Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Breakfast With Us:):)


In the mood of telling stories today..but again I am always in the mood of telling stories:):)

First Hi Hanis-thanks:):), mamalisa-insyallah semoga satu hari menjadi tetamuNya,Saharina-thanks,Anon- thanks,InsyAllah kalau ada rezki:), Daydeck88- yeap tu gambar papatiamia ler kee,pasal dia tak tegur,dia the mama or the papa? AnnHuzi- thanks so much for all yr good words,we had so much fun swimming the sea Ann,masa dulu Tia Mia pun takut but we always encourage them,tapi monitor closely,i or husband jadi benteng to make sure they wont go further:):) so ask yr girl to give a try:),My Putri- did you go to PD in the end?,Saniah-surely yang kita masak jugak sedap kan:,Fatimah-hee hee petai sedappp, Kak Sham-he..hee minyak yuyi sentiasa di bawa kemana-mana kan;,fiezachommel- how's thing with you..hope semua okay:), sham- jom masak sambal tempoyak goreng lagiii:) Umiyummi- yeap the swing under the tree so nostalgic and everytime tengok mseti rasa pi naik:), Nadiah- i hope you found my 2oth November 2011 entry on lasagna.

This is our breakfast this morning,i called it " Hotel Style Nasi Goreng". My brother brought many satay last night so i decided to fully utilize it:):)

The story yang nak cerita ni haaa..last night i finally made an effort to really read this book that my husband bought for me:) Very nice novel actually..cerita about this lady Darcy yang mewarisi harta aunt dia tapi ada conditions to it..she has to stay for at least a year on a remote Island in Ireland.She has to set up a community on that inhabitant Island with at least 15 people:) Darcy a cityslicker,duduk flat di London always wear designer or at least Highstreet dresses,she works in a glossy trendy magazine,hang out at pub,shophaholic etc macam mana dia nak stay kat Island tu? But i really suka baca part bila dia dah move kat Island tu..the writer was very good at expressing the details.. i can imagine the sandstones cottages, the big fireplace,the spacious house,the large window that open to the view of the serene beach, the green on the fields with so many wild flowers hanging and crawling.Then bila she abled to convince people to live there,they set up bakery shop,local pub etc..hmmmm the kind of house and place that i ant to live home in a country:):) Bila baca tu i terus lah berangan:):)..sampai i boleh bau bakery tu..kihhh..kihhh

Then teringat my land..our piece of land not far from our current house:) Hmmm bila lah boleh buat rumah? We can do a small house on it actually if really spend on all money that we have but anak2 nak sekolah etc etc. So we sabar..InsyAllah kalau ada rezki Uwan nak duduk sini tolong bagi ayam makan kat belakang,cabut ubi kayu kat tepi rumah,jemur kain kat bawah pokok yang ada buai..dapat lah buat cepat sikit:):)

All of us love country kampung Uwan kan girls..sejuk boleh hangat tangan kat luar after that terus bakar hotdogs situ:):)

Nanti kalau kita dah buat rumah kita buat belakang jadi semak2 macam ni ye..ada reban ayam..pagi2 ayam jantan balung merah berkokok..kita pergi pungut telur..dah tu nak masak mama pungut kangkung dalam small pond kat tepi..hee..heee..i am so hopeless in controlling my imagination:):)

Okay lah..itu lah ceritanya..The End..this weekend we have  keyboard class-ballet class and on Sunday we shall become stewardess, Salon girl,pilot, postman or whoever that we wish to:):) Salam.


  1. dia mama la kak... tapi yang amik pic tu papa nyer...

  2. Salam Zu,

    Yes,I dah jumpa resepi lasagna you tu.Insya Allah weekend ni nak cuba.
    Thanks dear.


  4. wahhh,kidzania best..

    i luv yr imigination la sis, me also can feel yr luvly..

  5. your imagination is so true kak zue...

    kidzania....ishhh sgt best tu...

  6. salam azu...
    satu lagi hobi yg tak boleh buang since teenage iaitu baca novel sambil berangan...syoknye...boleh lupe dunia sekejap...but..itu juga satu terapi utk hilangkan stress...
    azu..nanti ambil gambar byk sikit kt kidzania ya..aku pun mcm budak kecik jugak waktu tgk opening ari tu dlm tv..rasa mcm nak pegi waktu tu jugak..cuba fulfill impian yg tak tercapai...tapi sekrg waktu utk anak2 pulak mencapai impian mereka..kita hanya mendoakan yg terbaik utk mereka..

  7. kak zue...

    beshnye kidzania...
    rasa nak pergi juga la...
    tapi dah bukan kanak2 pula...

  8. mmg nasi goreng style hotel.. kelasss.. he..he.. wah kidzania.. sedang cari masa nak bawak anak2 ke situ.. nak cerita sikit, hari tu tgk sup bayam k.zu terus teringin sangat.. balik kerja beli bayam and fish ball terus masak.. he..he.. nak makan yg sebijik2 macam dalam gambar ha..ha.. sedap.. skrg ni tgh mengidam tempoyak pulak.. he..he..
