Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cooking @ Rue De Amat.

Pernah dengar lagu and rasa sedih for no reason tak?Masa i kecik banyak betul terpengaruh dengan lagu2 yang bukan zaman i:) The gap between my sister Maklang and brother Pashik are big, when i grew up our house were filled with their kinda songs:) maklang listened to DJ Dave,Hail Amir,David Cassidy while Pashik had Broery Marantika,Emilya Contessa, Boney M, the end i listened to all those.And among all i can't find the answer why i feel sad when listening to Broery Marantika songs..especially the one with this lyric " Sepanjang jalan kenangan ku peluk diri mu mesra.."  ha ha i feel sedih:):)

Talking about teringat i want to share my groceries shopping and cooking at Rue de Amat,Geneva.Rue De Amat was the name of the road where our apartment was located.I am the type that really appreciate memories,so wherever i go i always have fond memories at that place.I cooked for 12 days at Rue de Amat,we walked to the local market,sat at their cafes,laughed at their parks..Alhamdulillah i have 3 special people that can share those memories with me..with them semua pun manis.

Seminggu berpuasa di Geneva dan sehari yang akhir di Paris sangat istimewa;) Walaupun panjang dari pukul 3.30am - 9.00pm tapi banyak yang boleh dibuat mengisi ruang2 menunggu berbuka;)

Antara menu ringkas di masak was chicken soup with ginger and whatever spices that i can find;);)

I managed to find kacang buatlah kacang bubur kacang hijau;)

Sekarang tengok gambar macam rasa sedih berbuka puasa 4 beranak di dapur asing di negara orang..tapi masa tu tak lah sedih..kecuali bila teringat uwan..tapi tahu uwan okay rumah maklang:): I guess after meeting,walking and cooking i was too tired to be sad at that time;)

Ini lah routine berbuka sepanjang di geneva,the two will accompany us walaupun they tak puasa dan dah makan awal..they tak tahan nak tunggu pukul 9.00 after long bath in the bath tub they sure lapar terjerit-jerit;)

Ada hari yang i tak ada meeting pagi and we didn't feel like going far,we just walked to the lake to kill the lah dah tak boleh makan kan..we bought kebab from the halal shop packed for the girls and took it to the lake.

The girls were very good at entertaining themselves..semua pun boleh jadi fun for them;)

The water was really cold but they stilled want to be inside the water.

The two had a good time at Geneva lake.

Clean and clear water here.

Our apartment was behind those hotel rows and we had to walk like 10  or 15 mins to go back.

While they played me and hb just sat there and appreciate the time we have together.

Plus berangan-angan jugak:)

The wind was cold at the lake but that didn't stop the two from having fun.

Time is up and should make a move to go buy groceries now..nanti nak masak bukak puasa...sini tak ada pasar ramadhan tau;)

pack your thing and lets go to Migros.

Migros is one of the local supermarket in geneva, i bought canned food,milk butter etc from here.

They have keropok udang too..yang sama rasa macam kat sini..they were from Thailand.

wahhh bestnyer..

Walaupun these two never kisah pun nak makan this type kat rumah tapi kat tempat orang pandai pulak suka makan benda yang remind us of our own country..familiar taste always nice if you are far from home.

Berjalan-jalan kat lorong Geneva tu i jumpa kedai thai..suka gila ler jumpa Mr Pohtai ni:)

mangga muda i beli kat kedai ceylonese infront of our apartment..tak masalah nak makan benda mesia kat sini kalau tahu nak cari mana..tak lah ada kat supermarket but ada kat kedai2 tertentu.

I beli kambas jugak...mahal pun mahal lah ..airflown from Thai ni;)

And i always love buying their button mushrooms here.

I bought homous dip..sedappp:)

macam2 lah yang i beli macam nak duduk setahun..parboiled rice ni however tak lah sedap sangat,,bagus for health pun yang penting tekak dulu:)

rasam powder pun beli..Brand "aachi' ni semua rempah dia sedap..hari tu cari kat Kl rupanya ada jual di TTDI punya pasar lah semua indian and chinese kat pasar TTDI tu International:)

He he maruku and biscuit marie pun i jumpa.

Maruku from Kerala..kalau kat mesia tak heran pun ..kat sini RM23 pun beli lah jugak.

Kitchen at Rue De Amat..petite and cute.

Dua orang ni suka makan cut veges with dip kat sini.

Seronoknya dapat masak petai dgn udang harimau..kat sini udang harimau murah dari udang kertas.

