Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Beautiful Journey-We will always love you!

Salam Rose Penang-thanks so much for your doa and lovely comment,may you and family be blessed by Allah swt always, Farah-thanks dear,Nurulfida-hai fida sedap rainbow cake tu but my favourite is cheese rasberry,tengah cuppies tu ada rasberry jam,kena cheese,adoh sedapnya:), The Singing Pilot- InshAllah dapatlah balik beraya Parit nanti tu,bertahan there young man:), Pacific Blue-hope everything is fine with you and dah dapat makan cake too:):), farhana-thanks ya,Kak kasih redha- wahhh akak balik Pilah ye,siap beli potai banyak lagi,hmmm good idealah cara simpan petai tu kak kalau tak cepat ajer dia kecut,nanti saya buat jugak lah,Alhamdulillah Uwan okay raya ni and lupa lak nak tanya macam mana kenal ayan tu?Salmi-tu lah macam2 selera cake ni kan,kita org paling suka coconut drink dia salmi,nanti boleh try ABC jugaklah,Fatin Syafirah- thanks so much,i pray for your happiness InshAllah, redRose-thanks a lot, mamasya - terima kasih,ye lah asyik merdeka ajer kerja dia tiap tahun:),Greetingsfromengland-thanks so much Noor,will visit you soon,Umiyumi-terima kasih ya,dah masuk spring ke di Perth Umi?, mi+ny- thanks kata papa tiamia,Kak Pinat,nanti saya tanya pashik ye number tu:) and to my Kak Nur Trengganu- thanks so much Kak Nur,tak der rezki nak jumpa kak kat mesia this year kan,inshAllah nanti kita jumpa lagi ye,Tia Mia tak lupa kak lily,selalu ajer sebut..miss you all always:)ni skip byk entry kat geneva lagi sebab nak tunjuk mangkuk tingkat kak nur lah ni:) tapi partv 2 lah nampaknya sebab malam ni banyak bebenor gambo..Kak Nur psstt,, i loike your square dining set tu..cantikkkkk:);) take and salam to hb kak nur and hug ketat2 kat kak lily ye;)

And Salam to everybody else,malam ni continue upload gambar dari trip Paris Geneva hari tu:) actually banyak lagi gambar kat Geneva but this last train trip from Geneva to Paris is very meaningful so i decided to put up some of it pictures tonight;)The rest kena tunggu mood datang lagi.Memang sangat busy kat office this past few days and it is not easy to manage people,always difficult,sometimes tak tahu apa ada kat kepala orang;( Some can just be rude,inconsiderate,kita yang ada authority ni pun tak lah sampai hati nak malukan certain people but some is just too much,dia tak ingat di mana bumi dipijak..hmm kalau dalam diri tak settle macam tu lah,apa di pandang pun nampak api.But sabar is the best solution,i can see that,InshAllah good thing will happen kalau kita sabar;)

Anyway i am not the type yang suka bawak2 stress tak perlu ni balik rumah,people in the house is too precious to share the unwanted negative vibes:)Let those who chose to be sad be sad and we on the other hand just syukur dengan nikmat di beri Allah swt,it might be impossible to be happy 24/7 but it is possible to be happy at least half of the day;):)

So let see happy pictures,sebenarnya teringat nak upload ni bila si papa bukak envelope enrich points dia tadi lah,kita pun mata terbeliak-beliak sibuk tanya,banyak ke points? at least pi Singapore cukup? kalau tak sabah cukup? paling2 pun pi Langkawi cukup? he he desperate kan;)

Finally we said good bye to the lovely Geneva and took TGV Lyria-the fast train to Paris.We will stay one night in Paris before we fly back to KL,the girls were excited to see Paris again.This time we dapat 4 seats yang mengadap each other.

TiaMia had a wonderful time on the train.

The view was just breathtaking and we enjoyed every minutes of it as we know for the fact that we will be leaving the next day and might not have the opportunity to visit the place again.

It was puasa time,except for the girls yang happily waiting for their meal;)

Yeayy the meal is here! Papa and mama had to bersabar a lot,dugaan berpuasa;)

They had fish,creamy risotto and some veges.

Tia was offered orange juice by the train attendant but she ordered diet coke..cewahh bukan main lagi ye.

You better finish your dessert TiaMia..dont torture me;)

We passed lovely lakes and villages,the journey was just lovely.

The Manager on the train booked us a cab and once we arrived at the train station the driver was waiting with our names on the card. He was an egyptian and we were greeted with Salam.

Everybody was like melayan perasaan on the cab,try to savour Paris for the last time;)

We then arrived at Concorde Opera Hotel.the lobby was big and grand;)

Whenever we travelled we always book into one nice hotel before we go back,just to experience it;)First we had small problem with Concorde,i made booking online and upon check in the notified us that children above 2 yrs old cannot share the same bed for safety reason.I told them that was not stated in the term and i asked them the solution,they asked us to upgrade to junior suite and i had to top up another 100 euros! Upon hearing that i asked the lady to call her manager and i gave him  a piece of mind until i cannot stop bla bla bla..i told him if i have to pay for that amount might as well i book into Ritz carlton or anything more fancy than concorde.They finally agreed to let Tia Mia share the bed:):) and tak der lah sesiapa yang jatuh katil pun;)Overall they were nice,Parisiens have improved a lot,they can speak good english,smile a lot and friendlier;)

After a long journey it is so nice to see this in your hotel room;)

And Tia Mia were glad to have new friends,a very nice touch from Concorde;)

The room was not that big but it was nice and can accomodate 4 of us.

