Tuesday, September 18, 2012

He's a Man and I am a Woman So Keep Calm and Carry On!

Last night conversation:
Mama- " Papa i love this Chef at Home..ohh look at his walk in pantry and kitchen,he got everything in his pantry! This is the type of kitchen that i ve been wanting,when we have rezki and can build our own house on our land we build kitchen macam ni ya Pa"
Papa-" Hmmm..hmmmm ( while doing his typing his Board paper on his lap top)"
Mama-" Ohhh paa look,lookkkkk cantiknya rumah dia pa..it's on a hill facing the ocean just like a house we saw at Geneva..and lookkk..papaaaaa tengok lah kejappp..dia punya verandah..just like what i like,his house macam tudor tapi more nicer and tonight he got a new gadget pa..paaa tengoklah dia beli griller baru guna arang tu..dia nak buat steak..you mesti suka pa..that's why i suka tengok program cooking mat salleh ni,they never stop improving their house,they want to live in good and nice environment.
Papa- "hmmm ya,ya"
Mama- " Papa Jimi Hendrixs dah mati ke?"
Papa- " Ishhhhh dah lama lah dia mati,he died on a stage while smoking marijuana..dia the best guitarist tau...bla blaaaaa..blaaaa"
See..how man reacts:):) Anyway i still enjoy my Chef at Home last night:):)

So tak kira..i nak jugak walk in pantry! at least macam Vanessa Vacation Rental Home  kat Sydney yang kita duduk last year! And you know what did he ask me this morning?  " So malam tadi you tengok "Sherlock Homes?" sedap ke?" Whatttttttt???? why on earth would Sherlock Homes masak2 pulak??? Apa lah you papa" See,see that how's man's ears translate thing " Chef at Home" boleh jadi Sherlock Homes!

Because of that..i nak jugak verandah dengan classic grill pa...tak kira.

Paaaaa..syoknya nanti tanam bunga kat verandah tu ye..you boleh tolong2 siram masa breakfast:);)

Because He's a  man and I'm a woman.. I keep calm and carry on..carry on with what ? Carry on with dreaming lahhhh:);)

To those asking for Ikin's chicken wings recipe, i think this is how she made it:) sebab i rasa i boleh tahu:) she marinated the chicken wings with some oyster sauce,soy sauce and honey for few hours,after that she just grill in the oven and serve it hot. This version is suitable for children sebab tak spicy.

While mine has slightly different version because, i tak berapa suka sweet and i like the taste to be slighty 'rich" so my version- after drying the chicken wing with towel i put aside and in a bowl i mix fine blended garlic,ginger,onion,dark&thick soy sauce, oyster sauce,pepper and 1 spoon of honey and little dash of salt.Mix well with wings and let it marinate for few hours before grilling:)

Note : Start grilling your wings with slightly high temperature at 150 degrees for the first 5 - 6 mins, after that slow it down to 110 only for 15 - 20 mins,the duration not really accurate,check your wings,if the skin starts to roll and shrink and the flesh is swollen- tu dah masak lah,dont forget to flip the wings upside down for few times so both side will be crispy, the last few minutes turn the temperature high so it will have a nice brown colour:);)

Hmm i really feel like going to Cameron Highlands for few days,stay in an English cottage with fireplace,magazine,soft blanket,hot chocolate and hot chicken wings!

Salam & Good day everybody!


  1. saye suke both version of chicken wing..sedaaappp...nak buat la weekend ni...

  2. saye suke both version of chicken wing..sedaaappp...nak buat la weekend ni...

  3. Just to compliment ur hubby, he worked his outfit in paris. Looked like a parisian himself hahaha

    Dulu when I used to worked in amex, we had a charity bake sale n on the weekend I went to my director's place to help with the baking. More like chatting session je. But her pantryyyyyyyyyyy, mcm gamba atas tu tp lagi organised. Mcm xnk kuar kot. Its soo dreamy n white n cantek la. Lain kali kalau pegi uma dia rasa nk msuk pantry dia n kunci pintu hahaha

    Xsuka chef at home sbb kualiti gamba x cantek haha. Sukka sgt nigella coz wat she's been doin is realistic, can't expect a wife n mother to masak dgn penuh ayu mcm anna olsen. Plus hips dia besa gila rasa nk tepuk je. Oops. Bahahaha

  4. Hemmm....u pandai buat gambaran bagi org teringin jgak ...now i pulak tak sabar nk gi cameron highland n jugak chicken wing adoiii...:-)

  5. tq for the recipe kak zue. oppsss... how bout the temperature,time? 175c, 45mins ka? selalu bakar kek tak penah panggang ayam ;)thanks again. love

  6. mmg selalu macam tu.. he..he.. tp dalam tak mendengar dengan baik apa yg kita potpetpotpet kan about our dreams, our soulmate akan cuba tunaikan permintaan kita sehabis baik.. itu yg paling penting dan lebih sweet.. klu rajin teringin nak grill chicken wings jgk.. sellau tu asyik membeli aje..

