Monday, August 6, 2012

Paris Day at Angelina with the ladies.

 Salam kak kasihredha,memang seronok buat kueh raya dgn anak2 kan,more to kenangan,kalau nak ikut beli senang lagi:).Lin- ha,ha sangat simple beehun sup tu,cuma akak tumis bawang putih merah,lada sulah,kentang yang di potong nipis dan ayam goreng yang berlebih,biar sup mendidih,amsuk garam dan green beans,dah cukup semua rasa,masukkan bee hun yang dah dicelur,selamat mencuba,Mamasya- mcm2 lah dia borak dgn anak jiran tu,kalau tak jerkah tak turun.Greetingsfromengland- dear Noor thank you so much for mentioning me in you blog, i ll feel so honored,so much for me to learn Noor,we learn from each other and you inspire me as well,Alhamdulillah we berjumpa online,may all of us be blessed always.I love you blog, first it was like a rose bud,now blooming wonderfully:), Linaluck-terima kasih Alhamdulillah, Shamsuhada- sodapkan goreng bilis dgn telur,insyAllah Sham one day dapat lah pergi ketempat yang di hajatkan,jauh atau dekat,kebahagiaan di hati paling penting.Amin!, Cacah- dah balik ke?,Susumanis-thanks and selamat mencuba and Ita- thank you,Alhamdulillah.And to Ann Huzi-i miss you;) hope you have good ramadhan with your girls in Singapore;)

Specially to Kak Nur-  saya dapat save few of our pictures at Angelina Kak Nur but many still hanging, our picture at Annick Goutal and many2 inside Angelina itself.Apa pun Alhamdulillah adalah gambar kenangan kita kat sini untuk Tia Mia dan Lily tengok2:):)

This is a picture of Tia Mia on the last day at Disney New York Hotel,they were excited to go to Paris to see Eiffel Tower.

We took a cab from Disney to Paris, Avenue Rapp,both fell asleep as the journey was long and it was jammed.

We reached our apartment and the two saw the Eiffel Tower at the back of the apartment,they were so excited! Mama too:)

The apartment area was convenient,there were many shops,cafe,florist and we saw one halal Pakistani resturant.

The small but charming apartment.When i said small it was really small:) Just 44 sqm- it was an old apartment,when you walk the floor will creak loudly,so the girls were prohibited from jumping;) Not so suitable for family with children actually but we bear with it as the location was superb.

The sofabed in the living room.

The cute and pretty kitchen.

After we had our lunch at the Pakistani restaurant we walked to Mr Eiffel.We had many pictures there but now hanging in my Mac:(

The girls were super excited to meet Mr Eiffel and the gelatos too:) It was great to see Eiffel tower again,my first visit this place was in 2000, i was engaged to my hubby at that time.At that time i wish i could make a trip to paris again with him,Alhamdulillah, not only i made it with my husband but together with my kids.

Under Mr Eiffel.

After we had enough time with Eiffel and the park surrounding it we went back and stopped for groceries at the nearby supermarket.Macam2 i beli.

And we bought some cherries and strawberries for the girls.

I cooked less in Paris compared to Geneva;) We had 5 days in Paris only so we had to cover many many place:)

Second day in paris and we had appointment to see kak nur and her lovely daughter Lily.We were really excited maklumlah berhubung phone and sms ajer before this:) 

Kak Nur bought ticket tarin for all of us and we went to Angelina-a famous restaurant in Paris for hot chocolate.

One picture infront of Angelina before we go in and the girls clicked instantly with kak lily.Actually the right word is not 'click' but they fell in love with kak lily:)

The interior of Angelina was very nice,very grand and the service was superb,the staffs smile to you and always at your service- they made you feel special;) which is a bit difficult to find in your own country.

Tia with her face looking at her fries,selalu berebut nak pegang tangan kak lily with Mia.

Tia ordered Mont Blanc chocolate dessert:)

The yummylicious egg sandwich.

Mia tasting her dessert;)

Dessert section at Angelina,you can order from the display bar.

The grand ambience in Angelina.

The girls were spoilted with choice.

After Angelina we went to Vanessa Bruno,to burn my not so thick purse. I got one nice denim bling bling carry bag from here.

