Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Night...

Salam All:)

It was raining yesterday and most of us women have the same feeling..wanting to go back fast to our family at home.Ada yang stuck on the road ya? memang tak sabar kan:) Rain brings melancholic feeling too:( and to Niza who has lost her mom in May 2012 Al Fatihah..not easy surely..remember her in doa always.

Last night i wanted to tell cerita hantu here.. but i was too tired so i just curled up in bed under the thick blanket with two "warm bolsters" next to me:) I love to tell stories since I was small:) Yesterday my niece Si Ayan Boom Boom (he he..tak pe.. she said she only sees pictures in my blog but too lazy to read the write up) picked me up at office and we had lunch together..we talked and talked..we talked about my two girls who are very talkative and outgoing:) So i told my niece, when i was small i was very quiet compared to my big sister yang outgoing,bergaya,and ramai peminat! My niece said yang part suka bergaya tu runs in the family:);) sebab my brothers all very particular about clothing,appearance etc.. i told her not me because i was simple and malu2,then she said "maksu the ugly duckling lah ye" Well i guess it's true..not in a same term like in the Ugly Duckling's storybook where all the siblings were evil..my brothers and sister were very nice to me..cuma i was so kurus and dark when i was small:) But i told my niece when i was in secondary school i decided to do something about my public speaking,confident etc ..i enrolled into story telling competitions, dancing,music,art competition etc..bukan bagus pun tapi nak masuk jugak..at one of the story telling competition event  i just stood infront of everybody and the story didn't come out ..haaa..haa..dancing pun selalu jadi lelaki ajer sebab my sister selalu potong rambut i pendek:)

Anyway this is the last night story..it is not The Twilight Zone but "Food Zone!"

While in the office i was thinking hard about what to buy for dinner..nothing fancy me that i ended up cooking Gulai Masak lemak cilipadi ayam and this goreng kacang panjang with pedal and hati ayam:) Masa dulu2 orang cakap budak lelaki belum bersunat lagi tak boleh makan pedal ayam kan.;)

I ate a alot last night and i skipped my usual hot chocolate/tea before going to sleep..but then when i went down to the kitchen to take cough medicine for Tia..ayaya..nampak banyak lah benda in the kitchen and accidentally ate this sweet buttery buns:):)

I opened my freezer and looked inside..and decided to make toast with hotdogs and potato rosti the next morning:);) Oh ya..i keep my leftover pasta sauce in the freezer,it will last longer:);)

Yup i am ready to bake Red Velvet soon! i ve bought all the ingredients yesterday..happy:)

My two girls always like to eat chocolate and honey sandwich in the morning..so i replenished the  stock yesterday.

Ahaaa.. nasib baik dia kenal this time..he he Heni put the Vinegar on the kitchen counter finally:) last time i bought nice table salt from Geneva Heni put it on my make up table;):)But i suspect mesti dia ingat vinegar ni Olive Oil sebab tu dia letak kat sini:)

This morning ..tadaaaa! No potato rosti..i cooked mee goreng mamak with isi kepah,eggs,tomato and dried tofu instead:):)

And before i go to office this morning,i laid down uwan's baju on her bed:) I carikkan baju kurung yang matching dengan colour cardigan:)..she's going to the bank with my brother today to update her bank book..she always excited to go for a 'date' with my brother..sebab after that my brother will take her for makan2 etc.The bank's staffs are super nice to Uwan too..last time my brother said..Uwan had VIP treatment.they came and chatted with uwan and they even offered to come to the car if uwan cannot walk to the counter..so sweet kan.

Finally "The Ugly Duckling" went to office in pink today! Ha ha tutup mata so pink! Hmm i tak pandai pakai make up mata except one eyeliner on top and kadang2 guna jari tenyeh eyeshadow satu line besar;):)..should see eyemakeup tutorial one of these days;);)hari ni pakai Bokitta..I love Bokitta walaupun macam tudung budak sekolah yang pakai sarung ajer;);) ..tapi tak payah pakai satu pin pun..sangat senang! and so happy to hear that Veil Art is going to open one boutique near my place soon..yeayyy:):)

And to Suraya (ayan's friend) yang beritahu mana nak beli cup lids tu plus few readers yang lain thanks so much.Suraya ..i enjoy reading your blog last time..people can be mean kan..just remember Ibnu Maqaffa words okay ;):) For the time being i just write my story here but one day i might just write my story in a real diary in my room;);)

Tomorrow InshAllah i am going to meet somebody from Perth! Excited;);)

To all readers in Malaysia,NZ,UK,OZ, middle east,Singapore..and wherever you are salam from me..ehh  hari tu i tengok i ada readers dari India,US,France(kenal kak nor paris ajer)  jugak..walaupun tak tau siapa..Helloooo All;):)


  1. Assalamualaikum kak zu. im your new reader for d past month and i SUPER LOVEEEE read ur blog. rsa macam dok kat rumah akak jee bila bca blog akak ni.. i enjoy read it and xsabar nak baca d next entry! hehee :p

  2. Salam Kak Zu,

    You looked pink la today.So cute...