  7. hahahahaha...gelak je
    " Chef at Home" boleh jadi Sherlock Homes!

    suka tekooo tuuuu...teko tu kat Paris kan...if i'm not mistaken :)

  8. Salam Mamatiamia! Kalau jenguk blog you ni, hati I tak terlompat2 laju, memang tak sah! hehe Adaaa aje gambar2 food & home improvement/decor yg buat I tak tido malam! hahaa Thanks for the recipe! I dah pernah buat grilled chicken you yg guna yogurt tu! My family kata kalau macam ni, dah tak payah pergi makan kat Kenny Rogers lagi!! Wahhh... hehe Thanks so much for always sharing & caring (with all your kind words) Take care!

  9. ..ooopss sorry...that was me, TY, your loyal reader :-)

  10. Because He's a man and I'm a woman.. I keep calm and carry on!

    before nak keep calm mesti nak bebel bebel kat hubs dulu kan kak? kihkihkih

    Dulu after kawin I wonder why my husband like that, masa bercinta kalau kita borak borak mesti dgn penuh respond siap mata bertemu mata..bila dah kawin baru tau..tapi rupanya not only my husband! Most husband like that lah..never pay attention to what we say esp topic that related to house thingies and girls thing :p

    so carry on jer girl :)

    chicken wing like that mmg my girl n her daddy's favorite..dah few times buat sama cam resepi you sedappp sgt, mesti within 1 hour licin seme hehehe

    nyum nyum

  11. salam kak,

    hehe tergelak saya 'chef at home' jadi 'sherlock homes'. first time rasa nak komen sebab mmg sangat kelakar orang lelaki ni =) sometimes boleh jadi so comel n cute tanpa diaorang sedari.

    saya pun suka tengok 703 dengan 707, selalu juga berangan(weee berangan tak payah pakai duit hehe) dan suka juga tengok mini kebun akak with colorful flowers. try bagi hint kat suami cakap nak bunga-bunga mcm tu, dia kata ok kalau rajin siram =) (hehe hint kat saya yang malas siram pokok),papepun nak jadi rajin mcm akak coz u inspired me so much untuk jadi anak dan istri solehah, amin..

  12. tak kira mama nak jugak kan.
    boleh.. bisa di atur kan papa
    sebab mama selalu masak sedap2 belajar dengan sherlock holmes. :D

  13. kak zu..
    slaloo kalo asben sy ckp camgitu mesti sy bising " abg ni mmg x amik peduli apa yg yang ckp kan :( "
    tp bila tgok dialog kak zu & asben..sy rasa mcm ..hiks~ cute..

    nmpak sgt sy kena muhasabah diri & anggap "owh..asben sy sgt cute " kannnnn..hihihi

    xoxo tia & mia

  14. salaam mamatiamia..hahaha part chef at home jadi sherlock home tu memang me tergelak besar..man kalau tengah mengadap lappy takkanya dia concentrate apa kita cakap...and sometimes me rasa bosan bila kena cakap perkara yang sama few times..ada satu malam masa dia tengah mengadap lappy..me tanya..nak goreng ayam tak?..dia boleh jawab..apa hal pulak nak bela ayam...adoiii..btw..chef at homes punya kitchen tu also my dream kitchen..so organized and paling me suka tempat spice dia..*wink*

  15. Oh...saya pun suka sangat tengok Chef at Home ...selalu juga berangan ada rumah mengadap ocean tapi part mengadap ocean tu susah nak tertunai..kalau part walk in pantry tu insya Allah bila ada rezeki buat rumah sendiri, nak juga buat ... ^_^

  16. lovely post…your hubby looks good in that english cap…i smiled reading your last line…because i'm here now with my fireplace roaring, magazines, soft blanket and cuppa tea…it's so cold…autumn well and truly here! only thing missing is that gorgeous chicken wings…must try to make it like you do!

  17. Yeap.. macam tu laa kite kan. Kalu nak amik hati hal2 mcm tu boleh sakit jiwa. so carry on sajer laa. hehehe..

    Berkilat jer bake chicken wing tu.. :D

  18. haha..klakarlahh n3 ni..u mcm sama je dgn i bebel2 masa tgk chef at home ni..berangan nak ada pantry dia tu kann..best betul..i admire sgt dia tu..anak i arash pon sama suka gaya dia gentleman je nampak kan..hehe..x salahlah kita berangan..i lagi kuat berangan :p

  19. salam mtm, dlm byk byk picas, yg menarik grilled chic la jugak sbb mmg kaki makan, tapi mmg gitu la org lelaki kan, maklum la depa frm mars kita fr venus..sure la lain lain caranyerr..apa pun kalau da faham ok je, me kalau hubby tgk bola, jgn tanyer pape, mmg x de jawapan yg pasti cuma tanya nak air n roti bakar je jawapan dia yesss sayang..adoiii :))

  20. Aslmkm Azu..
    I like yr entri this time..
    Hahaha...I guess every wives had the same experience. Men are always men..
    Tapi Azu, jangan ingat dia orang tak sayang. Insyallah your dream will come true!

  21. chef at home jadi sherlock holmes?? hehehee...i pun suka bukak food channel, suka tengok orang masak2, suka tengok dapur dia :)

