Monday, October 1, 2012

Keep Calm and Cook On!

Salam:) Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me:)

Kalau bukak topic kau lelaki dan aku wanita ni..memang macam2 feedback kan:) Moga semua yang terbaik untuk semua orang; berpasangan atau tidak yang pertama perlu di buat hargai diri sendiri dulu..kalau telah meletakkan diri di tempat yang betul baru lah kita melihat semua yang betul di kelilingi kita. Sebab bak kata orang mana boleh nak bahagia 24 jam kan..kita manusia mestilah ada gelora dan guruh di dalam hati..itu lumrah..yang penting cara doa well,control well,InshAllah you live well.

Semalam balik office penat..macam2 kat office tapi terasa nak sangat nak baking. When a little something not important is bothering you focus on doing  something more important.A simple thing like baking or cooking which can bring smile to everybody's face will eliminate the little something in your heart:)

Last night after bukak puasa etc i relax for few mins then i buat wholemeal bread pudding..lain sikit dari yang selalu buat tu.Untuk these two small baking casseroles i used 4 slices of Massimo wholemeal bread,shred finely and put in a bowl.In a separate bowl i beat 1 egg,add a cup of evaporated milk, 1 spoon of vanilla,2 spoonfulls of condensed milk and a pinch of cinnamon powder,mix well with the shreded bread.Grease your casserole dish well with butter or magarine and leave a spoon of butter/magarine at the base for a better taste.

Pre heat your oven at 180 degrees...after 10 mins you can put in your bread pudding.

Tadaaaa.. gorgeous kan.. i love the colour and the texture too..unlike the version which i always made whereby the bread pudding was slightly cripsy on top and i added raisin, this one is a soft and creamy version.

Smells heavenly too..the combination of vanilla,planta and cinnamon powder was just intoxicating:)

Serve it with a warm evaporated sedappp:) This is my own recipe..setiap orang ada recipe yang tersendiri..sebab dulu ada yang comment kat fb 'ishh lain pulak cara bread pudding dia:):)" I suka bread pudding selain my hb's favourite it is a very simple dessert to make as you just need to use  ingredient which you can find in your fridge or kitchen cabinet:)

Worth every effort to serve these lovely and sweet people:)
Ada yang mintak recipe sponge cake kan..terus lah i teringat belajar kat ICCA dulu with my sister,niece and best friend..kenangan manis..sangat seronok:)

Macam2 cake kita orang buat..hiasan pulak apa yang teragak ajer:)

My beautiful lemon sponge cake at ICCA.

Untuk sponge cake better use the pan with hole in the middle sebab baru senang masak and sekata tapi sebab kat rumah tak der acuan ni..i guna ajer yang biasa.

I decided to share the proper recipe,yang i buat hari tu tak ikut aturan sangat sebab nak cepat,i didn't separate the eggs the texture was too fine, the correct method is as follows:

200 grms floor
1 tablespoon baking powder
200 g butter at room temperature
200g sugar
4 eggs

Pre heat oven at 180,grease pan and paper with butter.Separate eggs white and yolk, sieve flour and baking powder.Beat  butter for a while,add sugar and continue beating.Add egg yolks one at a time,beat everytime you add in the eggs,add vanilla. Beat white eggs in separate bowl until it forms a stiff peak, add in egg white in butter, slowly add in the flour by folding it carefully with the mixture.Spread evenly in a pan and bake for 30 - 40 mins.
Selamat mencuba.And untuk yang bertanya recipe tea including Annhuzi..i kena mintak kebenaran dari Rose ya..the simple method i used was to boil the tea leaves ( used Boh as i couldn't find the three types of tea as recommended by rose), add in few cardamom(buah pelaga),few slices of ginger, 2 cengkih,1 kulit kayu manis and 2 helai daun pandan di potong..simmer for at least 10 mins, tapis dalam bekas,tambah evaporated milk and condensed milk ( i gagal ikut recipe Rose sepenuhnya..sebab tak semua barang ada)..then tarik..alhamdulillah sangat nice..i think if follow the exact steps taught by Rose it will be nicer:)

 And hu hu.. happy mode.. i dah order JM for Hari Raya Haji:):) tapi pre order mesti lambat dapat:( apron says....."Keep Calm and Cook On!"..Ta taaaa;);)


  1. thanks azu! recipe teh tarik idaman kalbu :)

  2. Salam Kak Zu,
    Fieza pun baru tadi tengok JM kat Poplook...
    Cantik kan?

  3. Salam kak zu n thanks for the recipes.
    Keep calm n keep blogging.. Hehe. ^_^v
    *Mana sambungan sinetron semlm?

  4. salam mtm, tq for the puding roti resipe, sukerr, jazakallah khair :))


  5. nak try version yg ni best je ni...roti pon ade lebih kak umah...balik ni wajib buat...

  6. Akak..

    First..tq ye sudi jengah blog saya yg merapu je tu.
    Second...saya pun rindu bangat kat baking class.Rasa nk pegi balik pun ada kan....kikikiki..(tapi tang fees tu tak menahan tuh)
    Third...mano nak dapek apron tuha? mengancam lak aii
    Fourth...puding tu mcm best.Nanti nak try...
    Fifth...akak beli kat mana alas meja kotak2 merah putih tu ye? Selalu jumpa kotak2 yg kecik je.Yg besar jarang jumpa.
    Sixth...nape anak buah akak Ikin tu tak update blog dah..Saya suka rumah dia.Cool je

    Fuhyooo banyak lak tanya kan kikikiki.

  7. Dh lama teringin nk buat bread pudding tu. Tp oven xde lak kat sini. Kene tunggu balek malaysia. Sronok tgk ur mr sherlock holmes bein so lovin spendin time with the twins. I'll be luvin to my nieces too insyaallah. N I'm nt sayin abt my own kids hahaha

  8. love your apron…bread pudding is absolutely warming to have in autumn…yours nampak sedap sangat!

  9. Serious.... bread puding nampak sangat sedap..TQ for sharing the recipe.. Nice apron!

  10. kak, first time singgah sini through ada sorang blogger rekemen. sekali baca terus admire. hai hot mommy yang super rajin! :))

  11. HI kak zue. bread pudding sedap kan. cekidaud recipe saya pula choc chip bread pudding ;). nyum nyum
