Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sugar is sweet My Love but not as sweet as you!

Salam Umiyummi, kasih redha,fiezachommel,shamsuhada,noorfariha,nadiah.mummy miqhael,Salmi,greetingfromengland,Lily,mama alifsara,luvelymummy,Suffia,Lady of Leisure,Alyah,Saniah,Syarida,NBI sepah Puteri,Artlover cinnamonworld of colours,sitiebby,saharina,Annhuzi and twinmoms.

Thank for all the wishes and those celebrating thier anniversary soon..Happy Anniversary!

I have a little sweet story to share:)

I received this from a friend yesterday, she just got back from Krabi,Thailand. The story behind it; she a very lovely lady with a very good heart and she is very much senior from me but at this age she is stilled not married. As you grow older, most of your friend will get married and have their own family,your parent might and might not be around anymore and your siblings are all busy with their life and family. You will be left alone, you can cope with loneliness for a one or two years after that you can't..yes you have your own money,your can travel anywhere you like but how much fun that you can get by travelling alone? The truth is  as a human we need companion and companion not only our mom and dad but a partner and some friends. Some people might say 'nope i found that living alone is so much fun, i can do whatever i want!" but deep inside their heart only God knows. Those who are really sincere poured their hearts out to me and say" i want to get married,i want to have family of my own but there is no jodoh, it is not that i memilih kalau dia boleh share hidup dengan i pun jadi lah..kalau you tanya i berusaha ke tidak sampai nak pecah dah perut  i minum air dari ustaz tapi masih tak dapat jugak". My heart goes to them but in jodoh nothing much that i could do..semua nya ketentuan Allah SWT. Having said that i like to see people happy,especially if they are really nice cuma jodoh tak der, so back to this lady punya cerita she always come and tell me her wishes nak travel sana sini,duit ada companion pulak tak ada. She is not alone there's quite few ladies in the office who are still single, some of them cannot click with each other but i know characters of each, so in my heart was thinking if i cannot find jodoh for them i will get them a friend. There's another lady who is beautiful, smart, has money and love to travel and she told me that  for so many years she just ate inside the office because she has no friend and most of her money spent on house renovation etc,she loves traveling but she got no friend to travel with. So i told her don't worry i ll find a friend that can be your traveling partner! They spoke to each other about traveling,their initial plan to travel to UK didn't kick off but they finally made  a trip beautiful Krabi and enjoyed themselves! I am so happy for that!.

Lesson learnt; appreciate people around you, Allah Swt gives you partner, bukan semua yang bertuah memilikinya,Allah Swt beri you anak2,ada yang habis beratus ribu mencuba nak dapat anak masih tak dapat.Allah Swt beri you kasih sayang emak ayah,adik beradik,ada yang jadi yatim piatu sejak kecil, Allah Swt beri you kegembiraan bersahabat, ketawa ada yang share ,menangis ada yang hulur bahu,ada orang yang hujung minggu memandang tembok tanpa keseronokan:( If we realize all these there is no reason not to be thankful for every breath you take!

Okay..habis lah my celoteh..jom tengok gambar2 biasa dari orang yang biasa2 sajo;);)

Breakfast Uwan semalam..sedap kan:) i bought ketupat palas and buatkan sambal tumis:)

Pandangan syukur waktu pagi.

Uwan sodap makan tu:)

Wehhhh..happy happy..I got my Madison!. I love it very much sedap pakai,right size and look good on me..hehh..hehhh..online shopping craziness tak habis lagi..tambah teruk..heee..hee siap justify kat husband " papa i bought this online cheaper you know...and i bought you a loafer too and tia mia, and myself,and you and tia mia and myself..non stop you..

Wuuu i love it:)

Suka..sukaa..these boots are made for walking.heee..heee

I am still puasa..Alhamdulillah second week of Rejab..i bukak puasa weekend only..supaya dapat menikmati "kebahagiaan makan" dengan anak2,suami dan ibu:) Monday i cooked this petola with soft tofu..Tia and Mia pulak punya lah suka soft tofu..belum pun sempat i buka puasa habis di makannya tofu ni;):) Today i will go to jusco to buy some more..and to Nadiah yang tanya where do i buy my fish nowadays..i bought from new jusco at OU.they are fresh too.