  3. Kak, leaps baca entry ni, saya dah buka to public..Hope those mean people won't find my latest one.. Ayan's so lucky..I wish I have an aunt like you.. =)


    pay me a visit..... love u kak

  4. akak, i'm loving ur kitchen coz its well stocked. wanted to hit carrefour yesterday to get stocked up tp fikirkan nk diet, trus xjd hahaha. Padahal lepas tu melantak nasik pdg hahaha

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. kak zu, yeay i pun pink ari ni.
    bleh la gi Baskin Robbins beli aiskrim~~ Pink Wednesday!

  7. salam from breezy england, love the pink and mee goreng mamak…and uwan's nicely laid clothes…you are a wonderful daughter, may Allah bless you always.

  8. Hello pink mama! assalamualaikum..

    Kak Zue you're going to meet a wonderful lady, umiyumi !! I met her last friday. Send my regards to her ya.

    And to sweet twins and uwan too!!! and heni too...hihihi...say hi to her.

  9. aishhhh tengah2 view entry nie, en DH ternampak pulak gambar mee goreng tu yang nampak sedap katanya..so sekarang kena goreng untuk dia breaking fast :-)..have a wonderful week ahead mamatiamia and family :-)

  10. salam mtm, so sweet u siapakan baju uwan, ahhh me must polo...heni oso popular here..hihihi, tumpang glamer mtm n family ..:))..read comments kata u looks like hawa in tat adam hawa drama..u lg bayak sugar laaaa...tata

  11. You look very very pretty in pink. And the resemblance of TiaMia is very obvious. :)

  12. assalamualaikum..
    im your new reader from Madinah. sejak jumpa blog nih dok belek baca ur post sampai yg tahun2 lepas... hehe seronok dan sgt inspire me.. keep on updating yer..
    satu lg selalu la terliur ur masak lemak kuning tiap kali nampak i akan masak lauk tu esok nye hehehe...

  13. Alahaia bestnyer uwan dapat special treatment ...bahagianya uwan kan to have anak anak like u all....pls send my very big hug to her....

  14. Wah akak nampak cantik sangat dengan baju warna pink.. Tudung tu cantik.. Akak beli kat mana ye? Veil Art tu butik ke? (nampak benar tak tau..)

    Seronok dengar cerita Uwan dapat layanan baik oleh staf bank.. Kirim salam Nur kat Uwan ye... memang she's so lucky dapat anak2 prihatin macam akak dan abang akak.

    Teringin nak bake red velvet.. Blog akak ni buat kami semua rajin nak masak macam2 .. Eh.. akak readers baru dari Madinah la... wah readers serata negara baca blog akak ni tau... Keep on writing...bye

  15. kak zu, nampak sgt muda in pink!nice!hehehe

  16. waaahh glamour you Zu, satu donia baca blog you ;) i mmg suka baca blog you ni sbb banyak gambar lauk pauk sedap2 hehehee, dan jugak cerita uwan yg selalu buat i rasa insaf di hati masyaAllah, dan cerita tiamia yg cute tu :)))


  17. tudung budak sekolah sesuai for u yang still look like inesen school girl :)
    best la ugly duckling dah jadi beautiful swan :)
    ur mee mamak ooh sedapnya!

  18. salam zu lma aida x singgah sini.....waaaa sedapnya kacang panjang dengan pedal tu kan....

  19. kak zue, kat mana kak zue beli vanilla extract brand wilton ?

  20. Hitam waktu kecik ye...
    Akak waktu kecik lagi legam...rumah dkt pantai Dan asyik main netball jer.
    Cantik tudung zu...senang x yah pakai pin ye.

  21. Salam kak zu. Sy ingatkan ada citer hantu kt ending n3 nih. Rupa2nya ugly duckling yg dah jd swan kaler pink gitu. So sweet n ofkos nmpk mudo. I loike..:)))

  22. Pinky day huh???

    Should see you Bokitta one day.. Maybe masa makan cucur udang dgn tutorial eyeliner dgn Gee Harun. hehe.

    Wah.. Finally u met Ummihamid. The last time i saw her was in Form 5. Lepas sekolah, langsung tak jumpa. Then met her back in fb virtually. hehe.

    Have a nice day Azu!

  23. Yes! heni popular kat sini..ekekek

  24. love to hear your stories ;) tudung bokitta mmg best..very easy to wear..i normally stock up my bokitta from this website www.myvalorem.com they're having a big sale ..really big sale.but i'm not sure until when..lagi satu ada telekung berbatu..i siap beli sampai 4 pasang untuk my mom and my sis..ye la, x pernah jumpa telekung camtu..very comfortable..

  25. love your stories..tudung bokitta mmg best..very easy to wear..i stock up my bokitta from this website www.myvalorem.com they're having a big sale..really BIG SALE but i'm not sure until when..lagi satu ada telekung berbatu..i siap beli sampai 4 pasang untuk my mom and my sis..ye la, x pernah jumpa telekung camtu..very comfortable..
