Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Craziness!

Salam and Hulloooooo! HAPPY TEACHER's DAY to all Teachers out there! You are all awesome:):) As we know it is a very noble profession as for us muslims knowledge given and shared are sedekah berkekalan,selagi di amalkan insyAllah pahala continues:):)

So what did the two girls up to today? Well they supposed to make a card for their teacher Claire last night but they slept through from 7pm-7am..alololo:):) This morning i gave them a red vase with fabric white roses to be given to Claire, both were excited to the max! When they reached kindy they called "Teacher Claireeeee HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!..ehhhhh..HAPPY TEACHER"S DAY..we lurveeee youuuu!!!" .It was so sweet as Claire had tears in her eyes and hugged the girls and me:):) Thanks Claire..you are a wonderful human being,you may not be a muslim but you have taught many good things to my girls..you reminded them to say Bismillah before they eat and you even made effort to ask me what is 'Alhamdulillah in English"..Bless you in Arabic etc etc:):) During my difficult time when uwan had her surgery you extended love and support; you told me to just send the girls over even without bath as you will arrange pick up,bath,meal and sending back.That is priceless and we love you for that!

To All Sisters out there..Salam and salam,appreciate all your Mother's Day wishes to me and uwan.Hug2 from us to : umiyumi,kasihredha,marsitah ,fifie ( that's the dress by the way,nampak macam skirt kan),farrah ,Suffia,Muna,greetingsfromengland,Nur Raihana, Annhuzi,Zura,Dian adeela,sherene,mamalisa,Artlover,cinnamonworldofcolours,rinamazlan,fiezachommel,sarah,ikinothman,aida78,susumanis,Jamilah Soraya,Maryam Izza,Shamsuhada (my seremban friend) and Liney.

I ve got new craziness!!!! If people has started shopping onlines ages ago..i baru start hehhh..heee.gila rupanya bila dah start:) I have ordered this lovely Labenese veil today,not one but a few,..so rabaklah poket dah:) I ve ordered beautiful ballet dresses from Australia for tiamia too..we have received and it's gorgeous! yesterday i ve ordered about 10 summer hats for tiama which cost RM7 per piece,total RM70 plus delivery charges RM79.00..ohhh i am hooked now..malam2 tia mia pun sibuk duduk sebelah i menengok barang online..haaa..haaa..Hope the craziness will go away soon:):)

Hmm time flies so fast..i have finalized most of the arrangement for travelling in July..Euros please be nice to us ..go down somemore okayy..if possible from 4.05 to 3.00 to 2.00..heee...heeee. Hopefully semua di permudah kan:):)..Amin.

Finally..love love to everybody outhere ..heheee..dah lama tak letak gambar kan:):)salam.


  1. Salam Zu yang comel hehe..cute seperti 2 org princess tu..selamat menyambut hari ibu..dan semoga ceria selalu...

  2. cantik la the shawl picture tu.. which website are u browsing? do share :)

  3. Lawaaanya photo yang last tu macam budak sek je n so sweeeeeetttttttt .moga segalanya di berkati allah Ameen

  4. salam kak zu.. am one of you silent reader and suddenly 'dare' to appear and leave comment due to your new 'addiction'.. I was smiling reading your "Hope the craziness will go away soon" line. I know it wont go.. but it will slowing down.. hehehe.. am enjoying reading your blog very-very much.. hardly find one of good and humble person on earth like you and I respect you for that.. keep on bloggging cause i just love reading your ups and down. take care and pls kiss the adorable tiamia for me.. they're cheeky and brilliant. :)

  5. Salam Zu..
    wah sebijik mcm model arab lah :) bestnye nak jalan2 ke europe.. tak sabar tunggu tgk entry jalan2 nanti.

  6. bestnya..nak jalan2 ye..semoga di permudahkan....suka tudung zu :)

  7. azu..bahagianya kalau ada kawan sebaik teacher claire..ooo..dah ada hobi baru ya..shopping on line..share lah website shawl labenese tu..tapi aku ni selalu
    was2 sikit bila nak ode brg on line ni..takut tak seperti yg diharapkan..susah jugak mcm tu kan..nanti tunjuklah summer hats tiamia tu...mesti cantik..

  8. i ingat lagi u share with me ur doa and efforts, baca yasin, in choosing a good school for tia mia. Alhamdulillah dapat extraordinary nurturing teacher. mama tia and mia must have touched teacher claire's heart too and she pun terasa sayang dengan tia mia, playing her good role as a school mummy, ingatkan baca doa, and helping the family in your time of needs.

  9. heeheheee..comelll sesangat... =P

  10. salam MTM... am very very honoured for yr kunjungan to my blog yg merapu rapu tu n tqsm for tinggalkan such a sweet comments for me...me mmg wajib berkunjung to yr blog even sometimes x comments sbb suka sgt baca semua yr posting sbb selalu ingatkan i untuk selalu bersyukur pada Allah swt atas semua nikmatnya, tqvm sista, May Allah keep blessing u n yr loved one dunia akhirat..aamiin..

  11. salam mummy tia-mia. salam perkenalan :)

    ztee silent reader blog akak.. dh lama, tp maybe tk pnah tegur... :) akak hntr twins kelas ballet kt mne ? berminat nk hntr my daughter too, ari2 mau dance princess kt rmh ni :)
    maybe, ztee overlook so tk perasan kt mne class yg tia - mia join :)
    tq in advance for sharing sis.


  12. Salam, cun macam awek Arablah mamam Tia Mia ni..