The interior was warm and sweet too.

Well well you have Annick Goutal for your toiletries;)

Somebody snapping bathroom picture.

What are you thinking papa? Our increasing luggage? Dont worry we will deal with it okay:)

As usual the two had a good time jumping in the hotel room.

View from our balcony,it's facing St Lazare station.

Gare St Lazare.

The big clock.

And this is Concorde Opera building.

After we freshen up we went up to take the girls for early dinner.We suppossed to have our bukak puasa at the shop but the lovely kak Nur has texted me and informed that the she will send 'mangkuk tingkat' to our hotel untuk buka puasa..wahhh we so happy,thank you thank you kak nur:)

We ordered homemade pasta for the girls.

And the girls always love the fresh pasta in Paris and Geneva.

tak sabar2 makan panas the cabornara msuhroom with cream and cheese.

Nyum nyum ke girls? He he we shall continue the part 2 soon:):)until then night night:)

Opss nak share the new blooms that i have in our garden;) balik kerja penat2 with all the macam2 at office,tengok bunga hilang stress;) Take care everybody! Salam:)


  1. Salam Zu,
    spring dah bermula.. tp sehari dua ni angin kuat dan hujan lebat, mcm winter pulak. :)

    best tgk jalan2 ke Paris tu. cantik sgt mcm tgk movie/documentary :)

  2. Hi K.Zu,

    Wslm....Alhamdullilah dgn semua nikmat Yg Allah kurniakan utk kita ya.....If not blessed by Allah swt sure we cant know each other thru this blog my dear sis zu...kalau niat baik and berdoa baik utk semua InsyAllah pasti semua pun baik....I really do believe on that k.zu.....dan ros memdoakan semoga Allah swt melimpahkan rahmat dan kesihantan yg baik buat k.zu dan keluarga k.zu especially the wonderful woman(Uwan) since she is special woman to get knowing her well...Amin....take care and hv a great day and sweet moment at working place...

    Warm Regards

  3. Hi K.Zu,

    Wslm....Alhamdullilah dgn semua nikmat Yg Allah kurniakan utk kita ya.....If not blessed by Allah swt sure we cant know each other thru this blog my dear sis zu...kalau niat baik and berdoa baik utk semua InsyAllah pasti semua pun baik....I really do believe on that k.zu.....dan ros memdoakan semoga Allah swt melimpahkan rahmat dan kesihantan yg baik buat k.zu dan keluarga k.zu especially the wonderful woman(Uwan) since she is special woman to get knowing her well...Amin....take care and hv a great day and sweet moment at working place...

    Warm Regards

  4. Salam Zu...sedapnya tgk TiaMia mkn spageti tu...penuh mulut,nmpak sgt delicious.And topi dia org are so nice..both of them are so adorable.Memang sgt rindu ngan dia org sbb sejak duk sini takde budak kecik yg kami kenal yg buleh kami gomol and hug hug,so rasa mcm rindu kat budak kecik terubat bila jumpa TiaMia.Kak Lily akan start sekolah esok,cuti 2 bln dah berakhir.And nanti Christophe akan fetch her to and from school.Remember Christophe?
    pssssttt Zu,square pinggan tu knur beli masa sale baru ni,kalu berkenan buleh adjust..hehe
    Salam to TiaMia,Azam,Uwan and the whole family ya Zu..TQ dear and take care..


  5. ya allah sedapnye tgk tia mia mkn pasta tu...terliur nengok ...

  6. he..he.. mmg terliur tgk pasta tu wp tgh sakit perut skrg ni..

  7. selamat hari raya kak zue...x buat open hs ker? Kalau buat jemputla kiter hehehe

  8. wah...
    memang nampak sedap je pasta tia and mia tu...
    memang agak mencabar juga ari tu masa gi paris time bulan puasa...
    masuk starbucks nak beli tumblr Paris tu... aish... bau kopi... menggoda2... teringat2... ingat nak gi malam tu tapi rupanya starbucks kat kawasan rumah kawan tu tutup jam 7.30 pm... buka 9.30 pm... ish ish.. balik sini terus gi beli starbucks besar punya... hihihi...


    sorryla sharing cerita pulak kat sini...

    salam kat tia mia and uwan ek... ;)

  9. Kak azu,
    berat naik tak musim2 raya ni ? :)
    meriahnya raya akak...

  10. alhamdulillah dpt mkn cake juge..but not a cheese cake or rainbow cake...kek batik yg my sis buat je...huhu..tgv tu menggamit memori btollaa...tgh blaja menabung juge that at least once a year spt melancong...sonok tgk akk n family melancong...

  11. paling tak tahan part tengok tia & mia makan pasta cabornara tu...meleleh akak hihi

    Memang tak berbaloi lah rasanya kalau kena tambah 100 euros lagi unk hotel tu kan.

    sampai sekarang x boleh nak bezakan yang mana tia dan yg mana mia :D

    Macamana akak boleh kenal ayan? kami sama2 di cheras...dulu ayan x pakai tudung..makin sweet dia sekarang.
