Friday, April 20, 2012


Salam Semua:) 

Thanks so much yang bertanya khabar sebab senyap ajer dalam minggu ni ya:):) Alhamdulillah all of us including Uwan are in good health,moga sentiasa diberkati.Begitu jugak doa untuk semua orang ya.Amin  Ya Rabbul Alamin.

Before bercerita khabar yang sibuk minggu ni nak tinggalkan no catering untuk caterer yang catered food for Uwan punya Majlis Doa Selamat.The number is :

Ustaz Azial : 0192263416.

Ustaz ni actually kawan my brother (Pashik),masa i kahwin dulu dialah yang baca doa di majlis.Jadi ambik dia ni macam 2 in 1 lah,dia bawak makanan dan dia jugak baca doa:);) Review tentang food dia pulak,sebab i ni sangat cerewet tentang makanan especially nogori food i would rating 8 out of 10:) But one thing for sure dia memang tak kedekut,makanan banyak,kalau gulai daging tu memang penuhlah daging,kalau ulam tu mintak lah apa saja mesti penuh satu tray.

Okay cerita minggu ni; I was terribly busy, i have backache due to long hours of sitting in front of computer at office and also home. So many things to settle,Perfomance for first quarter for the staffs dah due,many issues involving legal suits at office that required meeting,sitting with respective individuals and many many request for advices landed on my table.

Bertambah sibuk because i am going to attend  meeting and conference in Geneva in July. I was invited last year to present paper in Geneva but due to short notice and it was in winter i turned down the invitation.The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) meeting will be held at United Nation building in Geneva for 10 days. The Company has made necessary arrangement for me to attend the conference, so I will be going:):) Now i have to read many papers and liase with Union on the issues to be tabled at the meeting.

So will budak kenits kena tinggal? Hee..hee no way they nak kena tinggal..lama pulak tu..where mama goes they will go.This going to be the first longest trip for them, Sydney was just 8 hours, i have chosen KL - PARIS route and the journey will be 13.5 hours. 

Currently i am reading these books:):) Nostalgia,i love reading traveling books:) I went to Paris 12 years ago and now InsyAllah will be going again with the girls and papa:):) Bila nak travel with children lama pulak ,8 days Paris and 12 days Geneva,kena lah pilih accommodation yang betul2,we ll be staying in apartment yang ada kitchen,washing machine..nak masak, nak membasuh:):)

Baca buku France kat atas tu terjumlah my Eurostar ticket yang 12 tahun dulu,masa tu cuma GBP40.00 ajer,now dah dekat seribu dah:( 

Look forward to be on Switzerland landscape again,been  to Zurich,Lucerne and Berne 4 1/2 years ago.July will be summer and hopefully weather will be nice to us:)

And definitely excited to have meeting at the United Nation Building.

This is the old meeting room at UN, now they have a new building and all meetings with be held there.

As usual what is mama tiamia's blog without story or pictures of foods;):)

I kena 'chill attack' since last week,my perut tak than cili lagi sobs sobs, so dah seminggu makan without chilli AT ALL!!!

This is the nice caramelized chicken sandwich from Lavender Bakery.

I bought many croissant from Lavender for breakfast.So easy in the morning just heat up the croissant in the oven, make some scrambled eggs and hotdogs.

And this is one of Uwan's lauk for this week.It seems that i have to write down all uwan's favorite menus to be given to my sister when i m away nanti.

Minggu ni sibuk sampai sakit belakang kat office tapi tetap masak pagi dan petang:):)

Nite,nite all..esok pun ada very tight schedule,pagi ballet,noon keyboard class and malam nak attend grand opening untuk Sateori Mexican Grill Ikin dan Din. Moga semua berjalan dengan lancar.Assalamulaikum:)


  1. Sakit belakang? My hubby kata baring atas lantai w/o bantal...itu petua dia ..:) :) blh jgak klau nk cuba :)
    Thnks for the update...

  2. Bestnya 20 hari nak jalan2 Tia Mia.kalau hantar dia org ballet class. Cuba gi lepak kat bonjour garden yang dekat Balai polis tu tempatnya best tau breakfast dia start at 9am

  3. salam kak zu
    sun kt sana lain ke keheningan dia sbb dlm movies nmpk mcm lain je ke ikut musim...

  4. wah bestnyerr nak jln jln lagi MTM, so nanti celebrtaes birthay kat paris la ya..hehe, take care ya

  5. wah bestnyerr nak jln jln lagi MTM, so nanti celebrtaes birthay kat paris la ya..hehe, take care ya

  6. have a lovely holiday nanti..its nice to visit europe in summer.

  7. have a lovely holiday nanti..its nice to visit europe in summer.

  8. as'salamualaikum dear zue, tahniah dan selamat ber holiday :) alhamdulillah uwan is in good health. you sister in deen in sg!

  9. bestnya 20days holiday while working. tia mia birthday at paris! all the best to ikin for grand opening.

  10. thanks zue for the catering info. N nice tohear your holiday trip... 20 days - syoknyyeeee..... rgds zaRina, mummy Aina & Aini

  11. bestnyaaa...tak jadilah plan ke tokyo disneyland ek :). tak pe gi paris disneyland lagi best :)