Ishhh camana jadi kuning bebenor gambo ni?? hee...heee macam segantang kunyit pulak..gambo terlampau cahaya ni..anyway ini lah gulai udang dengan rebung manis..sodap ehhh.

Haaaa..tu dia budak yg excited nak makan..orang nak buka puasa, masak tak habis lagi,dia nak itu nak ini..mula2 macam nak hilang sabar..nak menjerit dah..then fikir beruntung ada anak2dara meneman nak berbuka,papa belum balik tapi they memeriahkan my kitchen dengan gelak ketawa..makan lah nak makan tofu mama sampai habis pun:)

After bukak puasa tak sempat lagi kita nak mandi..terus they suruh check homework..pun kena sabar;);)

Malam tadi my brother datang makan malam..masak kuning lagi ler i.. tapi yang ni resepi original uwan..memang sangat sodap weyyyy..gulai daging masak serai dengan kentang.Dulu2 kat kampung bila ada kenduri kat surau and tiap rumah kena bawak nasi,uwan mesti suruh my arwah abah beli daging,the she kukur kelapa guna kukur traditional tu..i pun duduk kat belakang kukur tu peluk pinggang dia pretend naik motor vespa! hee..hee why vespa sebab my brother masa tu ada vespa;) So uwan pun gulai daging ni..kalau pergi surau ada berpuluh lah orang kuala pilah masak yang sama tapi i masih boleh bezakan warna dan bau gulai uwan and bila makan kat surau uwan tanya " nak lauk apa" i cakap " nak lauk daging omak"..hee...heee memang terbaik dan dan sodap.Semalam my brother  mulanya taruk nasik sikit ajer sebab dah kenyang katanya..tapi bertambah sepinggan lagi after that..happy lah saya;) Kalau berminat nak cuba caranya sama saja macam lemak cilipadi lain cuma caranya lain sikit ajer,tumbuk cilipadi dan kunyit sampai hancur, masukkan sebijik bawang merah dan putih dan 4/5 batang serai tumbuk pecah2,masukkan daging yang dah di toskan dalam periuk bersama bahan tumbuk,kacau dan masak hingga kering air tanpa santan dulu,biar wangi dan berminyak..dah tu baru masuk santan pekat,masukkan kentang biar mendidih lama,biar kuah sikit dan tambah sikit2 air bila too kering, bila kentang empuk,masukkan asam keping tambah garam dan silalah longgarkan seluar untuk makan:)

Last night after Mia has fallen asleep while Tia was stilled awake with her drawing she asked me "mama which bag are you taking to office tomorrow?" This morning i found this note written by her in my bag;) Upon seeing it i sing this to her;
 " Roses are red my love violets are blueeeee,sugar is sweet my love but not as sweet as youuuuuuu"
and i am giving this song to all of you out there!


  1. K Zu..timer kasih bg resepi gulei lemak daging bekentang pilah...teman baru nak nanye..hehe..k zu, i love and love your bersyukor story as always...balik kpg tidor dlm kelambu, you are always in my kalbu..

  2. Salam Azu akak pun masih guna kukur tradisional utk kueh2 tradisional.

    (suka baca your coretan)


  3. As-salam,
    Kak Zu, i love to read you blog which inspire me so much. You have a good heart.. love the way u treat family members especially your mum & your lovely daughters. Terima Kasih kerana x lokek beri resepi.. Definitely gonna try it .


    ibu najlaazuhaira. :)

  4. bestnya naik "vespa"...sekarang "vespa" dah susah nak carik.

    Gulai tu memang lazatkan...MIL akak langsung x taruk bawang you know...just letak kunyit dan cili aje.Akak pun follow le..hihi

    sooo sweeetttttt...gambar last tu

  5. salam Kak Zu,

    seronok baca blog akak.dengan gelagat Tia dan Mia.pokok2 bunga yang warna-warni dan segar.rase tenang jer.kalau rasa stress dkt ofis, saya akan bace entry akak untuk tenangkan fikiran.saya pun berpuasa jugak.selamat berpuase yer Kak Zu pada bulan Rejab yang mulia ini.

