Thursday, September 13, 2012

Short & Happy story!

SalamJumaat buat semua:) Semoga semuanya baik2 ajer di hari jumaat yang barakah ini.Happy2 mode! cubby/play house Tia Mia dah siap.Tukang buat dah call and he will install this weekend.So siapa yang berminat call can Pokya at this number ya : 0193233383.Anyway Pokya is not really an old  'Pok' actually, he's a young handsome artistic chap that at one point of time  one of our pretty hot celebrity fell for him! But he's happily married to a sweet lady and has 3 kids now:) 

Huhhh tu dia Pokya talented artis ni..boleh buat landscape dan kerja2 seni yang lain and he can paint and draw very well too,used to work at my company to design shooting place,studio etc.

One of the reader i.e Suria asked whether i conduct baking class? Glupppp alaaa malu lah Suria even i have attended 6 weeks baking class at Wilton but i never serious into it,one of the reason is; i have yet to purchase the gorgeous yellow Kitchen Aid! ha ha what a lame excuse:) Anyway i m more into cooking dishes actually,baking ni setakat brownies,cupcakes for Tia Mia okay lah..hmmm that reminds me of the girls's request to make cuppies this weekend:):)

I always dream to have spacious kitchen connected to the garden where i can walk out from my kitchen and pick spices from the garden:) I built that kind of kitchen few years back as per in the picture above.I had my wet kitchen painted in blue so it looks like french kitchen while my dry kitchen was white. It was sold in order to facilitate another dream:)

So seronok kalau membina dapur impian ni..yang seronoknya kita sendiri yang mencari bahan2 asasnya macam tiles,.door knob..ishhh leleh air liur nak buat dapur baru ni...tapi rezki belum ada lagi:):)

I like Nigella,suka tengok dia masak yang main campak2 jugak..i tak suka sangat orang masak ikut sukatan atau skills cantik dia dalam gambar ni kan..syoknya ada program macam dia..masak2,makan:):) kalau i buat program i tambah sikit,masak,makan,gossip,pi shopping,massage,balik rumah have tea in the garden,gossip balik...hee heee syok tak? siapa nak enrol?

Puas i mengumpul copper pots and day if i build a new kitchen i gantung atas bawah ..heee heee..

Hari tu tengok2 vacation rental home in perth,jumpa this kan concept BBQ and outdoor entertaining dia..semua at the backyard  and the area tak lah besar but they managed to make it cosy.

Minus the swimming's a good concept..i like the fact that the indoor kitchen is connectedc to the outdoor BBQ;):)

Then baru lah boleh bukak class baking ni..hee hee alasan:)

I rasa i masak sedap jugak kot..dari dulu pun ahli2 keluarga macam ni ropa makannyerrr...heee heeee

Hari ni my friend yang pergi miri sarawak post gambar goreng pucuk paku ni..perghhhh mengiurkan:)

And to The Singing Pilot..aiyayaa..why you takut nak kawen? Sangat happening tak experience lagi..don't you wish that you will be in kain pelikat and doing something like in the picture one day???ha haa joke aside..berkahwin,mempunyai pasangan adalah salah satu keindahan hidup kurniaan Allah swt yang tak terhingga..jangan takut untuk melaluinya sekiranya jodoh ada.Sekiranya tak ada jodoh hidup masih boleh di nikmati bersama orang2 yang tersayang,bersama keluarga..sekiranya anda di uji tidak berkahwin,tidak juga punya keluarga nikmati lah jugak hidup di berikan Allah kerana masih banyak nikmat2 dan keindahan di dunia ini yang boleh kita cari;):)

Dan kepada semua yang meninggalkan komen,i think ada yang menghadapi cabaran dalam berumahtangga,hadapi lah dengan tenang dan penuh kebijaksanaan,we speak somemore soon;)

Bye bye have a wonderful weekend everybody:) Ni gambar i dengan 2 orang online friends Gee Harun on the left and Ita Edwan on the right,kenal2 masa fotopages;) dulu sorang kat Manchester,sorang kat Riyadh now dua2 dah balik Malaysia:) Kita orang ada anak yang sebaya pulak tu..kegemaran lebih kurang sama borak tak cukup masa:) InshAllah ada masa kita jumpa lagi ye:);)


  1. Sedapnya pucuk midin tu..meleleh air lioq!

  2. Hahhh???? mr pilot takut nak kawin? hihi

    Zu kalau zu buat program masak2 jgn lupa jemput akak as a tukang makan ok....atau yg temankan zu gi massage :D
    zu...kita punya impian yg sama :-D
    that why l love your blog .

  3. Askum K.zu,

    great friday for all my saudara seumat...especially dear sis.zu,
    hope you will have a wonderfull days with all special person at home especially uwan...mudah2ah Allah murahkan rezeqi dan cucuri rahmat to you and all your family Amin...anyway kalau K.zu nak tau buat teh tarik yg best and the special one just email me than will tell rahsia-rahsianya.....cara mamak normally buat...especially teh tarik penang...kekekekek wauuuuu...but dont worry sure I will tell how mamak use make teh tarik wangi....insyAllah...anyway take care and hv good day...


  4. I wish I could have these kitchen too. Pandai u masak eh.. terliur tengok nya

  5. kan berangan, nak nak lagi cuaca mendung ni, berangan sampai ke awanlah kita hehehe..lagi syiok sebab we going to have long weekend! yeaaaahaaa..

    Happy weekend chef Zu :))

  6. Cantiknya playhouse tu. so lucky kita dulu2 dok kg boleh main pondok2 serata keliling rumah. kids skrg ni nak main kat luar pun dah takut sbb t'dedah dgn bahaya. keluar main kat playground pun kena b'teman. So lucky tiamia dpt playhouse tu

  7. cubby house dah siap! best la tia mia, mama selalu ada project interesting. that kitchen memang gorgeous, takpe sabar for the bigger project.


  8. itu pucuk midin tu....sgt kakak ipar org kuching, die slalu bawak balik kl pucuk midin tu..buat goreng belacan...i loiiikee

  9. salam from england, been enjoying all your posts but no time to comment, been very busy! hope you are well zu…so touched with your post abt parents…and now you're talking abt marriage, very interesting topic! how old is singing pilot, kawin jangan tak kawin…no need to be scaredlah! :)

  10. salam kak zue and family. talking bout baking class, call me in. nak join ;). have a good day.

  11. Hahahaha ur response truly made my day. Kerana diri ini tgh stress haha. I dunno when it comes to marriage n wedding, the fuluihh involved is soo overwhelmin makes me freaked out. Lg baik guna duet utk kawen pegi perth n stay at rented vacay homes kann haha

  12. Tercicir satu fakta:

    I seriously feel soo insecure pakai kain pelikat. Sbb asyik nk longgar je. Plus angin kuat jd marilyn monroe lak. Ade yg jd tayangan perdana lak kang haha

  13. Salam kak zue..
    Tu bukan pucuk paku but pucuk midin.
    Mmg femes emes Kt sarawak..hehe

  14. Salam kak zue..
    Tu bukan pucuk paku but pucuk midin.
    Mmg femes emes Kt sarawak..hehe

  15. salam mtm, me oso loves nigella, dia masak dia makan seme npk sedap bebeno, y eh, sbb dia cantik kot ya, hihi

  16. kak zu:sukanya pasal nasihat kahwin kak zu tu.married or unmarried,nikmatilah kurniaan tuhan yang ada.have a nice day!