A visit to Longchamp is a must when you are in French,apart for myself jugak nak beli untuk yang berkirim:) I bought my sunnies from here:) It was sales when i bought it but when i came back on the last day to buy for my sister the price had gone back to normal and i had to pay extra 30 euros.

We went to Gucci to burn purse some more.Suppossed to get something basic but the salesman was so good at enticing me with the new Jackie model.As for my girls they ran inside Gucci in Paris just like they ran in Kota Damansara Giant:)

We went to Laduree too,a must place to go also whenever you are in Paris.

The girls were given free macaroon one each and they were delighted.

One pose infront of laduree.

Oh ya,they got their kembang skirts from Monalisa in those polka dots paperbag;):)

And one pose with Vespa and macaroon in Paris;)

Okay we got our things:) Mana lagi nak pergi ni? he he until the next entry.bye bye..selamat memasak..hmmm tak tau nak masak apa today rasa macam nak tapau Sari Ratu pulak..see lah how until petang nanti;) Or may be i shall get satay for uwan today.Salam.


  1. Terima kasih Kak Zu resepi bihun sup tu. TiaMia makin besar makin cantiklah. Suka tengok gambar yang first tu. Tapi selalu ter confius mana satu Tia mana satu Mia. =)

  2. kak zu even saya belum kahwin everyday mesti refresh blog akak tnggu new update..selalu berangan nak dpat baby kembar macam tia mia..both da besar n cute sgt..

  3. bestnya boleh masak di Paris dan geneva kan...kat sana sure le sayur2an fresh belaka kan.
    Walaupun apment kecik tp location dia ok.

  4. Comelnya Tia Mia with skirts and jackets...
    Best nya Paris...hope Fieza pun dapat pegi Paris one day..Aaamiiinn..

  5. salam...first time nk komen kt blog kak zu ni,selama ni silent readers je.comelnye tia n mia...suke tgok dressing diaorang, pastu kasut comel2 bape byk kasut dorang kak zue angkut pi paris ni heheehhe rajin betul bertukar2 from head to toe..mcm main patung barbie pulok ;p

  6. kak zu,
    i dah balik... :)
    spent 4 days in st petersburg and only two and half days in Paghi... :P
    paris tu transit jer but i managed to be there for two days, tu pun dah syukur! :) insyaAllah akan pergi lagi. lagipun pergi sebab kerja so jalan pun sorang2 je... sedih :(...
    but I stay at friend's house in Paris. She works for UNESCO. Tapi masa I sampai sana, dia baru je bersalin 7 hari... sweet though, dapat tengok baby dia... itu pun dah syukur sangat sebab dapat save on accommodation.
    I pergi Longchamp juga but just got a passport cover jer.. :P

  7. tengok tia mia ni. rasa teringin pula anak kembar....:)

  8. Salam Zu,
    seronoknya tengok gambar2 ni sambil pasang angan2 he he he :D

  9. waaahh wahhh gewwamnye tgk tia mia berladureeeng..awwsome macaron..

    hahahah lagi satu mmg tergelak la bace bile tia mia buat Gucci cam Giant aje..hahahahahahah guling guling...

  10. azu..woman is still a woman..byk borong nampaknya..tak pe sesekali manjakan diri..penat bekerja kan..

  11. Salam Zu....tgk gambo2 ni buat knur really really really miss you all la...rasa nak menitik airmata..seriously,rindu Tia Mia...teringat kasabaran Azam menunggu kita shop shop..what a fine gentleman you got there...kak Lily pun rindu Tia Mia,rindu nak sikat rambut dia org katanya..haha..ada patung little mermaid dia org tertinggal,walaupun dah takde tgn sebelah,kak Lily simpan elok2..
    puasa ni takleh nak g pekena my weekly hot choc fix kat angelina..saborrr..and of course tgk gambo2 ni teringat that 'Marilyn Monroe's moment'..hahaha...I will never forget that..
    ok,insyaAllah jumpa lagi nanti Zu..take care dear..

  12. supportive la papa bawak beg2 shopping! lawa lah baju2 tiamia, tu yang dah pandai strike pose2 ala model and the have super long legs hehehe. tapi pose tidur paling menarik. sweet gitu :)
    satay! we like. lain kali datang nak try tempat uwan makan satay :)
