL.sangat seronok tgk tia n mia dapat spend masa dua2 dgn papa n mama dia hari2..;)n sy sebenarnya sgt2 lah kagum ngan kak azu sbb dpt masak untuk family n spend masa sama2..seronok lah tgk..;)nak jadi superwoman mcm kak azu jgk..tapi tak mampu..huhu..;)
