Saturday, May 5, 2012

A short one!

 Salam Semua:)

My lunch on Friday; Sanghar noodles (Fresh water prawn noodles). Went out with a Datin friend  yang mengidam nak makan ni:) This Datin of mine is  very 'rockstar',she's not the LV,Chanel type but she 's wearing boots and drainpipe pants! Her husband is a famous Dato', a 'rockstar' type too:) They have 3 gorgeous children:) Well my lunch buddies are all senior people,they always make joke that one day when they retire i would have to go lunch alone:(:( Until then i just enjoy my time with these colorful people.

This morning before breakfast we went to fill in petrol at my nephew's petrol station. Sedih  jugak sebab my nephew's wife who just gave birth to a baby girl 20 days ago now in the ICU due to Denggi kesian..she was breastfeeding her baby,lucky my nephew is the hands on type..they have 2 boys and 2 girls,the first and second were really hyper while the second last is just 2 yr old. I went to visit her at the ICU yesterday and it was so nostalgic as she sleeps in the same bed as Uwan slept last time in the ICU.We never know what is going to happen to us one day..i am sure when she came and visited Uwan few times at the ICU dia tak pernah terfikir akan kena admit there and sleep in the same bed. Her blood platelet is still very low and she's taking soup ketam non stop..we doa biar lah dia cepat sembuh,she's a strong lady,yesterday tengok dia asyik cakap ' saya kena kuat induk..nak keluar dari sini..kesian baby"..we doakan you cepat sembuh Ara.

After isi minyak bawak uwan isi perut:) Hari ni nanti jadual penuh dengan keyboard lesson etc pagi kena curi masa to spend some time with uwan.We took her to the KFC,ordered porridge for her..Alhamdulillah habis semangkuk.

Mia standing next to her favorite piano,both love this white one and been asking me to buy.InsyAllah in the future bila kita ada rezki lebih ya darlings.

While they attend their keyboard lesson, we had our Pa & Ma time at soya kiosk:)

I had Madam Kwan steamfish in mind today but Tia Mia had their minds fixed on Italian food, so we went to our usual "The Italian Kitchen'.

Today we ordered different pizza dari yang biasa,it is equally nice..semua food sedap sini.

But papa had to take out onion rings from the pizza:)

Another winner ..Olio Angel hair with scallops and rocket salad.Tia suka scallop rupany..sebijik tu boleh masuk terus dalam mulut:)

We had a good lunch..sampai semua licin.

Yesterday when i posted this picture at Fb many asked for recipe.. i have posted one last time..kalau rajin saya tulis lagi:) Tonight macam tak tahu nak makan apa sebab  perut kenyang lagi but i have taken out salmon bones and bellies from the freezer..tia mia love to eat salmon bellies..sebab banyak lemak;):) Mission hari ni nak cari garden bench ganti yang patah..tapi dah tengok satu kedai belum buat keputusan..esok shall hunt some more;)



  1. Salaam mamatiamia,..denggi memang berbahaya apatah lagi denggi berdarah..insyallah moga Allah lindung dia dari bahaya dan semoga cepat sembuh..tengok tau fu fa itu sangat sedap..terasa pulak nak beli dekat pasar malam nie..hiks..and me sometimes, love to eat out alone..just me, book and food, tapi most of the time me enjoy the food and just watching people around..mcm terapi jugak..have a nice weekend ya..harap dapat jumpa bench baru :-)

  2. Salam Zu,
    Suka sangat tengok Uwan, dpt melepaskan sekejap kerinduan pd org tersayang..

  3. salam zu...lama i tak letak komen..:)
    syukur ur mom dah sihat dan berselera makan ya..dah boleh bergerak sana sini..Alhamdulillah
    Tengok mee tu mula lah teringin nak buat...:)
    tengok aglio tu pun teringin nk masak...ishhh semua nampak sedap dan asyik bagi idea nak makan je ni...:):)

  4. Salam Kak Zu,Tia Mia dan Uwan.
    Nnt jgn lupa tjk gmbr bench baru yer....

  5. salam k zu..k zu saya pun pernah kena denggi..bos cina saya bg petua utk hilangkan demam denggi selain sup ketam..iaitu pucuk daun betik..kisar pucuk daun betik dgn sedikit air, tapis..campur jus pucuk betik dgn sedikit madu jika tak tahan saya tak bubuh sbb tutup hidung telan..hehe..but it's really good, demam betansur kebah..maka platlet pun mula naik..

  6. Salam.. sedihnya dgr cerita anak saudara tu.. semoga dia kuat dan cepat sembuh hendaknya.. mmg kena paksa minum byk air.. kena cuba segala petua, sup ketam, pucuk betik etc.. sebagai usaha kita bila tiada ubat yg dapat merawatnya.. saya sgt fobia dgn demam denggi sampaikan klu demam biasa pun mesti nak paksa doktor check darah.. pernah kena dan ianya sgt menyakitkan.. my son pun sampai muntah darah waktu kena denggi and adik i kehilangan suaminya akibat denggi juga..

    dari hari tu nak tanya, anak saudara panggil kak zu apa? sbb kwn2 org n9 ramai yg panggil makcik mereka induk.. baca entry ni terus tau jawapannya..