  6. And i sing the same song to you too...;)
    Sama2 ikut bersyukur dgn yg i ada skrg...lovely hsbnd...grown up children n i love my home..:)
    Now my children 2 dh besar dn dh ke kolej..i really missed them ..perangai masa kecik2 mcm anak2 u...hemmm apa nk buat kena let go pelan2...ada sorg ni yg msh dgn i ...kena peluk puas2 sblum dia pun mmbesar mcm abg n kakak dia....hehe mmbebel plk i kat blog org....sory :) ;)

  7. selamat berpuasa Rejab juga kak :)

  8. Salam Zu,

    Your anniversary entry was very sweet and hilarious at the same time. Nak suprise kan hubby, tapi ada barang jatuh pulak sampai dia terjaga ye? As with all other readers to your blog, I wish you and Mr Azam more happy and prosperous future days together. I don't always comment, but I love reading your blog. As a working wife and mom, I mmg salute kesungguhan you merancang masa agar kehidupan semua orang di keliling you terjaga.

    May Allah Bless You Always,

  9. Salam, tersentuh juga hati bila baca 'nota' Tia tu sbb kita tahu itulah luahan perasaan yang luhur Dan ikhlas Dari sesorang anak kecil.nanti nak cubalah masakan yang baru tu dulu x berapa suka masak negori tapi agak ya sebab selalu tengok gambar kat blog you terus jatuh cintoooo.

  10. saalam kak zue...

    kak zue...masak lemak daging yang mak saye buat mmg same macam uwan buat..ade gune bwg putih n merah sikit..then ade serai n kentang... the cilipadi mmg banyak la letak..mak suke podeh2.. then letakkan daun limau purut...oh sedapnye... rase nak menggulai lomak daging je mlm ni...

  11. salam kak azu,

    hehe..lama tak drop komen. sweet eh si kenit tia...

    uui...gulai daging mmg sedap...my MIL punya resepi sama mcm uwan..tinggal lagi dia letak halia sikit.. sedap nyer.. cicah dgn lempeng...

    take care kak :-)

  12. seronoknya baca entri ni, sungguh :"D

    masak lemak tu tempting :O

  13. Alhamdulillah...tqsm for t recipe MTM, so sweet of tia bagi suprise cam tu kan..like mother like doter la tu..hehe

  14. Salam Zu..
    sedapnya ketupat tu.. rasa mcm nak join uwan makan sekali lah.. kasut boot tu pun lawa. kat sini skrg tgh byk jual. mmg rambang mata tengok. wah dah addicted to online shopping ya.. haha.. love the notes so much. sama la dgn my son, suka tulis notes mcm tu :)

  15. so sweet, tia! nice handwriting and lovely message from her pure heart, with emphasis, REALLY!
    mama is blessed with loving hands, doing magic in the kitchen and in the garden. giving pleasure to everyone's tastebuds and sese of sight and smell too :)
    tia mia, papa and uwan must felt ever so thankful. and mama is rewarded with the padangan syukur waktu pagi :)
    and mama extends her magic touch to her frens too, bringing two frens together to bring joy with each other's company. we are thankful for getting a chance to feel mama's magic thru her sharing :)

  16. Salam Kak Zu,
    Nice boots.....
    Susah nak get away bila dah berjangkit dengan online shopping ni....
    Hehhe....keep it up!

  17. Cantik manis Uwan pakai baju berbunga pink.Jarang2 Uwan pakai bright colour mcm ni.
    Thanks Zu...for your info fasal ikan tu yer.

  18. hai kak zu, slm singgah =) dh lame dh follow blog akak as silent reader =)

  19. Salam,

    Cerita pasal kukur nyiur traditional nak buat gulai daging ubi kentang tu mengingatkan saya masa zaman kanak-kanak. Sama la kite! Tapi saya selalu bonceng dengan arwah uwan saya. Rindu sgt dgn dia.

  20. ......


    you never failed to touch my heart, kak zu.