Harap2 neighbour tak lah pening bau sambal kita orang.

sedappp..hilang kerinduan pada rumah;)

Then potong mangga muda pulak nak gulai;)

Gulai dengan ikan..kuah pekat2..wahh sangat sedap woo;)

Jumpa pulak ikan masin kat kedai ceylon tadi..apa lagi..lagi lah terangkat;)

Itu lah antara kenangan di rue de amat..terasa sedih jugak berpisah..macam lagu 'sepanjang jalan kenangan ku peluk diri mu mesra"..waaaaa sodih ingat broery pulak..he he

Okay lah thank you  pada yang berkunjung..kata2 yang baik..Thank You Yatie NZ..tak tau lah ada rezki nak ke NZ dan menjengok verandah belakang rumah you yang berlangit biru indah itu ;)

Alhamdulillah dengan segala kurniaan Allah...berada di tanah air sendiri satu nikmat tidak terhingga..walaupun seronok mencari pengalaman di tempat lain..tapi kasih sayang tetap tertumpah di sini..sebab apa?? sebab banyak petaiiiiii;);).Ta Ta Ti Ti Tu Tu:)


  1. sehat2nya Mr PohTai kat sana..hihi
    aduiiii sodapppnya gulai mangga pekat tu...akak pun suka buat pekat2.

    Akak pun selalu ingatkan diri sendiri supaya sentiasa menikmati seadanya dimanapun kita berada sebab one day kita akan miss tempat kita pergi tu kan.

    ohhh ikan masin tu pun buat akak telan air liur kat sini.

  2. Salam Zu,
    wahh jauh di sana pun ada potai fresh. tak mcm perth jumpa yg frozen dan dlm tin aje. seronok baca citer zu, travel jauh2 pun tp masih boleh memasak dan hidang masakan sedap2 utk family. :)

  3. gila clear air tasik tersebut, rasa nk berenang tanpa henti. kak where did ur hubby bought dat shoes??

  4. Wahhhh pohtaiii totapp menjadi pooojaan hati Ahkak...kikikiki...anyway Akak mmg terbaek la, wlu dinegara org, u love to cook...u inspired me la Ahkak...

  5. Kak, gambar2 dalam entri sangat cantik. Masih guna kamera Olympus ke? Teruja dengan hidangan yang akan masak di Geneva.. Macam di Malaysia je.. Terasa lapar pula perut ni.. :D

    Seronok melihat anak2 akak bermain di tepi pantai tu... Berangan apalah agaknya papa Tia dan Mia yek... hehe :)

  6. :) sukanya tengok, indahnya nampak.... Beruntung sangat TiaMia.

    Kak Azu, Uwan sihat ?

  7. Salam zu, you are right, nothing can beat the beauty of our own country kan...i kalau balik malaysia yg pertama sekali i cari ialah ulam2 traditional kita, petai jering kerdas tu jgn cakap lah, mmg kegemaran i hehehee...kat sini jering dgn kerdas tak de, tapi petai ada...


  8. salam mtm..faham sangat sangat mtm appreciates memories, sama mcm my hubby, dah birth date sama kan..tat y i rasa kenal sesangat dgn mtm sbb kalau hubby ppn sure hubby cam mtm..hihi

    aduhaiiii, sedap semua yang dimasak, indah semua yang di pandang, semoga berkekalan dan bertambah manis memories yang bakal dicipta dimasa depan, aamiin ya Rabb :)

  9. sedih de amat ;)
    the pictures will relive the sweet memories!

  10. Bila la turn sy nak pegi oversea cam kak zu. Setakat over de sea cam sabah srwk dah pernah. Untung tia mia kan.
    Femes tul potai tu smpi kt situ pun ada. ;))
    So sweet tgk kak zu satu family. Nnt bwk la uwan lak yo. :)))

  11. Seronoknyer duduk obersi...makanan tu nampak sungguh menyelerakan...lagi lagi di tempat sejuk..meleleh ayaq liuq..hehe

  12. salaam mamatiamia, admire yr creativity in cooking esp masa kat kalau travel, even duduk kat apartment pun sure bawak makanan segera dari sini kalau boleh bawak...malas mencari pun iyer jugak..jadi selalu lah creative dengan lauk telor jer since duduk pun tak lama few days telor pun telor lah..

  13. salam zu, this is one of your best posts…i pun rasa sedih pulak tiba2…perhaps becoz for me my life in the West is a permanent one, not a short stay. In the beginning memang teramat sedih, to realize that i've left all my loved ones in malaysia…but life goes on kan…as you said to me before, now i'm creating sweet memories with my loved ones here…thank you for this insight of how you feel when you're away from our homeland…always treasure the memories wherever we are...
