Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bila Saya Bercuti:):)

Yesterday i asked my staff to check my AL balance:) She said "15 days!" Wahh i was so excited,so i took 1 day off today to run some 'errands':):)After i dropped Tia Mia at the kindy and told Claire that i am going to pick them late,I drove to the nearby Mall.I was so early that even toilet is not open yet:) I must be really excited kan:):)

My first 'errand' was visiting SKII counter:) And this is my second 'errand".Yup i went for massage again....reason; badan sakit2 after the first massage so you need a follow up*wink*wink*

Ohhh i was so bliss..bliss and heaven to have people washing your feet..and then massage your body for 2 hours! After massage i went with my lunch buddy to have lunch at My News and both of us had Cantonese Bee Hoon:):) It is always nice bila semua orang kerja and kita tak..hee hee..anyway kesian my friend she had to go back office alone after that while i merayau-rayau lagi;)

After i collected my Mac at the service centre,i went to pick Tia Mia with loaf of rolled cake for Teacher Claire:)

Actually dah few weeks dah my SKII punya stock dah habis,asyik tertangguh-tangguh..tak ada masa in between office hours nak menyelinap to get the things.

I bought my basic Cleanser,moisturiser..i still have my essence at home so i tambah beli oil cleanser as the promoter tu cakap cleanser alone not enough to remove make up..pandailah dia orang nak suruh kita beli macam2;) Anyway i got free SKII products tthat can last at least 1 month for me.

I got this nice table mirror for free too..boleh lah letak office kalau tak petang balik tudung memang serabai sebab i  malas to go to washroom to check my tudung after Asar:)Kadang2 i sanggup balik turun ikut tangga belakang sebab malas nak teserempak dengan orang sebab surely tudung haywire;)

Ha ha dapat mask free..i terus takutkan Tia Mia..terjerit-jerit budak dua orang tu..but this mask is truely recommended..so nice and good to your skin.You can buy a single piece for a RM48 per piece.

And you know what if you buy SKII you ll get this nice Japanese steamer for free! Ha ha ..just joking..i got voucher worth RM190 actually so macam dapat voucher beribu..so seronok..as usual sampai tak tau nak redeem apa.Steamer i memang dah buruk kat rumah,the electric steamer pulak not so practical..nak kena keluarkan dari kotak..nak kena pasang,nak kena cuci,simpan balik etc.So i went to check out few steamer, i like Zebra brand steamer but too mahal it is priced at RM300..i found this Endo from Japan,it is priced at RM179.00 and just within my voucher budget.Cantik kan..berkilat2 macam kulit muka lepas pakai SKII!

Terus gantung kat belakang kalau simpan nanti tak berpakai;)

Hmmm nak steam apa pulak this weekend kan?

Then i tengok jam hari dah pukul 5.30..ohhh no my day off going to end soon;(;( I will  try to enjoy every minutes of it! I called Uwan to the kitchen and made her a mug of Milo and i served her kueh kasui which i bought from the nyonya stall.I always enjoy sitting at the table cutting vegetables while listening to uwan bercerita..the feeling goes back far to kampung time..when i was small and she was young, she always in the kitchen and i always listened to her stories..that bonding and love shaped me into who i am today.

I cooked masak lemak daging with terung bulat today. Ada few yang passed comments to me; i asyik masak ajer and my fb penuh gambar food;) I just smile..when you were small there's only two things that matter to you i.e Love and Food..you cry for food and you cry for love..since life is like a wheel when you are old only these two will matter to you again i.e..You need love and you feel happy with food..I am so fortunate diberi peluang oleh Allah swt to have the young and the really old under my roof..selagi terdaya i will cook and love them with all my heart;);)

I sendiri actually tak really fancy masak lemak everyday..I sangat suka asam pedas or benda yang berebus or sup..so i masak singgang for myself..i suka singgang banyak serai,halia dan kuah sikit.:):)

Nak cerita sikit,...camana lah i tak kena masak semua benda kat rumah ni..ni lah rupa Heni goreng telur,,dah 5 tahun duduk dgn i heni masih belum bisa membuat telur dadar yang shape dia bulat..bila tanya 'heni kenapa heni tak boleh buat telur dadar bulat?" dia jawab' gimana ya puan,kalau heni balik dia mesti patah dan jadi begini"..so maleh lah den cakap..biar den ajo yang goreng;);)

Finally tak ada apa yang nak di komplen pun..Alhamdulillah dengan kurniaan Allah swt..kegembiraan kecik2 ada lah nikmat tak ternilai;):)

To Ann Huzi yang tanya pasal painting pashik tu,i belum berkesempatan tanya Pashik lagi Ann,nanti dia dtg i tanya okay.
Yang tanya pasal periuk Kuala Pilah,kedai dia next to kedai rojak di pasar;)
To Rose Penang..terimakasih banyak2 atas Recipe Teh tarik..so excited nak cuba ni;)
And to everybody else.Salam,nanti i check balik mana queries yang i miss okay.


