Sunday, April 8, 2012

Now it's my turn!

Salammmm everybody:) Today is my turn to tell story ya..oh boy oh boy oh boy (sorry that is my trademark..i love to say that when I am so excited:) 

Before that my mama asked me to say hello to the following lovely ladies ; Farah Izzati-hellooo, fiezachommel-haiii, Ann Huzi (hug2 to that little girl of yours ya auntie and tell her don't be scared of the sea,the water is warm and ll love it if you give a try:):)), Umiyumi (ohh thank u so much..and mama loves your blue plates collection auntie!)-My Putri- mama said you got a very cute little girl too, susumanis-thank u ya and Art lover,cinnamonworldofcolours- mama said you have a very lovely garden and kitchen and she loves looking at the potted herbs lined at  your outdoor kitchen,that makes her miss her 'blue kitchen' which is no longer hers :(:(.

Anyway I am Mia Ayesha and  in charge tonight writing..and Tia stop putting up your sad face you had your chance last nigh okayyyt:):)

Okay i will start now and let Tia continues her Angry Bird face:):)

Ohhh see; this morning we had steamboat..what does it means? Hee..hee yesss papa did a good feet massaging last night and mama keeps her promise..i love you mama because i love wantan noodles soup very very much:) and we love your lemonade too:)

While mama was busy squeezing lemon in the kitchen papa was given a task to put all the things inside the boiling pot.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy..look at that i love it!! i can;t wait to eat the soft wantan:) and mama put all of our favorite things inside there like crab claws,hotdogs and fish balls..and she put few eggs too:):)

Our yummy wantan noodles..lets eat nowwww:):)

Me and my sister love having our weekend breakfast's lovely to just sit and talk with papa,mama and Uwan:):)Most of the times papa will remind us of our traveling  experience,what we used to eat and do and we travelled together:) 

Opsss that's me..hee...heee i look comot..sorry i couldn't help it,i love slurping the wantan noodles:):) and that is mama super good refreshing goes so well with the hot soup:):)

Today we have to go for our keyboard replacement class, so we have to postpone our Kidzania trip..mama said not o worry as the vouchers are valid until December. Our class  will start at 1.30 and mama prepared lunch for everybody first.Mama will cook uwan favorite lauk today..what else if not lemak cilipadi ketam with belimbing:)

wahhh uwan's lemak ketam is ready and it looks really good and we can smell mama frying fish for our ikan masak kicap now..dont forget to mix the sweet and salty kicap together mama..we love it that way:)

This mama favorite dish,,asam terung telunjuk and my papa loves it too:):) Mama loves to eat this with ikan masin goreng and sambal belacan mangga muda..she will sweat after that:):)

After the good lunch mama prepared us for the class..haiii look like a rock star sis!

After our keyboard class we went to the Bakers for Ice Mocha,mushroom soup and english pot pie:):) This shall be tea for us..a heavy one:):)

And on the way back we went to check out our land..wahhh they have put up this at the the place is officially called Rimba Valley@9..nice:) we like it and there's many houses already been erected there.We heard mama and papa talking about building a tiny little house on our land one day ..dont worry mama and papa both of us will doa many many times okay:):)

Today mama bought each of us this..guppies in round bowl:):) we love it but there is not so nice story about it,i will tell at the end:(:(

Well that is my story ..the best thing that happened today is we got to practice our ballet steps with loud music at our dining hall..mama taught us few steps but the not so good thing is mama pinched me hard because i played with the guppies's water and lot of water dropped on mama's macbook,she was furious:( She gave me a lengthy lectures, i thought i can get away by just listening to the lecture but 'harapan tinggal harapan".Anyway i learnt my lesson, she had explained to me in details before she bought me the guppies,i should be responsible,no hands inside the bowl,  guppies are living things,they are our pet and we should respect their privacy too..and we must always remember that pet is not a i should be careful not to drop water on mama's mac:(:( Mama was merajuk with me but after i asked for her forgiveness she accepted with stern warning  and i gave a her a long warm kiss on her cheek:):) She finally cooked nice porridge with soft boiled eggs,fried cabbage with kicap and fried kentang and ikan bilis for everybody.
Okay lah i have to go now,tomorrow is a school day and i don't want to be late.Night night everybody:):)- Signed- Mia Ayesha a girl in Pyjama:):)


  1. Tqvm tia, suka auntie baca la, yummy yummy foods, best la mama tia kan..aduss kesian mia tertumpahkan air kt mac book mama tuh, ok lain kali be careful k, hihi. u gonna love tiz n3 so much bila tia baca masa tia da remaja nanti, hugs n kisses to all at home ya...

  2. apa ? air tumpah atas mcbook ?? hehehe....

  3. hello Mia, pretty girl in pyjama. i love your writing too..wah sedapnya makan wantan noodles ya, auntie nak cikit boleh ke? :)
    p/s: mama Mia (mcm mamma mia movie tu pulak yer hehe) punya collection pinggan pun cantik2. yg penting bkn murah atau mahal, tp pandai susun atur, suai padan.. tu mmg auntie respect dekat mama Mia lah :)

  4. Salam perkenanlan mama zu.. Sy sgt suka bc blog akak... Tgh stress pun bole hlang... Sy peminat setia akak.. Silent readers sblm ni... Ari ni terlintas nk tglkan komen... Semoga sentiasa bhagia dismping suami ank n uwan..

  5. salam mia..nice entry...please ask mama for the steamboat recipe..azu ur wantan noodles looks so yummy....boleh bagi resipi..

  6. huaaa...cantiknya gelas purpleeee!!! Kat mana Tia Mia beli tuuu ;p

  7. kak zue...

    we shared the same bfast yesterday la..only that i had leamonade tea instead...

    best la makan steamboat kat luar camtu...drool..

    kak zue, macam mane nak buat terung asam tu? die ala2 masak bening ke?

  8. Comeynye Mia Ayesha...
    The girl in pyjama....

    Sedapnye Mama masak.... Seronok makan ramai2 kat luar ye :)

  9. sis, nak resepi wantan mi :)

  10. anak u kembar ye?? comellah.. i tak lunch hari nie tgok lauk2 nie..aiyooo lapar pulak

  11. Hai Mia,
    Do visit me at my "home" and meet my litte cheeky girl, Adik (Hannah).Then youa all can be friends together....

  12. Hi Mia.. you tell nice stories too.
    Your Mama is one good cook.. it drools me ever to look at the kampong food, heehee. Tell your mum, thank you for liking my garden/kitchen, one day she will have a beautiful bckyrd garden!!

  13. hi Mia! ya i will tell her about the warm lovely sea and pass your hugs ;)
    it'll be lovely if one day, we happen to be at the beach at the same time :)

    ooh when u are so excited u call boy, boy, boy ;D
    u must be so excited about the guppies, oh girl, your mama merajuk. nasib mia pandai pujuk. ya senang aje, nak pujuk mums, just say sorry sincerely and u'll be forgiven :)

    btw, my daughter likes the name Mia. she signed her name as that. she wants us to change her name to Mia. I told her your name is Mia. One day real Mia meets wanabe Mia :D

    oh boy, u must be very excited about your tiny little house on the prairie..hehe oops sorry..Rimba. Cool name for a cool place.

    oh your wanton noodle with lemonade breakfast so yummy. hey did i see tia tabbing on the breakfast table? ;D
    breakfast outside with uwan and papa telling travel wonder you enjoy weekend breakfast :)

    did tia make the angry bird mask by herself?