  1. Walaupun telor tu x bulat, but still xke telor goreng jugak tu haha.
    Kesian ur maid mcm kene kene pressure je hahahahahahahaha

  2. Salam kak zu. Tq yer. Nnt nak carik kuali tu lah tp kedai rojak tuh yg femes tu ker? Blh singgah kt situ pulak. Hehehe. Dulu pernah round keliling pasar carik kedai jual rojak dan cendol pilah yg femes tuh tp x jumpo, tutup kot time tuh. Member ckp kt bus stand pilah.. Smpi skang dok ngidam lg. Huhuhu...
    *best nyer amik cuti pastu g jln2kan. Sy pun suka dgr mak sy bercerita bila msk sama2 kt dapur. Hepi jer muka dia bila ada teman borak since abah pun dah xder. At least terubat gak ati dia kan. Okebai...^_^

  3. Aslmkm Azu..
    I suker kasut you, sweet!
    Masak lomak daging dgn terung pun I suker. semua laa best dlm entry you.
    love to Uwan, Tia and Mia too.

  4. Salam Zu,
    kat sini periuk kukus dr thailand pun ader.. mmg mahal tp dah nak pakai beli jugak la. tp yg bestnye sini brg dapur dan periuk mcm2 brand tp bila pakai yg berkualiti ni walaupun mahal mmg berbaloi dan puashati sgt. siap bole letak atas dapur, masuk oven dan microwave. yg penting kena pakai, jgn simpan aje buat tukun kan.. :)

    mcm bestlah pegi massage tu tp tak berani la sbb kalau picit badan sikit pun dah sakit. agaknya kalau pergi massage ni boleh MC seminggu heheh

  5. gi massage di TO juga ke this time?..bestnya..Akak kalau kena urut mesti krooohhh2 zzzz punyalah.
    terferanjat akak tgok masker tu...hihi
    kalau ok nak try lah nanti...sure best kulit muka lepas masker maskeran kan :)
    Bestnya cutiiiii....esok turn akak pulak cutiiii...nanti balik cuti akak singgah sini lagi.

  6. Sama la jugak..semalam balik dr opis pakai masker n my twin berdua tu tak berbunyi langsunh..duk diam mengintai je dari dalam bilik hahaha..surely takut sangat even nak call me pun tak jadi..tak berani nak sambung usik lebih lebih..nanti mengigau malam malam pulak hehe

  7. Salam kak zu,
    Heheh samo lak kite cuti hari ni eh..balance AL niza pun byk lagi, ape lagi harus la mencoootikan diri..hehe

  8. Terkezut mak....scroll kt bawah nmpk putih je..ingat antu...

  9. ambil cuti time orang lain kerja untuk enjoykan diri mmg paling best.. bawak balik pulak brg2 yang buatkan kita rasa happy.. lagilah seronok..

  10. :) Kak Azu, alang-alang ambik le cuti banyak hari sikit.....

  11. tia mia pun join in dengar stories like mama masa kecik di dapur.the bonding and love that shaped mama will likewise shape tia mia to be as gorgeous, loving, and talented as mama.
    thanks, nak tanyakan pashik, if tak susah kan, suka2 je.

  12. assalam.kak zu.
    hihi..lucu la cerita heni dan telur goreng~ tp tu la,org dapur ni kalau xkena di mata dia bia susah camne pun sggup turun buat sendiri.
    biasa hb sy klu duk dapur,lps tu mst nk kena bebel sb xltk blk brg k tmpatnya. tp appreciate la at least slps setahun dia masak bru2 ni. hehe..

    suka tgk dapur akak. tersusun je...


  13. hahaha bestnye cuti...

    kak zue,bile kak zue same2 bercerita dgn uwan, then kak zue tangkap gamba, uwan tak de tanye ke nape la kak zue kerjenye tangkap gambo eh? hahaha

  14. Zu, i tau kedai rojak tu..selalu gak singgah bila balik kg...kuah dia marvelous sgt..kedai periuk pon i tau jugak sbb mak i pon selalu beli situ dulu..

  15. salam mamatiamia..telur dadar lipat pun sedap esp kalau dalam tu ada melting cheese, udang and mix vege and makan dengan nasi panas..my doters fav :-).

  16. hahahhaa tekejut tengok tiba2 scroll kuar mata akak punya besar tu..

    hmmm ter inspirasi dek blog akak ni...saya pun mcm rajin nak blog balik...tapi caca marba je ayat dia...so sudi kalu nnt jalan2 lah ke sana..

    kawan2 yg lain jugak...

  17. salam zu…lovely relaxing post…you're now putting ideas into my head to get to the spa for facial and massage! i prefer the ones in malaysia…the ones here are very professional but lack the special touch and warmth of our eastern ways.

  18. assalamualaikum wbt kak zue..
    aminah resort kat mana... jln masuk sk kg parit or parit seberang... smlam saya g jalan2...saya jlan dr kg talang masuk purun.. terus ke parit mainau n kuar kt masjid tu... ingat area situ sbb bukit2... umah kt atas... hehe xjumpo pun yg cam umah dlm gambar2 dlm blog.. smpai ke azan magrib... hahaha.. lawak sgt... sampai jalan mati.. pusing.. kakak saya kata jom balik... nnt den lak tolong caghik...wsalam...

  19. Sama la jugak..semalam balik dr opis pakai masker n my twin berdua tu tak berbunyi langsunh..duk diam mengintai je dari dalam bilik hahaha..surely takut sangat even nak call me pun tak jadi..tak berani nak sambung usik lebih lebih..nanti mengigau malam malam pulak hehe
